unlucky day

Chapter one: unlucky day

Can't you see?
There's beauty in the darkness
Even in the coldest storms
Even in the heaviest rain
Even in you


I cried inside after I stopped in the middle of the road putting my hands on  a my knees trying to hold my breaths again, "aiish",  what am I doing outside at 4 pm running after a bus after I was late to get in, like he gonna stop it for me, they can't be soft for one day, it's not my fault is it?, Okay I know it's mine but.....eh whatever, it's seems like I have to push those two legs towards my home this evening " you fucking cruel world tsk"
Well that's me the most unlucky girl on this planet, an orphan who made her self on her own .I lost my parents at the age of 15 I leaved in an orphanage till I became 18 now at the age of 22 I can't see myself anywhere else, I'm an artist specifically a painter .My dream is to open my own art gallery where I can show my paintings to the whole world, I loved painting since I was little girl.
I learned to live depending on myself I never needed anyone, the only thing I want is to have a baby for myself my own baby I don't want to share him with anybody else but I know it's impossible my best friend Minji always says that I'm crazy for thinking this way she always says that I need to be married to have a baby but I don't need a man I just need a baby I know it's hilarious, whatever.

As I walked to my street, shoving my hands in my thin sweeter pockets, throwing a kind of lazy careless steps, talking to myself, I was doing it until I realized that pair of eyes look at me every time I pass next to someone, I was literally cursing on my bad luck today, first I was late for painting classes, then I dropped my palette on the ground which leads to ruin my classmate portrait Because of paint splash, then here I'm late on the bus and I back walking all the way home on my two small feet, *sigh*, it's just how it goes sometimes.
As I arrived at my building I lifted my head to see its height, that's another bad thing my apartment which is situated in the highest level in this building ,to reach it I have to take the stupid elevator.
If you're asking why I don't like it this much?! , It's a long story.

I sighed and I didn't really had the mood to be inside that moment, so I just found a near bench and sat on it, I was punching my knees lightly , more like a massage,  because I walked for about 50 minutes straight, well I know I was walking like a lazy Grandma but still, the weather is good, my favorite, it rained today, and there's a very cool not very cold breeze, the petrichor was around me, I smelled the rain on the ground, I felt alive as I walked, and my mood cooled down a bit.

I put my headphones on for a song, you know that moment when you suddenly find a song that you used to be obsessed with but forgot if it still on your playlist, that's it, I was singing along with it, as my hands were inside my pockets again, swinging my legs...

I felt the cold breeze suddenly, and my skin shivers, I shrink in my sweeter hugging myself with my arms, I think it's getting colder and it's time to go inside now , I put my phone and headphones on my pocket again and stood up.

I opened my eyes after a blink of time, I was shutting them hard, feeling like I just got the coldest shower ever, I'm all wet. So damn wet from head to toe, what the hell was that???!.
I felt like time stopped for a moment and it was in slow motion as the limited edition black Bugatti Veyron passed by me, I saw the jerk's face, and the lady's figure next to him in the front seat,  his face was iconic with a serious expression looking like a damn devil.
I back to reality as the car passed by me hitting me with cold breeze and loud noice, as my haid sections flied back.

I stopped for a moment before I realized again I'm freezing, *you fucking bastard* go to hell with that stupid so called black cockroach car , *aish* I yelled with a crying tone, *like I killed the king in my previous life* and that was a pretty good last scene of my day * you feel the sarcasm* sigh* .

I run inside the building to that stupid elevator, I know I hate it but I had to get used to it, it's not like I'll fly to my apartment or something, I'm not Spyder man, when I entered the house I took of my shoes and went straight to my bathroom, I was so angry that I almost ripped my clothes when taking them off, I took a nice hot shower, a cleaned my body twice with my peach shower gel, just to make sure that the dirt water is not on my scene anymore, ew...
I put on a light pink pyjamas with a white bunny on the shirt, childish I know, but it's so comfy , and went straight to my bed.
I was so tired that I slept with an empty stomach.

The next day I woke up late, *oh my gosh* and yes, I even forgot to set my alarm yesterday, which was the worst day ever.
I did my morning routine in a blink , thanks god I showered last night. and went out running my heart out, praying that the bus still there, if not I swear I'll just go back and sleep, I ain't Walking today too.
*You little nasty * the bus there I was cursing under my breath but luckily today I wasn't late. I hurriedly went in and took my seat beside a window.
I made my classes today, I greeted my teacher and a class mate of mine, I'm not really close to anyone here, ya know...
I never felt bored in my painting classes, is that weird, am I the only one on earth ?! But I just enjoy every minute of it. I love it . After we finished I decided to go buy something to eat since I didn't eat since yesterday, I walked to a store and bought a cup of ramen and a bottle of sprite and some snakes ,I didn't feel like going to anywhere, I just needed some freshy places, the breeze is cool today too, * ookay joen Mari, it's Time of han River*

*Waah, I feel like alive* it's not like i As dead,, but you can feel the amount of freshness here , I looked around for a seat, i bet my ramen is starting to get bored Because I didn't eat it yet, I  went straight to sit  on it, an old man there so I asked him first if I could seat with him and he kindly accepted, he seems so lonely *aigoo* .
I opened my cup and started eating, I looked beside me and saw that halabeoji lost in his mind, I'm I the only one enjoying the weather  I here?! Hmm.

*ohhh halabeoji, do you want to share with me?? * He turned looking at me and smiled
*no thank you miss*
*..halabeoji, ooh yeaa* I said I turned to my place again to eat, I stop chowing as I noticed that he was so silent.
* Halabeoji * I called and he looked at me * yes miss!*
*I don't want to be rude and involve myself in your things but I always tell my self that food can make you forget your problems so please accept my offer* I said that smiling
* Aigoo, you are too determined​, thank you so much * He returned the smile *do you now that this days we can't find nice people like you, all what matters for them is money and appearances, what's bothering me is that my grandson*.

*Eeh, yeah, he's a stubborn guy, and I'm feeling like loosing him everyday* he said looking at his two hands placed on the top of his black stick.
*Ooh, is that so, does he do bad things to you?!*
*Not really, but I'm getting older, and he's not making his mind to be a better person, I'm afraid if I leave someday and he gets swallowed by the cruel world but he's a careless bad guy*
*Yes, I think I know what you mean* I frowned as his words, how can he make his grandpa so sad like that, I would slap him if I knew who he is, i felt as my eyebrows almost stick together as I remembered that guy who splashed water on me like a jerk, yeah, that's kind of guys, the virus of the society, eegh..
*He must be a stupid boy, I wonder why those guys, quit being so stubborn and idiotic and start appreciate the things they have , i don't really know what they use to think, but I'm sure it's not a brain... it's okay halabeoji, I know it's....*
As I was talking non stop, I saw him as he suddenly start moaning the pain, kinda loosing conscious and placed his hand on his left side where his Heart is, his stick fell on the ground and he almost fell on the flour before I hardly catch him, * oh my gosh, halabeoji!! , Halabeoji!!* I was trying to check if he can hear me by shaking him, but no, I got terrified, no one was around, *911,911* I was repeating the numbers with my mouth, and with my shaking hands I took my phone and called the ambulance.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, two guys with white uniforms came out of it running, they took him inside and I followed them I took his phone from his pocket and called the last number ..
*yes grandpa what is it?!*
*uuughhh... I'm sorry but your grandpa now is in an ambulance and we're taking him to the hospital he fainted outside *
I asked the doctor next to me she told me the hospital's name and give it to him as soon as I told him he hung up * what the ...* I almost said a bad word but I stopped as I realized i'm in  a an ambulance with  a a sick granpa and some other people , yay me.
I was holding the old man's hand and praying that he'll be okay I really felt bed for him. *Wake up please*
We arrived at the hospital and they hurriedly took him inside a room, they asked me to stay outside as I was following them where they were going, I stopped and saw the while door closed behind them, I sighed then turned around lean on the wall.
*Wait, what time is it?!* 7:30 pm already, my stomach was singing weird pop, i barely ate something in the han River too, I also left everything on the seat, *sigh* I really need to get me something now, seriously.
as soon as I turned around, my world stopped again and the slow motion back again, that's so weird, I saw a face with mixed expressions, worried but angry, a guy who's looking around, asking the nurses, the slow motion of his hands and head moving, his eyes checking around, his black band sections swinging from left to right, pale skin ....why so familiar,  I woke up on the very huge crowd of  doctors running towards me with a moving bed, I pushed myself to the side to let them pass.
After seconds ,I walked two steps to check on the guy again but he wasn't there , I looked around but all I saw is the typical hospital movement.
I felt as a pair of hands placed on my shoulders from the back and swing me around to face the person.
