
I gazed at the door as it started creeking open. Still stood at the back of the concer of the room in the darkness a figure walked into the room. I couldn't see much as we was in pure darkness just me and him. He looked around the room which I think he may be looking for a light switch. Quickly I sat down on the floor and made it look like my leg was still captured in that chain lock. As soon as I adjusted the chain the lights beamed into my face and blinded my eyes as I haven't seen light for ages.

Slowly opening up my eyes I saw a male walking closer over to me. His moved bright blonde hair out of his greeny blue eyes. As I focused my eyes on his he looked at me with confustion. Giving out a weak smile I pushed my blue strands of hair back so it didn't look that messy. I gazed at him again he was wearing a grey beanie with a black hoodie and black ripped jeans. His shoes was crystal clear as there wasn't a speck of dirt on the white bottoms of the shoes. His hand went into his pocket and slowly revealed a pair of drum sticks. Slowly he pointed the drum sticks at me and wasn't smiling anymore. 

When his face turnt to a death stare he slowly mumbled "What have you done with Seth?" I removed the chain from my leg and stood up. Quickly I pushed his drum sticks down to the ground and said "His four years of this job is done. Now I'm the new leader I guess?" The guy looked around the room and picked up the note I crumbled up earlier. As he read it his eyes wondered over to me "So Cody?.. Your the new leader of this hell hole then?" I looked up at him "Yes I guess and what do you mean hell hole?" He ruffled up his hair And mumbled "I been stuck here for five years we are kept here until we are to old too play in the circus...anyways I guess I should take you to your new office" Slowly I nodded and followed him out of the door. 

After the guy shut the metal door he looked over at me and gave a weak smile "My name is Maxx by the way." I smiled back at him "Well I'm Cody as you know." We both laughed and then continued walking down the hallway. The walls was grey while the floor was a dark colour of wood. There was a couple of photos on the wall which was mostly a white cat and black dog. Also a few photos of someone and their family I'm guessing it was the other people who was trapped here. As we got up to the office Maxx opened the door and let me in. "Well I will see you around I guess." He smiled and slowly closed the door and walked off leaving me in this huge office alone..
