Chapter 6

Fury explained everything to me about my father. To say I was furious was an understatement. I was... something more angry than furious. Enraged, I guess? Whatever I'm too angry to think right now. Like why couldn't my dad just tell me that he was dying. At least I could have been prepared when he just died out of nowhere. I mean if I was dying I would definitely tell him.

We stop outside of a Randy's doughnut shop. My father is sitting in the middle of the giant doughnut on the top of the shop. We step out of the car, mine of course is more of a hobble. I hobble over to where Fury was standing by a traffic light pole. When I reach him he nods his head for me to start heading inside. Great I was being made fun of for being slow. Stupid dad and his stupid explosions and my stupid need for wanting to watch them. Ugh why do I have to want to watch cool things?

I hobble towards the shop and hear Fury yell up to my father, "Sir! I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut." I hold back a small laugh since anything involving my lungs feels like torture of another level. 

Dad flies down after a minute of thinking and lands next to Fury. I was like a minute away from the door. When they both start walking towards the door as well. "You going to walk faster or what?" dad asks me. "Oh, well, I would love to walk faster but when you decided to make a giant explosion in the house and decided to not make sure I was out of the way and I ended up bruising some ribs. So I can't walk faster," I say as I keep hobbling to the door.

Dad just walks up to me and matches my pace, "You want me to-" "No," I say strictly. We make it inside the door and I sit down in the nearest booth, dad sitting next to me and Fury across. "I told you I don't wanna join your super-secret boy band," dad says to Fury. "No, no, no. See, I remember, you do everything yourself. How's that working out for you?" Fury asked. "It's... It's... It's.. I'm sorry. I don't wanna get off on the wrong foot. Do I look at the patch or the eye? Honestly I'm a bit hungover. I'm not sure if you're real or if I'm having," dad says. "I am very real. I'm the realest person you're ever gonna meet," Fury replies. "Plus I'm here so," I add. Dad looks over at me funny, "Just my luck. Where's the staff here?" Dad looks to the side and I can see the weird burn, rash, thing on the side of my dads neck. "That's no looking so good," Fury says pulling the soft part of the suit down slightly. "I've been worse," dad mumbles taking a drink of coffee. 

"You got coffee without me," I whisper harshly to him. "We've secured the perimeter but I don't think we should hold it for too much longer," Natasha says as she stops by the table. Dad puts down his coffee and looks over his sunglasses at her. "Huh," dad says. Fury gets this huge grin on his face. Ooo I like this Fury guy. "You're fired," dad slurs out. "Boo," I say to dad and he glares at me. I stick my tongue out like a child. "That's not up to you," is Natasha's reply.

Natasha sits down next to Fury, "Tony, I want you to meet Agent Romanoff." "Hi," dad says. "I'm a SHIELD shadow. Once we knew you were ill, I was tasked to you by Director Fury," Natasha explains. "You know I'm kind of surprised I didn't figure out you were sick," I tell my father. Dad looks at me funny again and I smile at him. "I suggest you apologize," dad says.

"You've been very busy. You made your girl your CEO, you're giving away all you stuff. You have been ignoring Hailey. You let your friend fly away with your suit. Now, if I didn't know better," Fury says. "You don't know better. I didn't give it to him. He took it," dad says. "No I'm pretty sure you gave it to him dad. I mean you even told him and I quote, 'You want it? Take it'," I inform my father, "I mean I was there and all." Fury smiles at me and dad glares at me and says, "He took it. I know." "Is that even possible?" Fury asks Natasha. "Well, according to Mr. Stark's database security guidelines, there are redundancies to prevent unauthorized usage," Natasha explains.

Dad looks between the two for a minute, "What do you want from me?" I snort but immediately regret it as pain sears in my lower abdomen. "What do we want from you? What do you want from me?" Fury asks and Natasha walks off somewhere, "You have become a problem, a problem I have to deal with. Contrary to your belief, you are not the centre of my universe. I have bigger problems than you in the southwest region to deal with." Natasha comes back with a syringe. "Hit him," Fury says and Natasha stabs the needle into the side of my dads neck.

Dad bolts upright and Natasha just pats his face. "Oh, God, are gonna steal my kidney and sell it?" dad asks and Natasha turns dads head to the side and I notice the rash going down. "Could you please not do anything awful for five seconds? What did she just do to me?" dad asks. "What did we just do for you? That's lithium dioxide. It's gonna take the edge off. We're trying to get you back to work," Fury explains. "Give me a couple of boxes of that. I'll be right as rain," dad says. "It's not a cure, it just abates the symptoms," Natasha explains. "Doesn't look like it's gonna be an easy fix," Fury comments. "Trust me, I know. I'm good at this stuff. I've been looking for a suitable replacement for palladium. I've tried every combination, every permutation of every known element," dad says. "Well, I'm here to tell you, you haven't tried them all," Fury says.

We went home and I went up to my room to give dad and Fury a little privacy. I slowly lower myself onto my bed and lay my back onto the bed. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I sit up again and walk over to my desk. The device I was working on was still sitting there. I grab it and walk downstairs to see dad heading down to his lab. I follow him. Dad has a case that says 'Property of H. Stark'.

Dad gets down and pulls two chairs up by an old timey projector. Dad looks through a bunch of books. I realize this is my grandfather on the films dad is only listening to. I watch the films with an intense stare. "Everything is achievable through technology. Better living, robust heath, and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace. I'm Howard Stark, and everything you'll need for the future can be found right here. City of the Future? City of Tomorrow? City of... I'm Howard Stark and everything you'll need in the future can be found right here. So, from all of us at Stark Industries, I would like to personally... Tony, what are you doing back there? What is that? Put that back. Put it back where you got it from. Where's your mother? Maria? Go on. Go, go, go, go," dad was so small and cute when he was little. It makes me smile a little to see what he looked like when he was so young.

The movie switches. "I'll... I'll... I'll come in and..." the video switches again. "Are you waiting on me?" My grandfather drinks from a glass of whiskey and then the video changes. "So, from all of us at Stark Industries, I'd like to personally show you my ass. I'd like to... I can't... This is... I can't... We have this, don't we? This is a ridiculous way... Everything is achievable through technology. Tony. You're too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you. I built this for you. And someday you'll realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be my greatest creation is you," I smile at the thing my grandfather said at the end. I look over at dad and tears are shining in his eyes.

"If you cry I'm going to cry," I tell him. Dad chuckles lightly. "I have to go somewhere are you going to be good," dad asks. "Yeah. I'll be fine," I reply. Dad gets up and gets into one of his cars. "Hey can you get me a coffee while you're out?" I ask as he closes the door. Dad groans, "I guess." I chuckle, "Thanks." 

I start to work on my little device thing to help with my sleepiness and nausea with drinking water. I manage to get it working. "Yay," I cheer to myself. I click the needle into my arm and I feel my body temperature slowly going down. After about 10 minutes it gets to the temperature of what it would be when I drink water. I could make it a little slower.

I tinker with it for a little longer and get it to a point where I think it will be slower than the first time. I set down my small device. Once the heat comes back to my body like a fire igniting. I ignite the fire on my hand. I notice that it doesn't actually touch my body until it gets smothered. I play around with the fire for awhile mesmerized by it. This may be the thing that took my mother away from me but it was quite enchanting. 

A/n I would like to tell you guys about my good friend @StickerFeet05 she has written a new story and I think it's really good. You should go check her out and her story. I hope you have enjoyed mine. Love you all.


