Chapter 11

Amanda pov...
Today will be hard for me as I go back to work and Jennifer has her first day of preschool.
It is the same place as where Noah goes but they will be in different parts and Noah will be leaving soon to start school as he is almost 5 years old.

I get ready for work and then get everything for Jen and get her ready. Liv has gotten her and Noah ready so we all go together to the preschool. Noah says bye to us and goes to see his friends. I say hello to one of the teachers Rachel and say "I'm Amanda and this is my daughter Jennifer"
Rachel says "nice to meet you, Jennifer will have lots of fun here".
Liv comes over and says "we need to go to work soon"
Rachel says "hi Liv, you two know each other?"
I nod and Liv says "hi, yes Rach this is my friend Manda. We live together and look after Jen and Noah together."
Rachel says "of course, I remember you telling me a little part of that, have a good day and I will see you later when you come to pick them up".
We say bye and go to work.

Fin, John and Cragon welcome me back and Cragon says "it's good to have you back on the team". We spend the day filling out paperwork as we have no new case. It was a good way to get back into the job.

Liv and I leave and go and pick up Noah and Jen. Noah comes running over to us and I go to see Jen. She is playing with other children and looks to be fitting in well. Rachel comes over and says to me "she is such an angel, she has made some friends and seems to like it here"
I say "thank you" and pick Jen up get her stuff and say to Rachel "bye, see you tomorrow".

Authors note...
This is before John Munch and Captain Cragon leave for anyone who was confused.
