Looking for Bodies

Nadwe was bunking with Meme and Blaza again. None of them wanted someone to disappear in the middle of the night. But when Nadwe woke up, he was alone. He sighed and got out of bed and went to the cafeteria. Meme and Blaza were still in their pyjamas. Blaza was also T-posing on the middle table while Meme was pointing a spoon at him.

"IT'S OVER MEME YOU CAN'T WI- Oh hi Nadwe!" Blaza said, jumping off the table, Meme awkwardly dropped his spoon.

"What were you guys even doing?" Nadwe asked. Meme chuckled awkwardly.

"Not losing our sanity..?"

"You guys already don't have that. Try again."

"We were battling with spoons but Meme knocked mine away. So I got up on the table and then... I didn't think this plan through," Blaza rubbed the back of his head. Nadwe sighed and massaged his temples.

"And you guys are still in pyjamas why..?"

"What's anyone going to do about it? Yell at us?" Blaza said, crossing his arms, "and you're still in your PJ's too."

"Yeah! Well! I just woke up! I know you guys have been up for a while!" Nadwe yelled. Meme sighed.

"I like my cookie pyjamas!" Meme pouted. He wasn't wearing his cookie monster onesie, which disproved everyone's theory he only had one outfit. Also, everyone could see how he did indeed have hair and Socks was lying about him being bald.

"Nadwe if it's really bothering you, go get dressed," Blaza said, "But we're having a pyjama day. Or at least a pyjama morning, we still have work to do later."

"You know what? Screw it. No one can tell us otherwise," Nadwe said with a grin.


Meme sighed. Socks said he was going to meet him in Comms after he was his astroids task! Why was he taking so long? What held him up? Meme kept pacing, waiting. Socks needed to hurry up! Meme sighed, he waited for 5 minutes, he had to check on him. Socks probably just got distracted! Yeah! That's right! Maybe Laff needed to talk, or Nadwe is whining about something! Meme kept walking, ignoring the strange smell and inkling of a feeling that something was off. He reached Navigation.

He was not ready for this.

Socks head was off and was nowhere to be found. The rest of his body wasn't much better. His neck was a bloody mess and his legs were covered in scars. There was a knife still lodged in his chest cavity. The body was nicely propped up on the chair. Meme couldn't think. Who could have done this? He just started to laugh.

"Dammit, me! This isn't the time!" He scolded himself before running off (and passing Sock's head on the center table in the cafeteria).

"LAFF? BLAZA? JOOCIE? ANYONE?" Meme called for help. Joocie ran over.

"I saw you on cams! What happened!" He said.

"S-Socks is! S-Socks is... Crap! He's... He's...." Meme stuttered out.

"He's wha- WOAH MEME! Let go!" Joocie yelled as Meme brought him to the scene of the crime.

"HOLY CRAP! WHAT HAPPENED TO... THIS???" Joocie yelled. Meme nodded.

"I... I don't know!"

"C'mon... Let's find everyone else," Joocie said. After everyone was gathered at the scene of the crime, Laff took a look around.

"Body still fresh," Laff nodded.

"Y-Yeah. Found it five minutes a-ago. S-Socks said h-he'd meet me in c-comms..." Meme stuttered. He laughed a bit.

"Is this funny? Socks is dead, and you were planning on meeting him, making YOU a prime suspect," Dino said, crossing his arms.

"That doesn't mean anything, Meme's natural reaction to anything is to laugh, like how Nadwe is crying and Tbh is shutting down emotionally," Blaza said, probably also shutting down.

"Who could have done this?" TBVG said, shaking.

"We have no evidence, we can't do anything," Muffinjuice said, "other than clean up this mess." The others agreed and started to leave, minus Oof and Muffinjuice, who volunteered to clean it up.

"W-why would anyone..?" Meme laughed. Blaza hugged his friend.

"Don't worry, we'll find the culprit," He comforted him.

"Guys look at this!" Oompa yelled from the cafeteria.

[No one was ejected (Skipped)]

[2 imposters remain]

"Imposters..?" Dino asked.

"Aliens, we don't know much about them, but that's the name we've given them," Blaza said, "I was supposed to go on another ship, but some error happened so I came on this trip. When that ship came back, that's when we first noticed them. They killed everyone on the ship, and no one knows if they succeed at exterminating them back on earth."

"Bakbaks ship?" Joocie asked. Blaza nodded.

"And you said there were no survivors?" Nadwe said, narrowing his eyes.



Everyone was dressed now, and ready to do normal spaceman things.

"So here's the deal, we still don't know where the real Laff and Dino's bodies are. So we're going to have to find them. Quick, any ideas?" Meme asked.

"Under more desks?" Nadwe suggested.

"I'm rejecting this idea because Tb's body mentally scarred me."

"In the reactor?" Blaza said.

"...Wouldn't that break the ship?" Meme asked. Blaza shrugged.


"Can we please have suggestions we can actually check? Plus, we get a notification whenever things leave or enter," Meme crossed his arms

"How did those things get in then?" Blaza retorted.

"They were small enough, anything else?"

"The air vents?"

"Thats... Actually pretty good," Meme contemplated, "want to check there first?"

"Sure. But how exactly are we going to check..?" Nadwe asked. Meme grinned.

"I think I got an idea..."


Nadwe didn't like Meme's idea. First, it involved figuring out which vents had a bloody smell, which was weapons-navigation and navigation-shields, which basically confirmed where the bodies were. The second step, which Nadwe hated the most, was retrieving them. They had some rope but someone had to tie it to the bodies.

And that job went to Nadwe, who was the smallest one in the group.

"Guys, when I said just because I'm the youngest you don't need to baby me, it doesn't mean I want to go fishing to bodies!" Nadwe yelled.

"Nadwe, if we don't now, it'll get worse. They've already been dead for a while. Plus, there are no maggots or flies on this ship, you'll be in less of a hell than back on earth..?" Meme said unsurely. Nadwe sighed.

"Fine, but you guys owe me like five," Nadwe submitted.

"Deal," Blaza agreed. Nadwe stripped down to his underwear, to prevent friction (or what he dubbed 'fricktion') and tied a rope around his waist. While Blaza turned off the vents in that part of the ship and made the others work a bit more.

"Ok, we probably should do both of them under an hour, so the vents don't stay off that long. Nadwe, you ready?" Blaza asked.

"Nope, but I'll never be ready," Nadwe said.

"Okay. I'll lower you down the second you're above the vent!" Meme said. Nadwe gave a thumbs up and stepped down.

Nadwe found something squishy under his feet and immediately cringed. He turned on his headlamp.

"Good news and bad news Meme!" Nadwe shouted.

"What!" Meme shouted back.

"Good news; I found Laffs body. Bad news... I found it with my feet and would like to rased a bit," Nadwe said.

"Eww! I'll rase you," Meme said, Nadwe felt the rope on him be pulled and now he was back in the air. It was a little cramped (he would never go in a vent willingly he decided) but he tied a knot around his corpse and held the other end of the rope.

"Ready!" Nadwe said. Meme pulled him up.

"I'm regretting agreeing to this," Nadwe said, passing the rope with Laffs body to Blaza. Once Blaza started to pull, Nadwe adverted his eyes.

"Ready for Dino's body?" Meme asked.

"Make this quick," Nadwe said.

Dino went much quicker since Nadwe immediately yelled when he found it and was able to tie the knot faster. Nadwe decided to leave after handing Blaza the rope, as he didn't feel the need to see the corpses again. He decided to go to the cabin and held on to Monika like his life depended on it.

"Hey," Meme said, coming in, "I figured you'd might be up here. Not going to watch the Cams anymore?"

"No point if I just fall asleep," Nadwe mumbled, "you know, I thought it'd get better, after finding the bodies. A bit of closure. But it still hurts, why does it still hurt!?"

"Nadwe look at me in the eyes," Meme insisted, "You just saw most of your best friends die before you turned fifteen. You are not allowed to get better until you're ready for it, and even then, chances are you'll never recover. But guess what? That's okay! I'm not going to either, nor is Blaza. We're all hurting right now, so it's okay to be angry or sad or anything. We don't expect you to be fine, got it Nadwe?" Meme insisted.

"You were literally having a sword fight with spoons and T-posing on tables while you were in your PJ's. You have no right to talk," Nadwe mumbled.

"Yeah, so what? We can try to distract ourselves," Meme defended himself, "and it worked, you weren't worrying about everyone being dead then, you were more worried about the fact it turned out I did indeed have hair." Nadwe snorted.

"C'mon, I heard the rumours. I'm blaming Socks by the way. Anyways. Nadwe, you don't need to be fine after this, I'd be scared if you did. Got it?"

"Yeah... Thanks, Meme," Nadwe said. Meme sighed. He had no idea when became so good at pep-talks, but hey! He wasn't complaining.

hi, thank you for reading this. also; the reason i made Meme laugh so much is; A. he does. like seriously! At the end of Blaza's hot potato video, Meme's laugh is bone-chilling. B. It kinda sounds like he's laughing when Wicktora died on the SMP? Like a mix of crying and laughing. i don't know if it's just me or bad fake crying skills, it sounds like he does. 

also, i'm so scared they're OOC but you know all of their friends just kinda died so uh they have reasons to be acting a bit... off

also; have a great day/night!
