Chapter 13

Chapter 13


Asher still smells like lovely trees and District Four dreams, and the scent consumes me as I stay curled up against his chest. I start to lazily trace patterns around his back again.

"I think I know a way to relieve some of your stress," Asher whispers in my ear. I barely have time to register the chills crawling up my spine before the front door opens.

"Put your clothes on, children!" Luca shouts into the house and I hear his shoes hit the wall as he kicks them off.

"I hate you!" I call back and shrug at Asher, half relieved that we don't have to retire to the shadows of my bedroom.

"We have company!" Luca continues. I cross my arms and detach myself from Asher. I lean against the wall. Luca walks into the kitchen and his eyes flash to mine. "You dressed quickly."

"Oh shut up. Who's here?" I ask.

"Who isn't?" Jack replies. Jack! A sly smile crosses my face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, and then think for a moment and then add, "Not that I'm not happy to see you."

"We came here to see the new guest," he says, and nods to Asher. "He's all anyone's talking about in town."

My eyebrows raise. "Really?"

"Really," Finnick answers, stepping into the kitchen. "President Snow's official statement is that he sent Asher here so you two could enjoy having some time together."

My blood stops cold. "Are you fucking joking?"

Luca leans towards me and then hisses, "Watch your damn mouth, Lily is in the other room." He smirks. I let out a groan.

"You're telling me he knows that Asher is here?" I ask Finnick.

"Layla, he knows everything." I turn my head to Asher and I pray that my eyes show him everything I can't say out loud. The thought of President Snow watching our every move sends a shiver running through my body. I knew I couldn't protect Asher here. I can't protect Asher anywhere, and Finnick just confirmed this.

"Lays, you're looking a little pale," Jack comments and then turns to Luca. "Has she gotten any sun lately?"

"Has she gotten any sun lately?" I mock Jack and then roll my eyes. Jack brings out the sarcasm in me, especially when he makes idiotic comments like that.

"We should all go to the beach!" Luca proposes.

I turn to Asher. "I hate them." A smile crosses his face.

"I'm serious!" Luca complains. "I need some sun too."

"We're not going anywhere!" I retort.

"Oh God, lighten up Layla," Luca says, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not going to lighten up, Luca," I say, my breathing becoming labored. "You have no idea how-"

"It's not like President Snow is going to come here and take Asher away from you, Layla." My eyes widen with the mention of his name leaving Luca's mouth. If he touches Luca-

"Layla, you should know that everyone in District Four knows Asher's here, possibly the entire country of Panem," Finnick says. "I don't mean to cause you stress, but it should help prevent a lot of confused people if you guys are ever in town."

"Speaking of in town," Luca says, "we have some shopping to do."

I sigh. "Do we have to?"

"Dad said we have to. Plus I think you're going to need a swimsuit for the beach."

"We're not going to the-"

"I don't think the beach sounds like a bad idea," Asher interjects. My eyes turn to him and I don't want to bother trying to refute anyone any longer. I feel hopeless.

"Okay," I say.

"Okay?" Jack repeats, and then turns to Luca. "She's conceding?"

"Don't rub it in," I say, and stick my tongue out at him.

"It's cause of Asher," Luca says. "See, I know why I called him here. You're not so prudish and reserved anymore." He crosses the room and wraps his arms tight around my body. I'm crushed under his force. I let out a squeal of protest and I try to slide out of his grip. It doesn't work.

A few hours later we're walking into town. The Victor's Village is hardly far, and it's a beautiful day outside. The sun leaks its rays into my skin and I feel almost peaceful. Asher's fingers are intertwined with mine and Luca stands close by my side. There's no place I'd rather be without my two favorite boys.

The moment we step into the outskirts of town eyes are flashed in our direction. The low hush of whispers deteriorates tenfold and the people are quiet. No one points, or makes comments. They all just watch like hunters, preying on their next meal. We all walk a little closer together, and Asher's grip on my hand tightens. I turn to Luca, and I see him scanning every person we pass.

I'm glad I put in a little effort to look presentable. I'm wearing a dark blue blouse and my hair is down and tamed. Asher, on the other hand could use a new pair of jeans. The ones he's wearing are frayed, and etiquette is a crucial part of life in District Four, including clothing. No one is ever under dressed.

I touch Luca on the arm and lean in to speak. "Let's go to Brusser's. They'll probably have some nice stuff for you and Asher to look at."

"What about you?" he asks. "You're the one who needs the full wardrobe."

"Luca, I don't think Asher has any other clothes with him. His jeans are all ripped."

"I hardly see a few holes," Luca says, after glancing at Asher for a moment. "But I think you're right, we should shop for him first."

We take a left turn once we're in the middle of town and my eyes find the edge of the Justice Building. I haven't been here since we first came back from the Capitol. I unknowingly squeeze Asher's hand tighter as a shiver runs up my spine.

"It's alright, Layla. We're here now," Asher whispers in my ear. It doesn't root me to the ground; instead it makes me more fearful for my insanity. I can't show my emotions now, not with everyone watching.

I let out a long breath and give myself 5 seconds to get over it. There, I've counted to five.

The store appears just ahead on the left. I pull Asher along and we step into the store.

A tailor and the shopkeeper are the only ones in the store. Because it is such a beautiful day out, I can't imagine anyone would be inside shopping. The few swimming lakes are probably full of children and the backyards of the better-off full of family and friends bustling about.

"Hello," the shopkeeper says, glancing over a few sheets of paper. "Is there anything I can-" he pauses as he lifts his head. His eyes meet Asher and me, and he blinks a few times before recovering. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes," I say, "they need some new clothes."

The shopkeeper looks at Asher first and then to the tailor. The tailor nods and says, "Well, let's get you fit then."

Asher turns to me and says, "Fit?"

"They'll measure you to make sure your clothes fit properly," I explain, and a hint of a smile appears on my lips. Asher shakes his head once, his expression undoubtedly confused but then hesitantly follows the tailor into the next room. His eyes don't leave mine.

Luca begins to browse through the dress pants and I touch a few of the button up shirts. I pick out a dark blue and a dark green one for Asher. They're casual for Brusser's: nothing here is less than prestige. Asher should be comfortable but still looking respectable in these shirts. My lead lifts as Luca approaches the shopkeeper inquiring about a pair of pants in his size. The shopkeeper nods and ushers him to the back.

Just as they are out of sight, the door opens. My fingers clutch the shirts in my hands and I will myself to not turn around. If I look jumpy and timid it will only scare off whoever walked in, and I should not be acting that way. I am a well-mannered victor now.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone?" a voice asks from behind me as the door closes. A jolt of fury runs up my spine. I recognize that voice.

"Waiting for my boyfriend to be fit," I answer sharply, and turn around to face two boys. Their snot faces and polished clothes make me want to burn Brusser's down.

"Oh, if it isn't Layla!" Harrison, the second boy, says. They both chuckle. "I almost didn't recognize her. Did you?"

"No, I didn't," Luther says. "Layla, have you lost weight?" His mouth curls up in a snide smile. My jaw locks in place and it takes everything in me to not smash one of these display tables over their heads.

"Are you doing some shopping for yourself or your brother?" Harrison says.

"For my boyfriend," I snap. I set the shirts back on the table. Luther lets out a sharp laugh.

"Oh don't take it too personally, Layla," he remarks. My blood boils. I had to deal with these pompous asses since I began school.

"We've missed you in classes," Harrison fake pouts.

"I've been too busy swimming in my inheritance from the Capitol." I cross my arms over my stomach.

"If only you grew up with the kind of money we did," Luther says. "Then maybe you wouldn't have had to volunteer to get your family out of a sticky financial situation."

"Too bad daddy's money couldn't buy you any respect," I snort. "Lucky for me, I learned all my etiquette in the Capitol." A wicked smile curls on my face. Maybe Victor Layla can scare them.

"A weak girl like you had no chances of winning the Games. You know nothing compared to the training I've received," Luther says. His sharp blue eyes glitter with delight.

"Want to test that theory?" I muse. I'm fed up. I reach for my knife tucked safely next to my lower back. I hold it just hidden behind my leg.

"You don't scare us," Harrison said. "You're just a little girl."

"I should," I say, my voice and tone unwavering.

"You can't hurt us," Luther says with a cunning smile slapped on his face. I didn't want to think of it before, but now that he says it I know that if I kill them I won't just have tribute blood on my hands, I'll have citizen blood. Victors don't kill citizens.

I dig the knife in my hand into the wooden table beside me.

"Daddy's money bought you more than an arrogant ass, I see?" My thumb brushes over the knife handle. "Too bad Asher's not as forgiving as me. I only have to scream and he'll be out here in two seconds ready to strangle the both of you and throw you through the window."

Luther's eyes narrow.

Much to my pleasure, the door to the fitting room opens and Asher steps out. He strides over to me and stands by my side. A snarl rests on his lips as if he's fed up with the fact that they're still here.

"I think you've overstayed your welcome in my presence," I say, my voice strong. "Get out."

Luther looks to Harrison with a twinge of submissiveness in his manner, and then back to us.

"Let's go, I'd like to shop in a store where my shoes don't have to carry the same scum as they do in District Seven."

Luther grabs the door just as my hand pries the knife out of the table. I launch it, and it flies right in front of Luther's face before sticking to the door. He stands there, stunned, looking at the knife that was centimeters from his head.

"I'm surprised daddy's money didn't teach you it was lethal to make an enemy out of a Victor. Get the hell out."

They exit quickly and I let out a held in sigh as the door closes. My fingers grip the edge of the table as I lean against it.

"Filthy pompous pieces of shit," I spit. "I didn't feel seriously inclined to kill them until Luther came at you like that. I mean, I wanted to beat the shit out of their snotty asses, but not until he said that." I shake my head.

"They don't matter, Layla. They're nothing," Asher says. I know that they don't matter, they just seem to know all the tricks in the book to getting me fired up.

"Did you hear what they were saying to me?" I ask. I breathe slowly in and out to control my anger.

"Only a little. But you can't let them get inside your head. They're immature and foolish and they have no idea who you really are." Asher's voice tames the fire in my center little.

"They know everything they need to say to eat at my skin. It's demeaning, Asher. They think they have everything." They have all things materialistic.

"But they don't have everything. Don't let them get to you, love. They aren't worth it."

Those boys tormented Luca and me, and that's not something I can forget in only a moment. I let out a sigh and walk over to the door. My fingers wrap around the knife and I pull it out of the door with a sharp tug.

"Woah," Luca says, stepping out of the back room with a pile of pants in his hands. "What happened here?"

I store the knife back in the band of my pants.

"Luther and Harrison happened," I say. "They came in here just a bit ago and harassed me."

"Seriously?" Luca's face turns grim. "I should have known they would come in a place like this. No wonder why we never shop here. What did you do?"

"I tossed the knife around a few times," I say, mimicking with my hands passing a knife back and forth between them. A smile curls onto my lips. "I told them off, and then they left."

"What did they say to you?"

"Stupid shit, Luca," I say, exasperated. "I don't feel like repeating it. You know exactly the stupid stuff they'd say." Luca nods.

"They dig their nails into your skin?" he asks, a look of sympathy crossing over his face. I give a slight nod. He crosses the room in a few strides, sets his pants on the table and wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and succumb to the familiar feeling of my twin beside me. I'm still so angry I could cry right now, but Luca's embrace seems to soothe that burning fury in my body. I rest my head into the crook of his neck and let out a sigh.

He pulls away after a little while, and touches me on the shoulder.

"Layla, I'm proud of you for finally standing up to them," Luca says. "You don't deserve to be treated like one of their chew toys. No one does. You're stronger than they are, and now they know it."

I nod at my brothers words and they somehow hold to be true in my crazy head.

"Thank you," I whisper to him, and he gives me an easy smile. I turn back to Asher and look at the shirts I grabbed for him on the table. I pick them up again and hold them out to him. "I figured the dark green one would bring out your eyes, and I like the blue color."

Asher chuckles lightly and the sound calms me. "I'll wear whatever you want me to."

A smile crosses my face and I can't help but to roll my eyes. Luca begins to browse at a rack of dress shirts. "Of course you will."

Asher leans in next to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine at his close proximity and whispers, "That includes nothing at all, you know."

I hold in a tremble. I can't think of anything to respond except, "Keep your voice down." His whisper was barely audible to my ears, much less anyone else's.

"Who's going to hear me, Layla?"

My eyes meet his. "Luca's right there," I say, even though Luca is distracted by the rows of shirts.

"Later then," Asher says, and presses his lips softly to my cheek and his hand resting like a feather around my waist.

I reach for the shirts in his hands and hold on to them, slyly shrugging out of his grip. "We should probably check out and get to some other stores. Did you get your measurements? Look for some pants quick. I think we've been in here a little too long."

I walk over to Luca and brush his arm, and he looks up. I can barely hear Asher mumble a small "Okay" before I see him out of the corner of my eye move to the shelves of pants. I notice a slight frown on his face and a crease just falling from between his eyebrows. I turn back to Luca.

"You ready?" I ask. He responds with a nod and pulls a few shirts off of the rack. We bring everything up to the counter and Luca pulls out money to pay. My gaze shifts to Asher as he finds a few pairs of pants and then back to the counter as he meets us.

After paying, the shopkeeper's eyes linger on all of us for a moment.

"I uh- I apologize for what happened earlier," I speak up, fumbling with my fingers underneath the counter. "I'm sorry about the... the table and the door." I pull some more money from Luca's grip and slide it across the counter. A small, shy smile crosses my face.

The shopkeeper nods his head to us and Luca and Asher grab their bags. We continue out the door and I let out a sigh.

"That was a nightmare," I grumble.

"You did knife his display table and his door," Luca comments.

"You did knife his display table and his door," I mock Luca, rolling my eyes. He laughs. "I wish I could make prestige daddy's money Luther and Harrison pay for a new one. If they hadn't set me off I wouldn't have felt so tempted to stab processed trees." I glance at Asher with the mention of trees. Asher's eyes seem to be anywhere near me and his ears are anywhere but in the conversation. My face falls.

What have I done?


hola amigos & amigas

i dont speak spanish but that is the greetings for all of you friends here

i'd like to say that amanda and i are honestly spitting out these chapters as fast as our schedules allow us to

i dont know how many of you are in high school or college but if you have any idea how hard it is to maintain homework and studies than youll know what im talking about.

i work about 20-30 hours a week and after a long night of work i dont really feel like sitting and writing for an hour or two and these chapters take several hours (at least) to write

reading a chapter and analyzing it is 10x easier than writing it and considering everything that has to go into it

please have some compassion as you read and remember to give us feedback, otherwise theres no way for us to know whos enjoy and who isnt.

okay so on a happier note heres your creepy and sadistic president snow on the side here everyone give a warm welcome to heath hutchins!!!!!


*mic drop*


♥ becca
