Strange Creatures and a Team Back Together Again

One thought filled Leon's mind as the two made their way out of the bloody sewer water... "what was going on here"... the area didn't make sense and with everything happening, he could understand why Kyra never told him or anyone this story... who would believe them.

"You alright", Kyra asked, looking towards Leon.

"Yeah... just trying to figure out what's going on", Leon said.

"Believe me, I am too... and hopefully, we can find some answers soon", Kyra stated as they approached a door, only for something to block at and Ruvik, the man in the white robe to appear in front of the door.

Leon and Kyra pulled their guns out, aiming at him as red, beetle-like particles came off of him and flew into the bloody sewer water before he disappeared... the undead rising.

"You've gotta be kidding me", Kyra muttered, looking at the undead that was making their way towards them.

"Aim for the head, it's your best spot", Leon said as she nodded her head, both holding their guns out towards the incoming horde and shooting them as they got close; after awhile, the undead were gone and the door was cleared.

"You alright", Kyra asked, lowering her gun and moving towards him.

"Yeah... you wouldn't happen to have any spare bullets on you, would you", Leon asked.

"Let me check", Kyra said, putting her handgun away and kneeling down to empty out her pockets, Leon watched as she pulled out boxes of matches before pulling out an ammo box and opening it up, "there's not much, but it could be useful to the both of us",

"What's with all the matches", Leon asked, taking half of what was left as Kyra took the other half.

"Dad smokes... so I take the matches away until he stops", Kyra said, leaving the empty ammo box and pocketing the matches.

"They might prove useful here", Leon said, standing up from his spot.

"They might... but that's all the ammo we got", Kyra stated, standing up as well.

"Let's keep moving, hopefully we can find something up ahead", Leon said as Kyra nodded her head; entering the door, the two walked down a hallway where at the end, in a room, light shined down on a dead body.

"I don't like how that's positioned", Leon stated, "screams obvious trap".

"Yeah... or it could just be a dead body", Kyra said, "but I'm agreeing with you on this one",

"Let's just stay far away from it", Leon asked.

"Agreed", Kyra said as the two entered the room, luckily enough, there was some ammunition boxes inside, but not a lot to fill their guns; Kyra then turned her head toward the dead body, red fumes began to spew from it.

"Leon", Kyra called out, gaining his attention.

"Everything ok", Leon asked, seeing the red fumes coming spewing from the dead body, "that isn't normal",

"Keep an eye out... I'm checking it out", Kyra said, slowly walking towards the body, only for Leon to stop her.

"Bad idea", Leon warned as more fumes spewed out of the dead body; blood and hands soon shot out of the body, followed by screaming as something... a woman of sorts, began climbing out of the dead body.

"Time to go", Kyra said, grabbing Leon's wrist and running back towards the door leading towards the sewer area... only for the it to be gone, "you've gotta be fucking kidding me right now",

"I seriously hate this place", Leon muttered.

"You and me both", Kyra said, both raising their guns as the creature charged towards them.

"Stay calm... we can get through this", Leon reassured.

"We need a miracle to survive this", Kyra muttered as then if on cue, a zombie ran out from a door nearby, immediately colliding with the creature; the creature pinned it down quickly and began bashing its head in with her many hands.

"Miracle granted", Kyra said in both relief and shock as the zombie's head was pulverized into a bloody mess,

"Come on", Leon said, grabbing Kyra's wrist and running through the door the undead previously walked out from; the sounds of a skull being bashed in stopped as the creature's screams came into play once again, it was back on the chase; quickly running into another room, Kyra quickly pushed a button, dropping a metal door that separated the two from the creature, only for it to begin bashing into the door. 

"We need to find another way out of here, and fast", Leon said, looking around the room.

"Over there, it's our best bet", Kyra said, pointing towards a ladder than led to an area below them; climbing down, the two saw an elevator at the end of the hallway, the two running towards it as the creature broke through the metal shutters; the two practically lept inside and pushed the button... the doors closed, and the elevator began going down, leaving the creature behind as she approached the elevator gates.

"And we're in the clear", Leon said, Kyra looked down only to see another dead body, red fumes had begun to spew out.

"No... we're not out of the woods just yet", Kyra stated as Leon looked down to see what was happening, "this was happening before that thing popped out of the dead body... she's coming",

"Kyra, the matches", Leon ordered as Kyra quickly dug through her pockets, pulling out one small match box; she then pulled out a match, lit it up and burned the body... the fumes stopped, and the body was gone... they were safe. 

"Never thought I'd say this, but thank you, dad for your smoking habits", Kyra muttered, putting the match box away.

"Remember, we're not out of the woods just yet... stay on guard as we leave", Leon ordered as Kyra nodded her head; the elevator stopped and the door's opened, revealing another body in the corner of the room, red fumes spewing, and the creature popped out before they could even get near it.

"Time to go", Kyra said as the two ran into another room, there were traps around the area and a metal gate that was slowly closing, and with the creature not too far behind, both knew they had to make it through; sprinting past the traps, both slid under the gate before it could fully close... both were now at a giant stairwell and the creature was no longer chasing after them.

"Now... we're out of the woods", Kyra stated, catching her breath.

"What was that thing anyway", Leon asked... even though he already knew the answer, he wasn't sure as to why he asked, maybe the moment of panic, almost dying, he couldn't tell.

"I don't know... but it had the face of a woman", Kyra said, "and I'd like to stay away from her the next time",

"Agreed... anyway, all that's left to go now is down", Leon said, looking over the railing, seeing the staircase going deeper down than they could see.

"Why is it always down", Kyra asked.

"I don't know", Leon said as the two descended down the stairs, keeping their guard up for anything; before they could reach the fourth platform, Ruvik appeared, slowly walking up the stairs. 

"Crap", Kyra muttered, pulling out her gun and shot at him, only for Ruvik to disappear and reappear right in front of them.

"Shit", Leon muttered, quickly grabbed Kyra's wrist as both quickly ran back up the stairs, and to the metal gate... they were trapped.

"Alright, can't shoot him, can't even hit him, now what do we do", Kyra asked rhetorically as Leon looked over the railing, Ruvik was close, nearing the second platform, only to disappear.

"He's gone", Leon said, unease in his tone as he began looking around for him; not long after, a crashing noise could be heard, alarming the two as the stairs began to collapse, sending the two down falling down; their surroundings began to change, from a sewer to a hospital, both landed on the ground, hard, and with a thud.

"You alright", Kyra groaned, slowly getting up while holding her side.

"Yep... where are we now", Leon asked, both fully up and off the ground and taking a look around at their surroundings.

"Another hospital... great... this day just keeps getting better and better", Kyra groaned in annoyance as the two continued forward, into the new unknown while staying on guard; the snarls of the undead could be heard, but neither Leon or Kyra could tell where it was coming from; exiting the corridor and entering another area of the hospital, most of the doors in the area were open.

"Well, someone's been through here", Leon said, " think it could've been your father",

"Possibly... hopefully", Kyra muttered, looking down at the ground.

"Hey, we'll find him, don't worry", Leon reassured, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"I know, I know", Kyra said, the two walking forward, Leon turned his head to see Kyra not following him.

"Kyra", Leon called out, slight panic in his tone as he immediately ran back towards where they were before; he could hear muttering, but it soon stopped once he saw Kyra, her back was turned away from him, "Kyra... you ok",

"Y-yeah, lost in thought, sorry", Kyra said, turning around to face him.

"...Alright, just stay close, we don't know what's around here", Leon said as Kyra nodded her head before they moved forward, through another area of the hospital where the silence around was cut off by the sound of by a hissing noise.

"That sounded close by", Leon said.

"Let's go, but be careful", Kyra said as the two running down a small hallway and into a room; there, both Sebastian and Joseph were in the room, Sebastian was helping Joseph up off the ground as the two ran in, their heads snapping to the door.

"Dad, Joseph", Kyra called out, running up to them.

"Kyra... what happened to you two", Sebastian asked.

"You have no idea", Kyra said, "and you might not believe us if we told you",

"Where we are... I doubt it", Sebastian stated, looking around the room before looking back at the group, "come on, we need to get out of here",

Leon and Kyra nodded their heads as Sebastian kicked open a door, the four walking out of the room they were in, and down another corridor while being wary and shooting any zombies they came across; walking downstairs, the four came across a door that was covered in C4's.

"This looks pretty sophisticated, why would they put a bomb like this", Joseph asked, the four looking at the door.

"Do you think we can get past it", Sebastian asked.

"Not without blowing up", Leon said.

"Stand back, let me see if I can disarm it", Joseph stated.

"Are you sure about this", Kyra asked as Joseph nodded his head and began working; a minute later, a beep was heard, the bomb had been defused and the door opened and the four entered inside the room only to hear a noise making everyone hold their heads in pain, yet Kyra didn't seem to be affected by it.

"What is it with this sound", Sebastian asked.

"I thought it was something electronic, but...", Joseph began only for him to run up to Sebastian and began to choke him.

"Joseph, stop", Kyra shouted as she and Leon ran forward and threw Joseph off of Sebastian, only to see his face, he was changed... almost like a zombie; Joseph then lowered his head, and soon raised it back up, he was back to normal, wiping blood coming from his nose.

"Joseph... after Connelly, I thought...", Sebastian began.

"I... I don't know what came over me...", Joseph said, coughing "I haven't been feeling well, but...",

"Look, let's just get out of here, there's something wrong with this place", Sebastian reassured, turning his head over toward Leon and Kyra, "keep an eye on Joseph, he might need help",

"I'm fine, no need to worry", Joseph said, but nonetheless, the two nodded their heads; soon after, the four continued forward, yet, many thoughts ran in Leon's head, what was going on here, there were no signs of any virus, was this really all the work of mind. 

The four soon entered inside another room where they saw a locked box, barbed wire was wrapped around it, and was filling up with water with Kidman, who was trapped inside it.

"Kidman", Sebastian called out as she quickly turned around.

"Get me out of this thing", Kidman shouted, hitting the side of the box, trying to get free.

"Don't worry, we're coming", Kyra shouted only to be stopped by Joseph.

"Wait a minute, it's another trap, look...", Joseph said pointing towards the horde of zombies that were slowly advancing; not long after, Joseph was tackled down by a zombie, but managed to get away... Leon, Kyra, and Sebastian jumped down to the ground floor as everyone began shooting at the many zombies were advancing.

"Kyra", Kidman called out, gaining her attention; the water was rising dangerously close to the top and the zombies dying out.

"Leon, cover me", Kyra called out, pulling out a knife and attempting to cut through the barbed wire, but she couldn't even make a dent; as the zombies were gone, he ran up to her, attempting to help her out as Sebastian ran off towards a switch that would open the door to free Kidman.

"Guys, stand back", Sebastian shouted, as the two backed away; Sebastian flipped the switch and the door swung open, causing Kidman to fall out.

"Are you alright", Joseph asked as Kidman nodded her head.

"Here", Kyra said, holding her hand out and helping her up, only for the floor to break sending them falling down and into another sewer.

"Everyone still alive", Kyra asked, standing up as she heard yes's coming from Leon, Kidman, and Joseph; the snarls of Zombies caught their attention, causing the four to fight once again as Sebastian soon came in a few minutes later.

"Sebastian", Kidman called out, as the four took out the remaining zombies.

"Are you guys alright", Sebastian asked as everyone put their guns away.

"We're alright", Joseph reassured.

"Just a few bumps, we're fine", Kidman reassured walking up toward a door on the side.

"Dad, you alright", Kyra asked.

"I'll be fine", Sebastian reassured.

 "It looks like the door's locked from the other side", Kidman said.

"Sebastian, Kyra, Leon, help me lift this, Kidman, crawl through and open the door from the other side", Joseph ordered as the four walked up toward a metal gate and lifted it up, allowing Kidman to crawl underneath before they dropped it.

"Come on, we should go", Kidman said, opening the door, allowing everyone to walk through.

"I'm glad you guys are alright", Sebastian said.

"It's odd though, why would they catch you instead of just killing you", Joseph asked.

"Maybe he didn't see me as a threat", Kidman responded.

"He", Leon asked as both Sebastian and Joseph began holding their heads in pain, only Leon, Kyra, and Kidman weren't affected; not long after, Kidman was dragged down into what appeared to be blood-like water, followed by Joseph, Kyra, Leon, and soon Sebastian.
