
Chapter: 451 Same Birthday

The few people behind Z were speechless after the negotiation that was completely led by the other party.

He only hoped to quickly part ways with this scoundrel!

They were too scary!

On the plane, Su Ling currently occupied the position next to Su Feifei.

It was true that the bleeding couldn’t be stopped, but this weak state was just to get more attention from Su Feifei.

Su Feifei glanced at her and let her be.

Bo Silin gritted his teeth and saw Su Ling making a face at him. He immediately got up and walked to Su Feifei’s side. Then, he also fell down.

Su Feifei was speechless and immediately went to pick him up.

Su Ling propped herself up and looked.

“What’s wrong?” Su Feifei asked.

“My eyes hurt…” Bo Silin said in a low voice, “I think I saw something I shouldn’t have. It hurts like h*ll.”

Su Ling was speechless.

He meant her, right?

“Ah…” Su Ling also voiced out.

Su Feifei turned around again.

“Am I going to die?” As she spoke, tears the size of beans fell and she started sobbing. “Now only the two of us can depend on each other. If I lose my life…”

“A scourge lives for a thousand years. I won’t say anything else, but you’ll definitely die behind me. Don’t worry.” Bo Silin’s cold voice came over.

Su Ling squinted her eyes and unwillingly snuggled into Su Feifei’s arms.

“I want to eat that fruit.” She pointed at the fruit platter next to Su Feifei and slowly raised her hand. “I can’t bring it closer to me.”

Su Feifei squinted at her with a half-smile.

Bo Silin immediately gave the brawny man beside him a look.

“I’ll do it!”

One of the brawny men bravely stepped forward. “I’ll feed you!”

“There’s no need.”

Su Ling recovered in a second and sat up directly. While glaring at Bo Silin, she put the fruit into her mouth.

The farce did not end even when the plane stopped.

The few of them got off the plane. Su Feifei was the last one to leave. She crossed her arms and looked at Bo Silin.

“She was the one who started it,” Bo Silin immediately replied.

“I know,” Su Feifei smiled.

After that, she waved her hand and waited for Bo Silin to come closer. Then, she tiptoed and directly pulled his clothes off.

Bo Silin immediately clutched his collar and backed away, pretending to be shy.

“Let me see.” Su Feifei didn’t let go.

Bo Silin could no longer pretend.

“There’s no need to look, it should be the same as what you’re thinking,” he said after a while.

Her face darkened, but she still took a look. After she retracted her gaze, she held Bo Silin’s hand.

“I’ve asked Gu Sheng to come over.”

“Why did you ask him to come? To celebrate?” Bo Silin gritted his teeth. “He must be overjoyed, right?”

“To ask him about some things. What if you were in the same situation as him, and you really went back to that world after you became transparent? Bo Silin, I have a feeling that we will only be apart for a short while.”

Bo Silin fell silent. He had the same premonition. However, even if there was a one in ten thousand chance of a difference, it was still something he could not bear.

The two of them got out of the car one after another.

The moment she got out of the car, she was shocked by the crowd.

Yu Xi was standing at the front of the line. She was holding a light sign and smiling at Su Feifei.

“Su Feifei! We’re here to pick you up!”

She said excitedly, “You said that you wanted me to come over for dinner, but I couldn’t find a chance to go. After that, you went to film a show. So, I decided to bring myself here today instead!!”

“Thank you,” Su Feifei said.

Yu Xi immediately jumped for joy and followed behind Su Feifei like a loudspeaker.

Su Feifei arranged for Su Ling to go to the nearest hospital and then led everyone home.

The car had just arrived near the Bo family’s house when they suddenly heard the sound of gongs and drums.

She scrunched her eyebrows and focused her eyesight.

Grandpa Bo was leading the band. The suona and the trumpet were all musical instruments of memory. It was extremely aggressive.

As soon as they saw their car, they immediately started playing.

The greeting teams on the left and right were lined up in a row. All of them were wearing bright red clothes.

Grandpa Bo stood at the front of the group, hugging the microphone with both hands. “Let us welcome the pride of our country-my eldest grandson and granddaughter-in-law…”

“Turn around,” Bo Silin said.


The driver was Bo Xi, so she naturally turned around.

“Hey!” Grandpa Bo shouted, “Come back!”

“Of course he would do that! As expected of the man who has the same birthday as me!” Qi Yang patted his thigh, but two seconds later, he started to wail again.

Qi Yang was lying in the car behind. He had originally come to watch the show, but now, they were turning around!

Qi Cheng glanced at him and quickly passed by the area. After sending Bo Xi a text message, he continued to drive and returned to the Qi family.

“You’re leaving just like that?”

Qi Yang was reluctant to leave. He stuck his head out of the window. “Why don’t we stay for a while?”

“Do you think it’s a good time to do that right now?” Qi Cheng’s attack hit him.

Qi Yang was listless as he lay back in his seat.

After a long while, he took a deep breath. “Find me the best doctor and some assassins! Yes, an assassin… I want to give Bo Silin the same piece of mind!”

On the other side, Grandpa Bo still beat the drums and gongs as he chased after her. Bo Xi felt embarrassed and drove back dejectedly. The moment they got out of the car, Grandpa Bo gave all his love to Su Feifei.


“Su Feifei, I’m so proud of you!” He said, “We haven’t lost a single match! Now, because it’s a global live broadcast, all eyes are on you. You’ve done something that I’ve wanted to do all my life! To promote our country!! Let them respect us as they should!”

As he spoke, he sighed softly.

Su Feifei stared at him. When their eyes met, Grandpa Bo’s tears flowed.

“Grandpa.” She was puzzled. “When did you care about this country?”

When did this happen?

Grandpa Bo was speechless.

“Who are you underestimating?!” Grandpa Bo immediately started to kick up a fuss.

The people behind him also entered the Bo family’s house.

When Yu Xi walked past the threshold, she stumbled and almost fell. Xiao He, who was beside her, reached out to support her in time.

“Thank you,” she said. Yu Xi smiled brightly at Xiao He and blushed.

Xiao He immediately let go of her hand. “No need to thank me, we’re all comrades.”

Grandpa Bo’s voice continued from the front.

“Back then, I followed your grandma’s wishes and wanted to expand the Bo family’s business overseas. The land we live on was created by the blood and sweat of millions of people!

“My generation was full of hardships. That’s why I know how precious today is.

“Many people only wish to enjoy the results and not put in their efforts. You’re a good child. I’m so proud of you!”

“Alright, it’s time to eat.” Bo Xi retorted, “Ignore him. Let’s go and eat.”

“Let’s eat!” Yu Xi cheered and was the first to rush forward.

Everyone took their seats.

In the kitchen, Yu Xi was the first one to pass the rice to Xiao He. The moment Xiao He took it, he accidentally touched her knuckles. Instead of retracting her hand, Yu Xi stretched out her index finger and blushed again.

Xiao He was speechless. He glared at her and took a step back.

“What’s wrong, Xiao He?” Yu Xi opened her blinking eyes and looked at him.


Chapter: 452 Favor

Xiao He’s face turned red. “No, uh… I’m fine.”

As soon as he turned around, he saw Tiantian standing at the door with a faint smile on her face. She could almost see Su Feifei’s shadow in her face.

He immediately trembled and offered the rice bowl in his hand to her.

“Babe, you can eat first.”


Tiantian narrowed her eyes and looked at Yu Xi.

Their eyes met.

Tiantian turned to leave, and Xiao He immediately followed.

Behind him, the smile on Yu Xi’s face did not change. She only turned around and looked at Qiao Hefeng.

“Oh no! I haven’t put my clothes away on the balcony!”

Qiao Hefeng broke into a run, afraid that he would be a second too late.

He rushed out and slipped outside. He happened to run into Su Feifei.

“Su Feifei.” Qiao Hefeng stopped in his tracks.

Su Feifei glanced sideways.

Qiao Hefeng looked at the kitchen and then at her. He wanted to say something but stopped. After a while, he waved his hand and said, “Forget it, forget it.”

He couldn’t say it. He felt that there was something strange about Yu Xi. It was as if Yu Xi’s hand almost reached into Xiao He’s sleeve just now!

On the other side, Xiao He was coaxing her.

“I really didn’t mean to let her touch me!” Xiao He was holding the hand wash that he had stolen from Bo Silin and was rubbing the back of his hand desperately. “I swear! I dodged it immediately just now! I didn’t touch her at all!”

Qiao Hefeng, who was passing by, chimed in, “That’s right. Even if something fell to the ground, it could still be eaten for three seconds. I can be a witness. They touched it for about a second! It’s not dirty!”

Xiao He immediately cast a grateful look at Tiantian before tugging at her sleeve.

Tiantian waved her hand.

“I’m not thinking about that.”

Xiao He paused.


Then what was she thinking about?

Tiantian narrowed her eyes and stared in Yu Xi’s direction. At this moment, Yu Xi and the burly man were having a great time. The brawny man’s face turned red as he twisted the corner of his clothes, not knowing what to say.

Xiao He was stunned. “No way… They like women?”

“No way? It doesn’t look like it. ” Qiao Hefeng replied.

Tiantian rolled her eyes at them, picked up her bowl, and walked to the other side.

The brawny man was amused and invited Yu Xi to the top floor to look at the flowers and plants.

“These were all planted by Grandpa Bo.” The burly man said, “It’s really nice! He also made a lot of ingredients, and we used these ingredients to cook when we were staying here! You see, these potato leaves can be…”

The brawny man looked over with Yu Xi.

“Speaking of flowers…” Yu Xi tugged at the man’s sleeve. “Can I ask you to help me with something?”

The redness on his face deepened by another degree!

“J-just say it!”

“This is…” Yu Xi brought him downstairs and took out the bouquet she had prepared. “Su Feifei doesn’t accept gifts from us fans. I prepared this bouquet today for her. After the blooming period, it would wither. Could you give this bouquet to Su Feifei?”

Although it was called a bouquet, it was actually a box.

The burly man agreed.

“Don’t open it.” Yu Xi stuck out her tongue mischievously. “There’s a letter I wrote to Su Feifei inside!”

The brawny man’s red head nodded desperately.

“Don’t worry! I definitely won’t peek! I’m the most trustworthy person here!”

He went downstairs.

Yu Xi slowly leaned forward. Her eyes glanced down and landed on the burly man. The smile on her lips gradually disappeared and was replaced by a cold light.

The brawny man walked to Su Feifei’s door and knocked. He walked in while Su Feifei was alone.

The entire Bo family was filled with laughter.

In the courtyard, Qiao Hefeng had done something that caused the entire hall to roar with laughter. Xiao He and Tiantian were even holding hands and feeding each other.

Bo Xi’s voice when scolding Bo Silin was exceptionally sharp. The house was filled with the fragrance of tea. The butler brought over the afternoon desserts with a smile and let everyone rest.

Upstairs, it was completely silent.

Yu Xi watched as the brawny man entered the room and ran out in a panic. He shouted and stomped his feet.

He then watched as everyone’s smiles disappeared in an instant and they ran to the second floor, especially Bo Silin. His already pale face had turned even paler…

The door opened and people poured in, but no one came out.

The flowers inside were poisonous.

Once this poison was inhaled, they would die immediately. There was no way to save the situation.

Yu Xi looked at her watch and heaved a sigh of relief.

“It should be… Right about now.”


Then, she turned around, swung her pigtails, and rushed down.

“What’s wrong?”

Yu Xi asked as she ran. She pushed the crowd aside and squeezed in. “What happened to Su Feifei…”

Before she could finish her sentence, her footsteps suddenly froze.

He stopped in place.

Su Feifei was sitting in the middle of the room.

There was an unopened box beside her.

That pair of cold eyes slowly looked over, and there was no expression on his face.

“Explain yourself.”

Yu Xi panicked for a moment, but she immediately pretended to be calm.

“Explain what?”


“Xiao He!” Su Feifei called out, and everyone immediately rushed forward and held Yu Xi in place.

She nodded. “Let her smell the gift she gave me.”


Yu Xi panicked. She backed away, but Xiao He grabbed the back of her neck and pushed the box to the tip of her nose.

“Ah! Don’t!”

“Smell it!” Xiao He used more force.

Yu Xi was pressed against the box. She started to retch out of fear.

“Release me! Don’t touch me!”

Su Feifei raised her eyes.

Xiao He immediately let go.

Yu Xi fell to the ground and was covered in sweat. A shadow was cast in front of her.

Su Feifei squatted down.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to die.” She said, “Tell me, why did you want to kill me?”

Yu Xi gasped for breath on the ground.

Then, she suddenly waved his finger and stabbed it toward Su Feifei!

A knife had appeared in her hand!

Su Feifei raised her leg and kicked her face to the side. The next second, the box toppled over closer to her face.

Yu Xi screamed.

“I’ll talk!”

Su Feifei looked down at her and didn’t stop. The box continued to move forward.

“I’m going to kill you. There’s no reason for you to speak now.”

“Ah! Don’t come over! My family members have been kidnapped. If I don’t do anything, my family members will be the ones who die!”

Su Feifei’s movements stopped.

She raised her eyebrows. She had seen Yu Xi’s information and found nothing unusual.

Because it was a supporting role, the things that the supporting role did alone would not be reflected in the novel.

That person must have taken advantage of this to have the opportunity to cause trouble.

Today, it was Yu Xi. What about tomorrow?

Anyone who walked by her side had a chance of betraying her now. This was something that could not be prevented. She had to speed up the progress of the shock value and repair the world as soon as possible. The longer they dragged on, the lower their chances of winning.

“I promise your parents will be fine.” Su Feifei took a step back. “Stay in the Bo family’s house for the next few days. Don’t roam around.”

“Really?” Yu Xi raised her head, trembling.


If she was sent to the police station, that person might help her escape. Anything could happen now.

The butler knocked on the door.

“Gu Sheng is here.”

Su Feifei dispersed the crowd.

In less than a minute, Gu Sheng sat down opposite her and Bo Silin. Gu Sheng had lost a lot of weight, and his cheeks were sunken.

Bo Silin looked at the mirror and was satisfied.

He was more handsome.

He had won this round.

“I’m looking for you today to ask you something.” Su Feifei said.

“Su Feifei, you can ask me anything.” Gu Sheng immediately replied, “As long as I know, I will answer everything, no matter how big or small.”


Chapter: 453 A Script

After hearing the question, Gu Sheng fell into deep thought.

“You want to know about me transmigrating back?”

He glanced at Su Feifei and stopped.

“Did something happen to you?”


“No, stop asking and answer the question.”

Su Feifei pushed the teacup in front of him to show her politeness.

However, that gaze of his was just short of eating people.

Gu Sheng was also very tactful. He did not delay any longer and told her everything without missing a single detail.

“Are there any other abnormalities? About the body.” Su Feifei paused and leaned forward. “Think about it carefully.”

“No, just what I said just now.” Gu Sheng’s expression suddenly became unnatural.

Bo Silin immediately narrowed his eyes. “You really don’t?” He glanced at him.

“I really don’t…” Gu Sheng lowered his head.

“Oh.” Bo Silin nodded. “Sure, it’s probably embarrassing for you to tell us. It’s good that you know.”

Gu Sheng suddenly stopped and went numb.

He looked up and gritted his teeth. “Bo Silin, you’re trying to worm information out of me, aren’t you? Don’t you have any shame?”

“Is this the first time I’ve been so shameless?” Bo Silin looked at him strangely. “Did you lose some of your memories or something?”

Gu Sheng was speechless. However, he still stubbornly turned his head. “Nothing.”

“Hmph, what about that little thing in your pants?” Bo Silin said softly, “This expression… It’s like it’s showing that this is the root of the problem.”

Gu Sheng was speechless. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Seems that he wasn’t the only one. So that’s how it is…

He turned his head, clenched his fists, and extended his hand behind the sofa to give a huge cheer.

The heavens had eyes and did not let down a strong man like him.

Gu Sheng’s mouth twitched. “You… How did you know?”

“Because my IQ is high.” Bo Silin lied without any burden and even sneered, “Tell me, what’s the problem? It couldn’t be transparent, right? What else? Does it not work anymore?”

Gu Sheng was speechless.

In the end, Bo Silin kept changing the words and through the psychological skills exchanged by Su Feifei, he confirmed that Gu Sheng was also transparent.

The starting parts were all the same.

After sending Gu Sheng off, Su Feifei finally felt relieved.

She met Bo Silin’s eyes and laughed. With Gu Sheng’s reaction and experience as a guarantee, the probability of Bo Silin returning to his original world was much higher.

This was Su Feifei’s first true smile in so many days. Bo Silin held her hand and caressed her face for a moment.

“The salon is tomorrow, I’ll join you.

Su Feifei chuckled.

The last time she mentioned the salon, Bo Silin had no energy at all. Now, he could take the initiative to participate.

These days, the heavy burden on his heart weighed down on him like a big boulder.

The salon was located in a villa area.

The main hall was set aside as an area for red wine and desserts, and all the people in gowns were walking around, making Bo Silin and Su Feifei look particularly striking when they entered.

Not only were they not wearing formal attire, but they were also wearing casual windbreakers.

However, the two beautiful features could not be ignored, so they were particularly eye-catching.

When the two of them arrived, the surrounding people immediately whispered.

“It’s really them!”

“Subo Pot!”

“This is my first time seeing them. What about you?”

“Me too! Su Feifei looks exquisite! She’s really a natural-born female star, I’m convinced of her beauty!”

“Come on, if she didn’t climb into baby Bo’s bed, who would know her? The only good thing she did was that variety show. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that they came to the salon this time to curry favor with Ya Wang! Only you guys treat it as a treasure! You’ve been in the industry for so long, don’t you have eyes?”

“What are you talking about?”

Ya Wang’s voice suddenly appeared behind the crowd. The person who had spoken just now immediately shut his mouth. Ya Wang narrowed her eyes and looked at them.

“I’ve already seen Su Feifei’s acting on set. She’s my distinguished guest.”

Then, Ya Wang walked toward Su Feifei. “If anyone gossips here today, you can see yourself out. It will not be tolerated here.”

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t dare to say anything.

Ya Wang stopped in her tracks, and her smile became much gentler.

“Come, I’ll introduce you to a few screenwriting teachers and directors.”

Ya Wang led Su Feifei to the side.

Bo Silin followed her the entire way, and when all the directors saw Bo Silin, their smiles towards Su Feifei became more sincere.

When they reached the corner, Su Feifei reached out for a chocolate cake and was going to bring it to Bo Silin later. Right then, she suddenly heard a conversation.

“Yes, I suddenly had an idea. Actually, the interaction between the male and female leads should be more fated.”


A woman with black-rimmed glasses was sitting on the edge of the sofa with a laptop. She hurriedly typed as she spoke.

Su Feifei had just met the other person. He was a director.

The director forced a smile and looked like she wanted to escape. “Listen, it’s been hard on you. You’re out here to play, but you’re still thinking about working!”

“I’m just a sidekick, so I suddenly had an idea. After the changes, the second male lead will have more scenes, which will meet the director’s requirements. Wouldn’t that be good?”

Wang Qian pushed the laptop aside.

“Not bad, not bad,” the director said half-heartedly after taking a look.

Then, he turned and left.

“Hey, director! I know that you’re a little anxious because you’ve just changed your career to become a scriptwriter. Even if you don’t take a break, the director will need to!

“When the time comes, the script won’t even be under your name. If you put in so much effort, won’t you be saving others a lot of effort? Be smart and let it go.”

Wang Qian smiled and didn’t mind. She shifted her laptop.

Su Feifei stepped forward. Her eyes swept over the words on the screen.


She suddenly thought of the things in the editing box that day.

Wang Qian’s fingers were typing on the keyboard, completely unaware that there was someone behind her. Halfway through, she stopped and hesitated for a moment.

“Will it be okay to change this place?”

She started to talk to herself.

“I think it’s good.” A cold voice was heard.

Wang Qian was stunned and turned around.

When she saw Su Feifei, her face immediately turned red!

“S-Su Feifei!” Wang Qian immediately stretched out her hand. “I have a variety show that’s about you!”

Su Feifei shook her hand and looked down at the screen. Wang Qian’s eyes lit up and she immediately moved aside to let Su Feifei see.

“I was the one who decided on the first draft this time. Su Feifei, this main character’s character is based on you!”

“Me?” Su Feifei raised her eyebrows.

“Yes!” Wang Qian was so excited that she couldn’t control herself. “I really hope that you can act in the movie! Of course… I know it’s not possible but…” She smiled. “But when the time comes, can I invite you to watch this drama?”

Su Feifei’s eyes fell on the text.

She read it line by line.

She just happened to see the scene of the female lead stripping the male lead naked.

[Su Xiaoxiao: Why are you being so shy? Take off your pants and let me have a look!]

Su Feifei was speechless.

This was…


Chapter: 454 One With the Crowd

“You’re wrong,” Su Feifei said, “I think I’m more like a supporting character in the movie.”

She pointed at the screen.

[Xiao Yingying shyly lowered her head…]

Wang Qian was speechless.


She glanced at Su Feifei and laughed dryly.

She admitted that she was Su Feifei’s fan, but this was already to the extent that fans couldn’t brainwash her.

“Speaking of which, I only entered this industry because of you!” Wang Qian immediately changed the topic. “I used to write novels. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a screenwriter. After watching your variety show, I was influenced by your personality. I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel that people should be brave and pursue what they want! So, I started from scratch and became a screenwriter…”

Su Feifei checked her character profile.

As expected, she too had become a [supporting role. In this world, there were many people who were slowly changing because of her.

Su Feifei looked at her and said, “Thank you.”

“Ah?” Wang Qian was taken aback. She pushed her glasses up and quickly said, “I should be the one thanking you! To be able to write a story about one’s idol is actually very satisfying! If the idol gets even a glimpse of it makes it better!” She chuckled. “People have to have dreams, right?”

Idol… The story…

Su Feifei’s ears rang with these words.

“Wang Qian, can you help me take a look at something?” She asked.

“Of course!” Wang Qian answered.


On the way back, Su Feifei kept her eyes closed.

Bo Silin turned sideways and covered her with a blanket gently.

Before she could take her hand back, Su Feifei suddenly pressed it down.

“Bo Silin.” She opened her mouth hoarsely and looked up. “You said that this book was written by an admirer of yours?”

“Not an admirer,” Bo Silin corrected her, “Fans.”

He paused. “Not a normal fan. Do you know about sasaeng fans?”

Su Feifei shook her head.

“It’s an extreme group of fans.” He said, “These people are proud of prying into the private lives of celebrities. They often follow their cars, peep on them, take photos, stalk them, and so on.

“I’m not a celebrity in my hometown, but I have a group of fans. The one who wrote the book is especially fanatical.

“They wrote all of my characteristics into the book. My name is the same, just that they changed my identity.”

Su Feifei held his hand and slowly leaned forward. Her eyes were fixed on him.

“Bo Silin, I have a guess.”

The moment she said the word guess, combined with the question she had just asked, Bo Silin instantly narrowed his eyes. Su Feifei lowered her voice and said, “What if the murderer we’ve been looking for isn’t here at all? I mean, not in this world.”

Bo Silin was silent for a moment.

“It’s ridiculous, but it makes sense,” He said.

What was even more ridiculous was that after he thought about it carefully, everything made sense.

“I met a screenwriter today. The way she looked when she held her laptop was exactly the same as when I saved Qiao Hefeng.” Su Feifei said in a low voice, pausing after each word.

“It’s obvious that the changes in this world are caused by words.

“The rules of its operation are ultimately rules derived from words.

“That means the person who can control it, modify it, and know it like the back of his hand, could it be… The person who created this world?

“At that time, we also said that this person’s power far surpasses mine. Now that I have the system, I still have to compete with her for these abilities. Look at this.”

Su Feifei brought up the part where Lin Yan died and the part where he went to the bathroom.

She said, “When I was editing yesterday, I didn’t know where to start. I don’t know how to describe the scene at all, but this person clearly knows how to.”

The scenes that she edited fit the original content perfectly.

“I just deleted my name and showed Wang Qian these paragraphs…”

Su Feifei made a copy of the words and pointed to the recovery of Qiao Hefeng’s foot injury and the other places that had been modified. At that time, Wang Qian had laughed after reading it.

“It’s the same writing style at the beginning, but it’s a little stiff here.” Wang Qian was referring to the part where Hefeng was injured. “The author was probably tired, right? It wasn’t written well at all! Hahaha!”

Su Feifei continued, “She could tell that what I wrote was different from the others. However, she didn’t see any traces of other people modifying it. ”

In the end, she made the final decision.

“I think that the murderer behind the scenes and the original author of this book are the same person. At the very least, the possibility of that is very high.”

The car was silent.

Bo Silin pondered for a long time.

“There’s one more thing.” He suddenly thought of something. “When I got into the accident, it was because she was following me.”

Su Feifei raised her eyebrows.

Although the two events were not related. After trying to piece it together, the event became particularly horrifying.

Su Feifei leaned against the car and closed her eyes.

If this person really existed in another world, all the more she should race against time and repair the world as soon as possible.

The car stopped in front of the Bo family’s courtyard.


Su Feifei got out of the car. She paused in her steps, deliberately delaying Bo Silin by a few seconds.

“If my guess is correct, you should be able to see it now, right?” Su Feifei muttered to herself and looked around.

At the same time.

In a small room.

The tablet that was used for writing was spread out.

Words were being generated automatically.

[If my guess is correct, you should be able to see it now, right?]

His fingers on the table froze.

The keyboard fell to the ground and broke into half.

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes and stepped into the house. As soon as she entered the door, she was pulled by a hand in the dark and pressed directly onto the bed.

Their eyes met, she looked into that pair of amber eyes, and both their skin felt a little hot.


“When we left this morning, did you change your name to a normal man?”

“Yes.” Su Feifei nodded and emphasized, “And I just saw it. There’s no change. This means that the other party is the same as me. There should be a limit to the number of times they can modify it.”

Bo Silin smirked. “Then let’s anger her to death now.”

The thought of this scene being seen by the other side made both of them excited.

Su Feifei immediately hooked her arm around Bo Silin’s neck.

“You’re not afraid of me getting hurt now?”

Bo Silin pinched her face. “Have you forgotten that you can already change the plot?”

Obviously, the other party could not take Bo Silin’s life. Otherwise, they would have taken his life long ago. They would not have gone through so much trouble to arrange for the masked man and Yu Xi to kill Su Feifei.

Therefore, the worst outcome would not be death.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just come back and change the plot later?

“Alright,” Su Feifei nodded. “Let’s make her die of anger.”

As soon as she finished speaking, he felt a chill on his body.

Su Feifei reached out and let her hair down. Her black hair spread out on the bed. She stretched out her legs and clamped Bo Silin between them, then turned over and got up.

Then, she slowly leaned forward.

The hot kiss was deep and Bo Silin’s began to move downward…


Chapter: 455 Retching

The moonlight glimmered in the courtyard.

Spring had arrived. The plum blossoms and snow in the courtyard melted, and water droplets dripped down. The droplets on the branches trembled and fell, wetting the ground.

In the room, the sound of breathing spread, getting faster and faster.

Neither of them stopped until midnight.


The next morning, Qiao Hefeng yawned and walked to the kitchen.

The moment he walked in, he was shocked.

“Bo Silin! What are you doing?”

Bo Silin turned around with a smile, he was glowing.

“Eat as much as you like, there’s no need to be shy,” he said.

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

What was going on?

What was with the sudden treatment?

Did the sun rise from the West today?

Xiao He also came over with a yawn. When he saw Bo Silin’s face, he was also shocked.

“What’s going on…” He lowered his voice and asked Qiao Hefeng, “Is Qiu Ye out of luck? Did Gu Sheng die??”

“No, Director Qiu is preparing for our next competition! Didn’t Gu Sheng just leave the house yesterday in good condition?”

“Then what’s going on? Has he gone crazy?”

“He’s crazy, right? Look at his smile. Isn’t it scary?”

“What are you two doing?” Bo Xi appeared behind them, frowning.

The two of them immediately made a shushing gesture and pulled Bo Xi to the side.

After saying a few words sneakily, they pointed in Bo Silin’s direction.

Bo Xi squinted and looked out, but when she saw it, she retracted her gaze.

“Oh.” She said, “They obviously did it last night. It’s written all over his face.”

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.


“Why are you acting so surprised? Look at that face.” Bo Xi sighed. “The two of you have too little experience.”

She shook her head and went to the table. When Su Ling came out with the porridge, she paused when she saw Bo Silin.


Qiao Hefeng and Xiao He were speechless.

She could tell even without talking to him?

Did they really lack experience?

No, these two women were just crazy, what kind of experience did they have?!

Grandpa Bo came with a birdcage. Halfway through, he did a space slide and slid from one end of the corridor to the other.

“Good morning, dear family.”

He turned around magnificently, covered his hat, and began to dance on the spot.

The smile on his face stopped the second he saw Bo Silin.

He suddenly gasped!

“Butler!” He roared.

Everyone was speechless.

The butler’s footsteps immediately clicked against the smooth ground as he rushed forward.

“What’s the matter?”

“Go!” Grandpa Bo stared at Bo Silin’s face. “G-get him something to nourish his body!”

“There’s no need. There’s no need…” Bo Silin waved his hand.

“You need it! If there’s any supplement at home, give it all to my grandson!”

Bo Silin puffed out his chest and deliberately shook the hickey on his neck.

This time, everyone saw the medal.

“Thank you for your concern, Grandpa. My waist is a little sore.”

Grandpa Bo was so excited that he jumped up and down.

He almost lifted the roof with excitement.

“Quickly go!!!” He jumped up and pointed at the butler. “Today, I want to see all the oysters in the market in the Bo family’s house!!”

“Of course!”

The butler turned around and led a row of servants to the door!

The door closed.


The people inside swallowed their saliva.

The bread in Bo Xi’s hand fell.

Bo Silin moved his neck and deliberately pointed the medal at Bo Xi. He asked, “Bo Xi, how are things between you and Qi Cheng?”

Bo Xi was speechless.

“Good luck.” Bo Silin sighed softly. “Now, I can only give my sincere blessings.”

Bo Xi was speechless.

Bo Silin hissed and turned to Xiao He.

Xiao He’s entire face instantly turned red!

“You’re disappointing.” Bo Silin only gave a single comment before he looked at Qiao Hefeng.

Qiao Hefeng immediately puffed out his chest. “I have one!”

“Ha, it was so fast it didn’t count.” Bo Silin swept past.


Qiao Hefeng, “F*ck!”

“Bo Silin! What are you saying! Ruoqing is still here! How could you…”


Bo Silin pressed his index finger to his lips. If he wasn’t handsome, this action would have brought him a fatal disaster.

The person who wanted to kill him the most was Bo Xi.

If she had known that there would be such top-notch ridicule after their rodeo, she would have killed him with her own hands when there were just signs of it!

Endure it!

It’s all Qi Cheng’s fault for not living up to expectations! Bo Silin had actually gotten there first! Let’s see what he can do!

Bo Xi gritted his teeth and sent a text message to Qi Cheng.

[Hurry up and come over!!! Bo Silin did it with Su Feifei last night, and now his ego is in the sky!]

[He could?]

[Why did you think he couldn’t?]

The two of them were having a passionate conversation.

On this side, a few grown men gathered together.

“He really made it?” Qiao Hefeng sized up Bo Silin. “Then how did you get out of bed today? There is no way that Su Feifei is gentle…”

“Qiao Hefeng, don’t judge others by your own uselessness.” Bo Silin said calmly.

Qiao Hefeng took a deep breath after being hit by the arrow.

He knew that Bo Silin was taking revenge for being exposed!

It’s been so long and he hasn’t forgotten!

He snorted. “Then last night you… How many…?”

Grandpa Bo moved his ear closer.

Bo Xi gritted his teeth.

“You guys! Can you eat seriously?”

The few of them turned around to eat. Qiao Hefeng looked at Bo Silin, still wanting to fight for the upper hand.

Bo Silin smirked coldly. When he picked up the bowl, he placed his fingers on the edge of the rice bowl.

It just so happened to be a four finger.

Qiao Hefeng was overjoyed. He smacked Xiao He under the table. “That’s only three minutes and thirty seconds longer than when I was on the island!”

“It was until four in the morning.”

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

“I’m going back to my room to sleep.” He got up, his steps heavy.

Bo Xi rolled his eyes. “Don’t you have any shame?”

“Qi Cheng is shameless. Did he manage to catch you?” Bo Silin put down his bowl and chopsticks slowly and walked away. “I’ll go wake my wife up.”

At the table, everyone had lost their appetites.

There was no way to continue living like this!

Fortunately, Bo Silin was brought to the film set by Su Feifei in the afternoon, saving the Bo family from the torture.

Su Feifei regained her energy after a good night’s sleep.

When she stepped onto the set, the first thing she saw was Lin Yi, who was being scolded by the director.

“What bullsh*t lines are these! Was this what he was saying? What’s wrong with your work attitude?”

Lin Yi had managed to get a small role because of her appearance in the competition.

However, the lines were also part of the lie, so she couldn’t say them.

Su Feifei was in a good mood, so she changed her character setting.

She had changed Lin Yan’s character once before, and the butterfly effect eventually led to Lin Yan’s death, which also allowed the masked man to enter the competition early.

It was good to let everything go back on the right track to avoid any mistakes.

“Where’s Bo Silin?” Su Feifei called out to Xiao He.

“Bo Silin is taking an afternoon nap in the lounge!” Xiao He replied immediately.

“A nap?”

He had been sleeping since he arrived.

Xiao He covered his mouth. “I guess he was just tired last night. After all…” He coughed lightly. “It was until four in the morning… Anyways, Bo Silin retched just now,” Xiao He said. “I think his stomach is not feeling well.”

Su Feifei frowned and immediately turned around.

“I’ll go see him.”

When she reached the lounge, she saw Bo Silin lying on the chair with pale lips.

Su Feifei immediately went up to him and felt his forehead.

“Your temperature is normal.” She asked in puzzlement, “Are you sick? You were fine last time.”

Bo Silin shook his head. I’m fine. “I’m just a little tired.”

His back was sore, his lower body was heavy, and…


At the door, the sound of retching was suddenly heard.

The two of them looked in the direction of the voice.

An actor was putting on a fake belly.

“Is this the case?” She asked the director, “The degree of retching just now should be enough, right?”

“Yes, perfect.” The director nodded. “You have to waddle when you walk later. You’re in the late stage of pregnancy and your legs are swollen. You have to act it out. There is also a sense of fatigue and a pale face… Oh, just like Bo Silin.”

The director pointed at Bo Silin. After that, he greeted Bo Silin and closed the door politely.

Inside, the two of them looked at each other. Su Feifei glanced at his face. Her eyes moved to his legs, and finally, she fixed her gaze on his stomach.

Two seconds later, Bo Silin jumped out of his chair!

F*ck, it can’t be!

“Su Feifei, quickly look at my character setting, see if there’s anything unusual!”


Chapter: 456 Miscarriage

Su Feifei moved to check.

The information in front was the same.

When she read the last sentence, a line of words suddenly appeared.

[After having sex with anyone, he will have a fake pregnancy reaction.]


Fake pregnancy.

She read it to Bo Silin.

Bo Silin sat back down, his head aching.

In other words, he wasn’t really pregnant. She was just having the nausea of a pregnant woman.

He closed his eyes.

The reaction of a pregnant woman…


“Help me… Change it back to…” He said it word by word.

Su Feifei glanced outside the door. “I can’t change it.”

Bo Silin was speechless.

“Why not?”

“I bumped into Lin Yi just now and changed her character settings. I’ve used up my chances for today.”

Bo Silin was speechless.

After a long while, he said helplessly, “I’m now suspecting that the person behind this is not a fan.”

“Why?” Su Feifei asked.

Bo Silin slumped in his chair, feeling weak.

A sasaeng fan could be considered half a fan, right?

Not to mention fans, they were just strangers, strangers that he had met by chance. Was it necessary to have such great malice towards him?

Su Feifei analyzed rationally, “This should be a warning, and it also shows that she’s your secret fan. At least she didn’t change your character to getting pregnant. If she can change it this time, I can’t be sure next time.”

Bo Silin closed his eyes and did not say a word.

He even retched as a response, and after that, he was even more disdainful.

He raised his hand.

“Please… Make it stop… Just prepare my coffin already.”

Su Feifei turned her head to suppress her laughter.

Bo Silin sighed. “Come and see me when the world is about to be repaired. I’m prepared to spend the rest of my life there.”

“You don’t want a wedding?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Wedding…” Bo Silin sat up straight and pulled Su Feifei in front of him. “I was just about to talk to you about this.”


“Let’s cancel the wedding,” Bo Silin said, “Based on the current situation, that person will not let us get what we want. This is our wedding, and I don’t want anything to ruin it. Based on the current situation…”

He lifted his clothes, the original position of the abdominal muscles had become a small belly, which was slightly bulging.

Bo Silin was speechless.

How was he going to face everyone?

“Do you think that person will let us successfully complete our wedding?” He asked.

Su Feifei looked at his belly seriously and asked, “Bo Silin, I don’t want to stop doing it just because there’s a possibility of it being destroyed. What if we only have this one chance?”

She moved her fingers and held his hand. “It’s hard to say whether you can go back successfully and whether I can find you successfully. However, I won’t let go of this opportunity.”

“I heard that people wear wedding dresses and hold ceremonies here. In the Great Yan, it’s called the Emperor’s ceremony.

“I want to choose the location to be on Dayan Island. I’ll let you hang the seal of the Emperor and accept many gifts. I want to give you my promise in this life, alright?”

Bo Silin was moved for a moment and wanted to say something, but Su Feifei’s fingers tightened.

“In my opinion, it’ll be a gift to already have you at the wedding. Therefore, no matter what that person does, it won’t matter if there are any mistakes in the process. Because the person I want to marry is not this ceremony, but you.”

Bo Silin’s brows relaxed and his heart warmed up.

“Alright. Le’ts get married.” He said softly.

Su Feifei smiled, but when she turned her head, her fingers paused and she stared at Bo Silin’s face.

Bo Silin then reached out to wipe his face.

Was he actually crying?

Although he was touched, it couldn’t have been that intense, right?


At the door, the actor’s voice from earlier appeared again. “Pregnant women are prone to emotional fluctuations, right?”

“Yes, because of the hormone effect…”

Bo Silin smiled and lay back on the chair.

The chair was laid down like a coffin by him.


Su Feifei chuckled, then leaned over and poked Bo Silin’s cheek. Taking advantage of the moment Bo Silin turned his head, she leaned over and gently bit his lips. After a while, she stood up again.

“Are you feeling better now?” She asked.

Bo Silin sat up.

“Bearing a child is like a crazy workout.”

If it wasn’t for the fact that he was a little worried about the way the child would come out.

He really couldn’t bear to let Su Feifei suffer this pain.

No matter how much she could endure, no matter how strong she was, the pain he was feeling right now was…

At the thought of this, Bo Silin raised his head.

“Su Feifei, why don’t you take this opportunity to anger this little illegitimate child and make that person change my setting? We can always have another one.”

Su Feifei was speechless.

It was the first time in her life that she had such a big expression.


“The more I think about it, the more I feel that it’s not impossible.” Bo Silin was deep in thought. “”We’ll have children in the future. I’m not too willing to let you have one now though…”

Su Feifei tugged at him. “I’m not afraid of this little pain.”

“And what if you disappear while I’m pregnant? If the body is left behind, will two lives be lost?”

Bo Silin sobered up.

Su Feifei stopped in her tracks and stared at him.

“Bo Silin, are you sure your IQ is at hundred and forty?”

Bo Silin was speechless.

She had changed!

She was using his sore spot to step on him!

“Look at my character profile. There’s a number hundred forty right there. Do you see it too?” He asked with a smile.

Su Feifei suddenly remembered.

It was for a love brain. She couldn’t help but laugh, but her heart softened. After she left the house, she suddenly thought of something and called out for the system.

‘System, did you also develop your own will before you went against the original creator of the world?’

From the looks of it, the system’s growth potential was clearly higher than the other party’s ability.

This system’s setting should have been written by the author from the very beginning, right?

Could the system fight against the person who created it?

After she asked this question, the system replied matter-of-factly, [Of course my potential is higher than hers, because I wasn’t created by her.]

‘Then who?’

[Heaven’s secrets must not be revealed…”

Before the system could finish its last word, it was shut off.

The system was speechless.

Su Feifei was really difficult to manage! What a bad temper! It missed the previous owner so much!

The two of them returned to the Bo family’s house one after another.

“We’re making mutton today! Su Feifei, you’re back just in time!”

Qiao Hefeng rushed out of the kitchen, happily holding a plate of rice.

As soon as she leaned over, Bo Silin retched and turned to go upstairs.

“What’s wrong, Bo Silin?” Qiao Hefeng asked curiously.

“Pregnancy rebound…”

Qiao Hefeng stood on the spot and laughed out loud after a while. “I’m dying of laughter. Su Feifei, I didn’t know you could joke like that! Hey, Xiao He, do you think she read about that joke on the internet?”

Su Feifei glanced at him. “He’s having a miscarriage.”

She also chased after him.


Chapter: 457 Better Than That

Xiao He was puzzled and looked upstairs. In fact, he had almost believed her just now.

After all, Bo Silin’s reaction on set was really strange.

But a pregnancy… God, he must be crazy to believe such an idea!

Xiao He shivered. Upstairs, Su Feifei gently opened Bo Silin’s door.


The bed had a bulge, and the air was filled with despair.

Su Feifei poked his raised part.

“I’ll change it back for you after midnight. Starting from tomorrow, I’ll change it as she changes it. I’ll keep an eye on her every day.”

With that, Bo Silin reached out and lifted a corner of the blanket.

In the dark night, his pajamas were loose. The moment he lifted the blanket, the entire room was lit up.

Downstairs, Qiao Hefeng looked at Bo Silin’s room with a strange expression.

“Strange.” He asked, “Why is the light in their room green?”

In the room, Su Feifei squatted down and took a closer look.

“Is it really all transparent?”

This was the first time she had seen that part of his body in the night.

She covered herself with the blanket, moved her body, and took out a piece of warm meat patties from her arms. She wrapped herself around his body. The pocket in her arms was also sewn by Su Feifei herself.

In the past, she was used to the army and battles, so she would sew a pocket in the inner lining of every piece of her clothes.

“Eat it, they just made it.” She handed it to Bo Silin. “See if you can finish it.”

Bo Silin stretched out his head to take it, sniffed it, and found it acceptable.

Su Feifei placed her face on the bed and lay on her stomach.

“Bo Silin, you said today that you’re not a celebrity in the other world. What do you do?”

Bo Silin stopped eating the pancake and leaned closer to look at her.

“Beat up workers.”


She never understood the real Bo Silin before.

It was only after she knew that he could return to his original world that she began to be curious.

Bo Silin thought for a moment. “Something similar to Bo Xi.”

“Do you have a company?”

“I don’t have a company.”

He was a financial trader in the venture capital industry. The money he earned was enough for him to spend for ten lifetimes. He was too lazy to manage the company.

Su Feifei looked at him with sympathy.

Working for Bo Xi or working for someone else would probably be more difficult.

She reached out and touched Bo Silin’s head — which was the only place on his body that was not glowing.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be here in the future. I won’t let you suffer.”

Bo Silin paused in the middle of eating the meat patty. He immediately understood and nodded slowly. He began to tear up, “Then you must come quick. What if I starve to death in the streets…”

He even sobbed as he spoke.

Su Feifei hugged him even tighter.

“Alright, I’ll come as soon as I can.” She patted Bo Silin’s head.

Bo Silin was so excited that he wanted to take out his phone to record this scene.

It was a pity that he could not take Gu Sheng with him when he left.

Bo Silin lay in her arms, feeling pleased.

He asked, “When you were in Great Yan, what did you do other than fighting? ”

“Other than fighting?” Su Feifei lowered her eyes. “I review memorials, hold meetings with the ministers, and hold place banquets.

“A palace banquet?”

“Yeah, a group of men would perform a sword dance. It’s pretty good.”

Bo Silin clenched his fist.

A sword dance?!

He immediately thought of Gu Sheng, that son of a b*tch, who had the exact same sword dance moves as the Tao Wu.

The two of them had probably rehearsed together before.

Bo Silin clutched his chest as he fell on the bed. “My stomach hurts again…”

A gust of wind suddenly blew past his ear.

He squinted and saw Su Feifei’s smile.

“Bo Silin, I once received thirty-six beauties at once.”


This number was like a knife that stabbed right into Bo Silin’s heart.


“At that time…” She leaned over and said in a soft voice, “I never slept with any man. The people are anxious. They think of the country and the foundation, and are worried that no one will inherit it.”

Bo Silin stopped.

Light filled his eyes again.

“It’s also because of this that I feel that since we’re going to have offspring, it’s better to choose an acquaintance.” She said, “That’s why I chose Wei Ling, who has been by my side for ten years.”

She touched his face. “Don’t you always see Gu Sheng as your enemy? In my heart, he has never been your enemy. He betrayed his country and his friends, but he never betrayed his friends. I’ve only loved one person, and there’s only one person I can be at ease with.”

Bo Silin raised his eyes and looked at her.

The two of them were very close to each other now.

Her fingers slid down and touched the necklace Bo Silin was wearing around his neck.

He wore it every day and even used special oil to treat the wood. Most of the time, he kept it close to his body. Su Feifei only saw him take it out twice, both times when Gu Sheng came.

Su Feifei hooked the necklace and gently pulled him in front of her. She pressed her cold fingers against his chin and lifted it.

He didn’t say a word, but more than enough words were already spoken.


Bo Silin’s pupils trembled. The next second, Su Feifei was pulled under the blanket. Her long black hair was scattered on the bed sheet, forming a sharp contrast to the color it had.

She looked up at him, her eyes full of desire.

With just one look, Bo Silin fell for it.

Because of the restraint and solemness she exuded, the lust that broke all this was particularly attractive, and could even be described as breathtaking.

The images from last night began to appear in his mind uncontrollably.

Red lips, panting, hugging, thin sweat, enduring calls…

This was the first time he realized that calling him Bo Silin would make him lose control. This was also the first time he had found out that the ultimate possession could really offset all uneasiness.

Right then, the clock in the Bo family’s house rang.

It was exactly midnight.

The sound of the door was heard.

“Sir, you haven’t had dinner yet. Do you want to have supper?”

The butler said from outside the door.

There was no movement inside for a long time.

He pushed the door open curiously, only to see the messy bed sheets.

“Oh? He must be out.”

The butler shrugged, opened the door, and went out.

In the cabinet, their breaths were intertwined.

Bo Silin covered Su Feifei’s eyes.

“Don’t look. I’m hideous.” He said in a low voice.

Su Feifei kissed his shoulder. Not only did she not think it was ugly, but she also thought he looked good.

The light also outlined every line on his body more clearly.

Su Feifei removed his hand.

Bo Silin lowered his eyes and did not meet her gaze.

Her eyes flickered, then she smiled and said, “Bo Silin, Tiantian showed me many books. There are many descriptions of body parts in them.”

His long hair brushed past his chest, and wherever it brushed past, it made his heart itch.

“The description of the male protagonist in the book often has a sentence that says that they are godlike. I used to think it was exaggerated. It wasn’t until I saw it with my own eyes that I realized that this wasn’t just a rhetorical question.”

Bo Silin looked up instantly.

With the way she spoke, if she didn’t become an Emperor, she could probably become a Sea King.

He laughed. In the next second, he pounced on her and used a kiss as a reply.


Chapter: 458 Known Earlier

The moonlight shone on the window.

Bo Silin reached out and gently covered Su Feifei with the blanket. She closed her eyes and didn’t wake up even when the blanket was over her.

After the door closed, he walked out and made a call. It rang for a long time before he picked up.

Qiu Ye’s voice was very clear. “Yo, you’re still awake in the middle of the night. Have you heard of a private life?”

Bo Silin did not answer.

“Y-y-you…” Qiu Ye directly jumped up from his seat. “F*ck you! Bo Silin, you’re not calling to show off, are you? No… According to your personality, shouldn’t you just write an invitation and invite me to your house to celebrate or something?”

“Come to the Bo family’s house tomorrow.”

“Hey! That’s overtime work! Next time, I won’t give up until I make this match the standard of the Spring Festival Gala!”

“You?” One word was extremely insulting.

“Stop! Don’t say anything else! You’re not going to accuse me of scamming the Spring Festival Gala, are you?”

“You’re not worthy.”

Qiu Ye was speechless.


He should not have picked up this call in the middle of the night! He thought it was an emergency.

“I’m hanging up!”

“Wait,” Bo Silin’s lazy voice rang out again. “Raise Su Feifei’s resources to the highest level and pick some high-quality activities for her that will quickly produce an impact. She needs to build up her reputation in the shortest time possible.”

Qiu Ye was stunned.

“Is that what she wants?”


“I never expected Su Feifei to be so career-minded. If I had known earlier, I would’ve gone down a different road!” Qiu Ye realized that he had let the cat out of the bag and coughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.”

“Is that so? I thought it would be hard for you to understand what to do with your little pocket money.”

“You really are a-”

Before he could finish, the call was hung up. Qiu Ye was so angry that he jumped on the spot!

“D*mn it!”

The screen lit up again.

It was a message.

[Bo Silin: I’ve sent you the list of wedding preparations, remember to have a look at it.]

[Qiu Ye: Get lost!]

However, he still opened the list given by Bo Silin. Looking at all the items on the list, he suddenly had an idea.

“Why has my heart been beating so fast recently?” Qiu Ye said in a low voice, “Is this kid trying to trick me? There must be something wrong with the sudden preparations!”

Qiu Ye still did not dare to ask.

The few words he said just now were still vivid in his mind.

If he went over to ask now, wouldn’t he just be asking for trouble?

The Bo family.

Bo Silin turned around and went back.

The door opened and closed, and the faint moonlight fell on Su Feifei’s face, making every line on her face look gentler.

He lay down and held her in his arms.

Their fingers were intertwined as they played with her hand.

Su Feifei didn’t wake up. Instead, she found a more comfortable position and snuggled in.

The scent on his body was particularly familiar and reassuring.

Bo Silin turned to look at the moon.

He recalled that when the world collapsed that day, the sky also had an anomaly.

Before Feifei fell asleep, he had asked about the progress of the shock points.

At that time, Feifei’s answer was…

“I only needed a hundred million points to reach level four, but I need one billion points to reach level five. We won’t be able to collect all of them that quickly. You can rest assured, it will take at least a year or two.”

Bo Silin was speechless.

In other words, he would have to maintain this glowing body for another one or two years?

“I’d rather die.”

If they really wasted so much time, who knew what would happen?

If he had to face people changing his character from time to time and all kinds of strange dangers lurking around him for a year, how was he going to live?

He had to think of a way to speed up the progress.

So, in addition to contacting Qiu Ye, he also contacted the company. Now, he was preparing to create momentum for Su Feifei and spread her reputation around the world.

“Bo Silin?” Su Feifei opened her eyes and called out in a daze. “Go to sleep.”

Bo Silin hugged her and touched her face gently.


It was a dreamless night.

During breakfast the next day, Bo Silin told the Bo family about his thoughts.

Su Feifei was surprised.

Creating traction?

Although it was urgent, she was still going to use the Bo family’s assets…

“What’s there to disagree with?” Grandpa Bo was the first to reply. “I agree! We should let everyone see how good Su Feifei is! The moment I saw her, I knew she had the superstar glow!”

“I disagree.” She put down her bowl and chopsticks.

“What’s there to disagree with?” Grandpa Bo was the first to reply.”Isn’t money earned to be spent?”

Su Feifei was stunned.

“I agree.” Bo Xi said, “We can’t finish spending all our money either. Anything is only interesting when it’s done to the extreme. I’ll contact the company’s people to create a star plan for her in a while.”

Without waiting for Su Feifei’s reply, Bo Xi put down her bowl and chopsticks.


Then, she kicked the cold stool.

“Come out, we have something to say.”

She turned around and left.

Bo Silin finished his last bowl of rice before going out. He had eaten a piece of cake yesterday because of his pregnancy cravings.

Who knew what strange things would appear today?

He was always prepared to deal with it, and if it happened, he would handle it with all his might.

Bo Xi turned around as Bo Silin stood outside the door.

“What happened to you?” She asked.

The two pairs of similar black eyes looked at each other.

“What could happen?”

“Su Feifei doesn’t have the personality to want to be famous.” Bo Xi narrowed her eyes. “I thought that she would choose to leave the entertainment industry after participating in this global competition.”

Bo Silin turned around and looked at the garden.

The garden was full of leaves and branches. Spring had come, and everything was revived.

“I’ve changed my mind.”

Bo Xi frowned and laughed coldly. “I would have dragged you into the crematorium and burned you for three days for three days if I could.”

Bo Silin smiled. “Me too.” He paused. “Where’s Qi Cheng? I haven’t seen him for two days. Has he forgotten to chase after you?”

It was a precise attack.

Bo Xi lifted her leg to kick him but Bo Silin dodged nimbly and lowered his head to adjust his sleeves.

Bo Xi was furious.

“Bo Silin, are you sure you’re not going to tell me the truth?” She asked again.

“What do you want to hear?” He turned around.

Bo Xi glanced at him. “Forget it.” Then, she turned around and left.

Bo Silin then took out an alcohol-soaked cotton pad, wiped the door frame, and leaned against it.

He felt a sudden warmth on her wrist.

He turned around and saw Su Feifei’s side profile. She just squeezed his hand and didn’t say anything. She knew that Bo Silin wanted her to treat his family members here as her own.

How good was it to have a family? How could she forget it so easily?

They fully supported all of Bo Silin’s actions, and they loved each other. Because they liked Bo Silin, they liked her.

So, Bo Silin should be very reluctant to leave this place, right?

She squeezed Bo Silin’s hand.

“Don’t worry,” Su Feifei said softly but firmly, “I’ll make this world happy.”

After making the plan, Su Feifei strictly followed it.

She was very efficient and would leave on time every day and return home by sunset.

The company strongly promoted Su Feifei’s fighting scene and posted it on the internet.

In just three weeks, Su Feifei had earned a hundred million in shock value.

The Bo family.

Su Feifei glanced at the system.

She was still 800 million away from the shock value reaching 1 billion.

“The invitation is here!” Tiantian, who was playing badminton in the courtyard, called out when she saw her phone light up.


Chapter: 459 Invitation Letter

An invitation letter?

Su Feifei looked at her phone.

It was an invitation from the official Festival Group.

The scale of the competition this time was unprecedented.

Under Bo Silin’s suggestion, Qiu Ye expanded the original 500 participants to 2000, and the preliminary contest lasted for half a month.

Due to the previous matches, the members of the cat team were not able to fight, so the matches lasted for a short time.

Therefore, in order to extend the duration of the competition and give Su Feifei more time to attract fans, the program team added a mapping system.

At the same time, this was also the last big survival contest organized by a Chinese director, so it naturally attracted the attention of the world.

There were those who wanted to see him make a fool of himself, but there were also those who fully supported him.

“Wow! What a grand display!”

“Su Feifei, did you see that?”

Qiao Hefeng rushed upstairs.

Su Feifei walked over with a sandbag on her back and looked around as she walked.

The invitation letter was in a beautiful cultural style, and it was made into a video with animated scenes.

“We’ll use the screen projector!”

Tiantian suggested.

The crowd immediately moved to the cinema.

The screen was projected and the room instantly darkened.

After that, it was the ink-like opening. The atmosphere was majestic.

[Hosted by China — Invitation Letter]

A few gold-stamped words were printed on the title page.

As the video progressed, the picture gradually had color embellishments.

The next scene was the man in the painting.

In the painting, every face of the contestants quickly flashed past, and finally, it was fixed on Su Feifei. It was a short two-second silhouette, but her eyes were sharp and majestic.

The subtitles slowly appeared-

[Determination is a form of strength.]

The video advanced again, showing the scene of the great Tang Dynasty.

The people performing the sword dance in the painting were also the participants from China!

A song of high mountains and flowing water played.

The subtitles floated again.

[Unity is a common understanding.]

The scene changed.

There were all sorts of lectures on Confucianism, Daoism, and so on. The background was accompanied by a few lines of poetry and recitals.

There were also all kinds of iconic buildings.

Where the Great Wall disappeared, rows of musical instruments could be seen. The mysterious imperial mausoleum, the dam, and the canal had each of their scenic shots.

It was so complicated and stunning at the same time.

[This is an invitation letter and a letter of recommendation.]

The beautiful scenery of China began to show.

Yuanshan Yi.

Crooked stream.

There were the beautiful and high rise buildings and the vast sandstorms of the Northwest.

There was the burning affection of Sichuan, and also the clear heart under the snowy fields.

The images of delicious food sped up. Some chefs clinked their glasses in front of the camera. The spicy skewers were sprinkled with cumin.

In the early morning, the net was cast to catch fish and crabs, and at dusk, the chimney emitted smoke.

From Jiangnan to Huaibei, from seafood to cattle and sheep.

The eight major cuisines were all available.

[We have 5000 years of history.]

[We have the beauty of a hundred flowers blooming, we accept the kindness of different skin colors.]

[There’s wine, food, poetry, and songs here.]

[Come with us on this journey. There will be drinks and discussions. We’re waiting for you…]

[Welcome, to China.]

Finally, a three-dimensional invitation letter was sent to each contestant.

After opening it, it was almost a silhouette of the previous scenes.

After watching the scrolling screen, the room was silent for a full minute.


Only then did he let out an angry roar.

“Qiu Ye! That was so f*cking bold!”

“This is only the beginning.” A sneaky voice sounded.

Everyone immediately turned to look. They saw Qiu Ye leaning against the door. Xiao He was the first to rush toward Qiu Ye.

“That was awesome! I got goosebumps just from looking at it!”

“This scene will be broadcasted live all over the world. Shouldn’t we show off?” Qiu Ye squinted.

It was obvious that he had come here today to receive the worship.

Everyone gave him the reaction he wanted.

After cheering for a while, Qiu Ye made a gesture.

“Your wedding is in a week.” Qiu Ye laughed. “I actually have an idea. Hehe…”

Su Feifei was speechless. She was happy for less than two seconds, but she suddenly had a bad feeling.


“I estimate that this competition will last for a week.”

Qiu Ye cleared his throat. “This time, it’s a two-way map with an elimination system. In other words, not only do we have to eliminate people, but we also have to unlock all the maps to win. For the last location… Shall I give you a secret spoiler?”

Su Feifei immediately stood up and chased him out.

“I can still win even without spoilers.”

The door was immediately shut in front of his face.

“Hey! Hey!” Qiu Ye was patting outside. “Do you really not want it? It’ll be a huge surprise!”

Qiu Ye shrugged his shoulders and turned his head, meeting Bo Silin’s eyes.

The next second, he ran away.

“I didn’t tell her anything!”

This invitation immediately set off a heated discussion in various countries.

The comments were flooding the internet.

[Did you guys see the invitation letter from China? Oh my gosh, now I want to be there!]

[I watched it three times! The Festival Group has never given us anything so formal before.]

[They’re so generous!]

[I almost drooled when I saw those delicacies!]

[There’s only one word, stunning! Qiu Ye, that was awesome!]

[Qiu Ye’s invitation letter is so awesome that it touched my heart. As expected of that crazy b*stard, I loved it!]

[So Qiu Ye is actually a director in addition to being a b*tch?]

Qiu Ye was reading the comments. When he read the last line, he skipped it. He turned around in his chair, satisfied.

He said to the assistant, “This time, you must make sure they come properly, and then get Su Feifei to send them away properly! The competition will be very exciting!”

After Z read the invitation letter, he did not make any movements.

He was not shocked, but angry.

“They’re doing this on purpose!”

He gritted his teeth. “We must have been too careless! This director is taking things too far!”

“You’re overthinking things, it might be useful…” The assistant couldn’t help but ask.

Z glared at him.

The assistant shrank his head and said, “There will be a lot of cats this time. They were all carefully selected but…” He paused for a moment. “I don’t think they’re very strong.”

“We have people! How did you attract these trashy people?”

“They’re all worried about damaging their reputation and after seeing the women…”

Z gritted his teeth.

“What a bunch of losers!”

Fortunately, those who had previously participated in the wilderness show were all present.

He probably wanted to take this opportunity to wash away his shame.

Z wanted to contact the mysterious person but he didn’t know how. Tomorrow was the competition, but that person had not contacted him or sent him any people. Could it be that that person was dissatisfied after losing so many times?

His phone suddenly rang.

Z stood up immediately and grabbed the phone. As expected, a text message without a number popped up on the screen.

[I will only be sending one person this time.]

“Only one?!” Z exclaimed and spoke into the air, “We couldn’t beat them with so many of them before, this… How can one person win!”

[This person is worth 1000 of the previous ones.]

Z heaved a sigh of relief and was filled with confidence.


Let the games begin!


Chapter: 460 Saw It All

Yun City.

This was the first stop of the recording of The Big Escape.

The team arrived on the same day.

They took the bus to the last stop.

Su Feifei and Bo Silin sat at the front. The journey was bumpy and Bo Silin slept the entire way. It wasn’t until they got out of the car that Su Feifei raised her hand and woke him up.

“Are we here?”

He opened his eyes, his face pale.

“Yes.” She responded, and his body suddenly stiffened.

Everyone had already gotten off the bus. Su Feifei saw that Bo Silin didn’t move for a long time and turned to ask, “What’s wrong?”

Bo Silin shivered and started shaking. When he looked down, he could only exhale through his nostrils.

“What the f*ck…”

He gritted his teeth and fell silent after saying those words.

Su Feifei followed his line of sight and was shocked!

His stomach had already swelled up. He was like a pregnant woman about to give birth! The buttons on his white shirt were about to come off!

Qiao Hefeng poked his head in.

“Why aren’t you getting out of the car?”

Su Feifei immediately blocked his view and checked Bo Silin’s character profile.

The system was laughing. As expected, the character design had been changed. Su Feifei glanced at Bo Silin and coughed lightly.

“I just helped Qiao Hefeng change it this morning.” Her voice was very soft. “So now…”

The limit has been reached.

I can’t change it.

During this period, that person had not been idle. They had changed almost the entire story around her.

For example, they made Grandpa Bo become more powerful and treat the maid as Cuihua when he was drunk. Fortunately, Bo Silin noticed the abnormality in time, stopped it, and waited for Su Feifei to repair it.

Later on, there were more and more tricks that appeared.

She saw all sorts of ridiculous things happening…

[Qi Cheng: Ordered 18 energetic girls to light cigarettes for me. I was photographed by a reporter and made the headlines.]

When she saw it, Su Feifei could clearly see a few dots floating over her head.

[Shen Ruoqing: Very paranoid. She suspects that Qiao Hefeng is cheating on her every day.]

That day, Qiao Hefeng and Shen Ruoqing were in a mess and fought the whole day.

[Xiao He: Will start having a nose bleed whenever someone calls his name]

That day, Xiao He was finally sent to the hospital for a blood transfusion. After midnight, Su Feifei changed it back for her and the drama stopped.

[Tiantian: Started seducing Bo Xi.]

When Tiantian appeared on Bo Xi’s bed in a slightly sexy outfit, Bo Xi thought that she had entered the wrong room.

[Qiao Hefeng: Transformed into a teddy.]

That morning, Qiao Hefeng had used his hands and feet to open every door of the Bo family’s house.

Su Feifei was busy walking around making changes. Wherever that person changed, she would fix it.

However, the other party took advantage of the time difference of one day when she modified it and started to cause all kinds of trouble for the Bo family.

Fortunately, all these troubles ended with the arrival of the competition.

When she left the house this morning, she had just dealt with Qiao Hefeng. She also had a feeling that it would be impossible for her to not do anything on such an important day.

However, she did not expect…

Her gaze was fixed on Bo Silin’s stomach and she pursed her lips.

“Let’s get down first.” Bo Silin said weakly.

When he thought of the treatment that the others had received, he could only say that this situation was considered kind.

“You’re not really pregnant.” Su Feifei comforted him. “It’s more like you’re bloated. I’ll change it back for you after midnight tonight.”

It was hard to say if he would even have the life to make it to midnight.

Under Su Feifei’s cover, Bo Silin quickly entered the changing room and changed into a lighter set of clothes.

There was a knock on the door.


Qiao Hefeng sneaked in.

He casually handed Bo Silin a plum and patted his shoulder solemnly. Bo Silin turned to the side and avoided Qiao Hefeng’s gaze with his bulging stomach.

“Don’t block me. I saw everything.” Qiao Hefeng said in a low voice.

Bo Silin immediately gave him a sideways glance.

“This one.” Qiao Hefeng patted his belly. “Eat one, and I’m sure you’ll lose everything. I’m often constipated, but yours went too far. You haven’t released it for a week, have you?”

As he spoke, he sighed softly. “Bo Silin, take care of yourself.”


Qiao Hefeng left the instructions and went out.

Bo Silin was speechless.

The entire changing room was filled with the sound of Bo Silin gritting his teeth.

When Bo Silin came out of the changing room, he had a loose shirt to cover his stomach.

However, when the livestream started, some fans still noticed something strange.

[Why is Bo Silin walking so oddly?]

[Su Feifei, you see that?]

[Did Bo Silin stuff some sort of combat machine into his clothes??]

[How can you say that? It’s obvious that he’s pregnant.]

Qiu Ye stood on the temporary stage and looked at Bo Silin with a strange expression.

“Do you want to withdraw from the competition?” Su Feifei asked.


Bo Silin shook his head.

Su Feifei squinted at his pale face and made a mental note.

She had a premonition.

The competition would definitely be unprecedentedly different.

“Everyone, look over here!” Qiu Ye clapped his hands. “Please allow me to introduce the filming location for today’s competition. It’s the garden behind me!”

The camera turned and the screen immediately exploded.

[That’s beautiful!]

[Every filming location in China is very beautiful.]

[If the program team had spent a bit of effort in chasing Su Feifei on organizing the competition, they wouldn’t have been slapped in the face so badly this time.]

Qiu Ye glanced at the screen and he puffed his chest.

It was good getting complimented. This was the effect he wanted.

“We’ve told everyone about the competition system this time. We’ve added a map!”

Qiu Ye continued to smile. “Our maps can be unlocked one by one. You are now standing in a zen style garden. This is the bracelet, I will distribute it to everyone.”

He picked up a black metal object.

“Only by lighting up a map can you know where the next map is. The way to light it up is to take the sphere on your chest and embed it into the central landmark of each location. For example, the landmark here is in the center of the garden. You can find it through the stars on the bracelet. After embedding it, the map will guide you to the next stop.

“This is a reminder to the players of other countries that there won’t be any weird rules here. Don’t play any tricks and you won’t have any repercussions.

“I wish everyone a pleasant journey.”

Qiu Ye retreated, and the two teams met.

Su Feifei’s eyes immediately locked on the most conspicuous one among the thousand people.
