086. scream

"Over the last three weeks, the bodies of Myia Collins and Lauren White have been found in Diamond Bar, California, a suburb 25 miles east of Los Angeles." Penelope says.

"Both victims were found in alley dumpsters." Hotch says. "Each had her throat slashed and had been brutally beaten."

"This guy literally dumped his victims like trash." Rossi says.

"Classic misogynist sadist." Kate says.

"Definitely looks like the torture escalates with each attack." Derek says.

"These women weren't just cut, they were beaten to a pulp. That feels personal." JJ says.

"It's possible the unsub knew both victims, or at the very least used them as a surrogates for the true object of his anger." Spencer says.

"He abducts, offends, and disposes of each victim before anyone notices they're gone." Hotch says.

"He may be preying on loner types." Derek says.

"It looks like both have ligature marks on their wrists and ankles." Madelyn says.

"Which means he has a secure secondary location where he holds them captive." JJ says.

"So he could be testing how much torture his victims can take." Kate says.

"And then when he's done with his fun, if things don't go as planned, he silences them permanently by slitting their throats." Derek says.

"The preliminary M.E. report shows that neither of the victims were sexually assaulted." Spencer says.

"Maybe he's impotent." JJ suggests.

"Or the abuse is what really turns him on." Rossi says.

"Either way, he's enjoying their pain. And he's gonna want to experience that again. Wheels up in 30." Hotch says.


"Thanks, Garcia." Rossi hangs up. "Well, Lauren's ex-husband, Doug, checked out. He's been in Seattle touring with his band the past few weeks."

"According to her sister, she was promiscuous." Derek says, walking in. "Said she would fall head over heels for any man who showed her the slightest amount of attention."

"That may rule out the lonely hearts theory." Spencer says. "That type of unsub typically thrives off of challenge."

"Lauren wouldn't have given him that." Rossi says.

"You know what? There might be another connection we haven't considered." JJ says. "Myia was never promoted to full time because supervisors described her as quiet and submissive."

"Heather said Lauren struggled with needing a man to validate her worth." Derek says.

"It speaks to both their levels of confidence." Spencer says.

"This unsub could be targeting women with self-image issues." Derek says.


"Final M.E. report just came through. Take a look at the stomach contents." Rossi hands out the files.

"Saltwater, honey, ginger, and tea." Spencer lists. 

"She also found multiple ulcerations of the vocal chords of both victims, most likely from all the screaming." Rossi says.

Spencer stares into space.

"Spill it, kid. I can see you got a theory." Derek says. 

Madelyn snaps her fingers in Spencer's face.

"The saltwater could serve another purpose." Spencer says. "Honey, ginger, tea, and saltwater are often used to treat sore throats."

"Maybe something about their voices is what's driving him." Rossi says.

"But a sadist wouldn't go to such lengths to heal his victims." Derek says.

"Especially when his final act of rage is slicing their throats." Rossi says.

"This guy's destroying the very thing he's trying to preserve." Derek says.

"All the torture could simply be a means to an end." Spencer says.

"If it's not about the violence, what's it about?" Rossi asks.

"Their screams." Spencer says.


"According to child services, Peter was in and out of foster homes. Says he carried a tape recorder with him wherever he went." Spencer says.

"In his statement of the night when his parents died, he said they were arguing. Maybe he recorded it." Derek says.

"John never mentioned Peter giving him a tape." Kate says.

"Maybe Folkmore didn't know. Karen died before Peter could give him the tape." Spencer says.

"You think he would hold on to it for all those years?" Kate asks.

"Well, it's possible. The tape would have been his last memory of his mother, so he kept it for himself." Derek says.

"Something must have happened to the original recording." Spencer says.

"There's our trigger." Kate says as Derek's phone rings.

"He's not going to stop until he replaces what he lost." Madelyn says.

"Hey, sweetness, give it to me good." Derek says.

"I will. Peter Folkmore has only existed in the system for the last 16 years." Penelope says. "He works at the Angel Network for Women for the last 8 years."

"Working there allowed him to do for other women what he couldn't do for his mother." Kate says.

"Karen wasn't the only one making distress calls. A month ago, Peter called the fire department regarding a small fire in his basement. According to insurance claims, he lost a slew of, quote, "priceless belongings.""

"That's right before the murders started." Spencer says.

"Do you have an address?" Kate asks.

"Work and home already sent to you." Penelope says.

"JJ and I will take the house." Kate says.

"We'll grab the others and go to the shelter." Derek says.


"Relax, we're early." Markayla says as the three girls sit at a table.

"As long as we make it back before curfew, we're good. Otherwise there'll be hell to pay for." Meg says.

"What did you guys tell your folks?" Markayla asks.

"Nothing. She's still out of town, so... if she gets back tonight, Reese will cover for me." Lanie says.

"The truth. Sort of." Meg says. "I told them we were meeting two guys in our biology class."

"This is the best study session I've ever had." Markayla says. "They actually believed you?"

"Why wouldn't they? I couldn't tell them we were meeting some cute senior we met online. They'd freak." Meg says.

"I could get it." Lanie mumbles.

"Where is that cute guy?" Markayla asks, looking around. "Speaking of freaking..." Lanie turns and sees Chris walk up. 

"Hey, girls." He greets.

"Uh, hi, Mr. Callahan." Lanie forces a smile.

"What are you doing here? You were supposed to just drop us off, not follow us in." Meg says.

"It's a mall. Valentine's Day. I'm buying Kate a gift." Chris says.

"Ooh, what'd you get her?" Markayla asks.

"Oh, uh, just gloves." Chris shrugs.

"In a pink bag? Those are not gloves." Markayla laughs. She stops when Meg hits the table.

"So, uh, what's up with these boys from your class?" Chris asks.

"They're running late." Markayla says.

"Ahh. Okay, well, don't miss your curfew." He says.

"I won't. Don't you trust me?" Meg asks.

"Yeah, I trust you. It's the boys I don't trust." Chris says. "Okay. Well, I'm gonna leave you guys to it. Uh, just remember, boys that run late are not worth waiting for."

"Bye, Chris." Meg tells him.

"Bye." He says.

"Bye, Mr. Callahan." Lanie waves.

"Bye, Mr. Callahan." Markayla tells him as he walks off.

"Bye, you guys." He says.

"I can't believe it. Your uncle's a total stalker." Markayla says.

"Right? I don't know why he can't just accept that I'm not a little girl anymore. Jeez." Meg groans.
