
Hey Guys, it's Trafalgar.

So, this is my first ever creation on Wattpad... And geez I'm nervous. I reall do hope you guys enjoy this one because I've been thinking about it a lot over the last few weeks, so I'll just give you the low down on what to expect:

---> Basically, it's a Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction (hopefully you know what Kingdom Hearts is, if not, then go have a look) but I will not be including any of the Final Fantasy characters in here, I will have some Disney characters, such as Mickey Mouse etc. because it wouldn't be a Kingdom Hearts without them.

---> Also, I have decided not to include all of the world that are usually available (sorry, I just thought it would get annoying because there are loads of them) but there are the, what I call, the main 9, which will be revealed once we get into the story.

---> The three main characters, and some not-so-main characters along the way, will be OC, for those that don't know what that means, Original Characters, or Characters of my own design. But, like the worlds, they will be revealed soon.

---> The story is not connected to the real Kingdom Hearts storyline and isn't a result of what has happened in the past. The only things they share are: Disney Characters, Main Idea (the idea of all the disney characters and there own worlds etc.) and the Keyblades (I had to include them, they're just so awesome, but these aren't the same as the real ones, well some bits are but we'll get into that later).

And one last thing, at the end of every chapter, there will be a section of writing that is in 'bold and italics' with a title of 'Author's Note' this is just a little section where I can ask you guys for any help or reply to any questions which you have (if you do have any questions, or even advice on where you think the story should head next, don't be afraid to drop me a quick message, I'll try to reply to them all.

I think that's everything I needed to cover! So, without further ado, I give you:

Surging Darkness.
