Epilouge 8 years later

Well here we are 8 years later let's see how everyone is doing.


Ayy'Verynn had 1 more kid with Jackson before they got divorced. They Co parent a baby girl Kali' and another baby girl Bae'Ler Meredith Avery. As you can probably guess Meredith and Dr. Bailey delivered this one in an broken elevator.

Jackson and Ayy'Verynn got divorced a year after Bae'Ler was born due to infedelitys in the marriage.


Callie and Arizona didn't make it. They got divorced not to long after Ayy'Verynn had Kali'. Sofia is doing great and loves all the playmates.

Meredith and Derek

They are doing great raising Zola and Bailey. Meredith is pregnant with their 3rd child. They are set to renew their vows soon.


He got divorced from Ayy'Verynn. They had 2 kids together. Jackson started dating the intern Stephanie. They didn't last long when Jackson admitted to having feelings for Ayy'Verynn again.

He thinks they can work it out and get back together. Ayy'Verynn is undecided on this matter as of now.


She and Owen split up. She is upset but is still doing good.


Not much to say about him. He is dating a woman from Seattle Press. They are doing well.


Not much to say either. He and Jo are set to get married soon. Alex is finally settling down. Again aster Izzie.


Arizona started dating Murphy again after her divorce. They are doing well from what she says. Wish them all the best.

Well that's all to say about he characters. Let me know in the comets if you want a season 2 of Surgeons paradise. Thanks for reading.
