Chapter 7: The Sky is Falling


Now that I've got your attention, if you have any fan theories or suggestions for future chapters, leave them down in the comments. Anyways onto the actual chapter now and oh boy this one is looooong.
The Next Day...

Boyfriend woke up to the morning light shining right in his face. As he reflexively shielded himself with his hands, he sat up as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He looked over to see if his girlfriend was there, and to his surprise she was missing from bed.

"Huh, usually I'm the one to wake up first."

He got out of bed and stretched before putting on his trademark outfit and walking into the living room. There he saw Girlfriend talking on her phone to someone.

"Mhm. Yeah. Alright, sounds good. 'Kay bye!"

Girlfriend hung up and turned around only to be startled by Boyfriend being there.

"Oh, hi babe. I didn't notice you there. I was talking to a friend and we agreed to meet up at Music Park tomorrow." Boyfriend only replied with an eye rub and drowsy puzzlement.

"Music huh?"

"Music Park, y'know, the park off of Melody Motorway?"

"Oh yeah, yeah I know what you're talking about now."

"Anyways, I was wondering if you could come with me to meet her."

"Yeah, that sounds great."
The Next Day yet again...

"Blue. Are you almost ready to go?"

"Hold on, I'm almost done getting dressed."

Now that fall was here, they decided to put on some heavier clothes to compensate for the cooler weather.

Boyfriend had on a blue hoodie with the exception of the chest down which was white, dark blue pants, and brown sneakers. He went to put on his signature cap only to notice something off with it, there was a star on the side panel. Not really caring, Boyfriend put it on anyway before going off to say goodbye to Ritz.

Girlfriend on the other hand was wearing a red shirt with a heart-shaped opening on her upper chest, she wore a black jacket over it and a blue skirt. She finished putting on her calf socks and black slippers before tying red ribbons onto her socks and into her hair.

Boyfriend walked back from the guest room and took Girlfriend's hand as they walked to the car.
Music Park 12:00pm...

Boyfriend and Girlfriend walked down the sidewalk of the park with a bench in the middle. Girlfriend seemed to recognize the person and called out to them

"Hey! Over here!"

The person on the bench swiveled around to face Girlfriend with a wave. Said person was a girl with cyan-blue hair matching Boyfriend's, wearing a white shirt with a check mark...that looked very similar to Boyfriend's favorite shirt, wearing blue shorts resembling, you guessed it, Boyfriend's, and finally black boots. Boyfriend noticed the girl had a bandage on her nose, her lower right leg, and had her upper left thigh wrapped in them. She also had pink eyes and was wearing a black necklace with a cross on it.

Boyfriend held an odd sense of familiarity in two ways. Firstly, he felt like he had seen this person there before somewhere but he couldn't place where or when. Secondly, it reminded him of a certain fangirl that used to pester Boyfriend to almost no end.

"She kind of looks like Sky. Oh god, I just got the one off my back, I don't need a new Sky in my life."

Seeing as this person was a stranger to him, Boyfriend did what he usually did with MOST strangers (that aren't assassins).


While Boyfriend didn't recognize this person, they sure seemed to recognize him assuming the hostility they gained upon seeing him was anything. Well aren't we off to a fantastic start. The girl looked at Girlfriend with confusion before addressing her.

"Oh I uhh...thought you were coming alone. Like usual..."

"Huh, she sounds familiar too."

"I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to come along, I hope that's okay."

The girl looked puzzled and a little agitated by this revelation.


"Yeah, his name's BF."



"Bep boop?"

The girl seemed to be having enough of Boyfriend's robot-noise gibberish before shaking her head.

"Yeah, no. HEY, SHORT STACK!"

Boyfriend, a bit taken aback by the sudden yelling, responded in his own "language."

"Ske beep bloop bap."

The girl cleared her throat before speaking with a look of confidence.

"I'm going to beatbox my way into your girlfriend's heart, loser."

Girlfriend seemed shocked by the statement.


Boyfriend responded with a slightly-exaggerated gasp before responding.

"Bep brappity bloop dai bop ske beep bo!"

"I-Sky, what the fuck!?"

That statement raised several alarms in Boyfriend's brain after hearing the name.

"Holy shit it really is Sky. Doesn't seem like the same one though unless she can time travel. I'm going to dub this foe, NuSky. Well then, let's get this over with."

Boyfriend dug around in his pants before pulling out a microphone and handing it to a visibly disturbed NuSky who shuddered a bit as she took it from his hand. Boyfriend then pulled a similar looking microphone out of God knows where before the song started.

*Cue NuSky*

Well that was a shock to both Boyfriend and NuSky. They certainly didn't expect Girlfriend to jump in at the end of the song for a Friday Night Funkin' lore dump verse. No matter, there was still more two more songs to go.


Boyfriend and NuSky continued to sit there stupefied before Girlfriend snapped them out of it.

"What, guys looked like you were having fun! You can't just expect me to bop my head all the time."

"Beep bop blep ske da beep!"

"Aw, thanks honey."

NuSky grimaced at the display before composing herself somewhat and continuing with impatience.

"Ugh, can we please move on to the next song? I'm not quite done yet."

"Beep ske bloop, bah be dah boop."

"Oh go die."


"Alright, so that's how it's going to be then huh? Think you can just waltz in here, hit on and try to steal my girlfriend in front of me, waste my time, and insult me when I didn't even do anything to you except winning? Well, you're about to find out that I am NOT a fair fighter when it comes to this. Time to musically beat yo' ass."

"Girlfriend, just please start the song already." said an exasperated NuSky. An uncomfortable Girlfriend quickly obliged.

*Cue Buffer*

NuSky was trembling with barely contained rage after being interrupted throughout most of the song. She decided to make her gripes known to the couple.

"...Okay that wasn't even fair you just kept fucking interrupting me!"

Boyfriend just stood there with the smuggest grin on his face.

"Cope, seethe, and mald."

"Oh, so NOW you start talking like a normal goddamn person, fucking asshole."

Now THAT got a reaction out of Boyfriend.

"Tch, I'M the asshole? You're literally the one trying to steal my woman. What, did you think I was just going to sit there with a vacant smile on my face and allow you to try and do that after you got done insulting me? Keep dreaming, dork." He replied making sure to add venom to that last part.

Girlfriend covered her face in her hands as she groaned.

"Ohmyfuggingod, can we have a NORMAL Friday for once."

"Are you gonna do the third song or can I leave yet? You've spent enough of my attention and I want to go home to wash the bad taste of this experience out of my mouth."

NuSky twisted her face into a grin of rage. She was so angry that you could practically hear a whistling tea kettle in the background.

"Oh, you want a third song? I'll give you a THIRD SONG!"

NuSky clasps her hands into a certain formation as a pillar of demonic energy bursts out from where she was standing. To a bystander, the three would've just popped out of existence just then, but there was more going on then met the eye.
Stygian Park...

Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and NuSky suddenly found themselves transported to the park, if the park was located in hell. The trees had black trunks with red leaves, the sky turned dark, and the buildings became covered with black as the grass turned red. Suddenly, chains erupted from the ground and clasped around Boyfriend's wrists while simultaneously knocking his microphone out of his hand.

NuSky also took on a very different appearance as well, her hair turning light gray and her skin turning dark purple as jet black horns and wings sprout from her head and back respectively. Her arms became coated up to the elbows with jet black coloration as hit fingers turned into claws. NuSky's eyes were also a deep black with red pupils showing in the center as her teeth sharpen to fangs. Lastly, the check mark on her shirt turned to an "X" as she sneered down at the chained blunette.

Boyfriend seems mildly annoyed and sighs as Girlfriend is utterly shocked and horrified.

"Of course there's a third song transformation, because why wouldn't there be a third song transformation. Fuck my life dude."


NuSky turns her attention away from the slightly irritated human as she turns to Girlfriend.


"What are you trying to gain out of this!? You just chained my boyfriend!"

NuSky seemed almost confused by Girlfriend's concern/anger, to her it was obvious.

"Bu-I-He's an asshole! Why can't you see that!? He deserves this." blurted out NuSky holding an outstretched claw to Boyfriend as to emphasize her point.

Once again, Boyfriend's ire was drawn out.

"First of all, you haven't been found a fantastic job yourself of being a standup person and destroyed any reason why I should even consider respecting you. Secondly, I LITERALLY JUST MET YOU, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME!?"

"SHUT UP! You ruined my life THAT'S what you did."

Boyfriend's ire quickly turned to a baffled rage.

"Ruined your-? The hell are you on about?"

"What am I talking about? Does the name, "Skylar," ring a bell?"

"Skylar? Ehhhh...ummmm...hmmm...hold on a minute."

NuSky continued floating in front of Boyfriend while impatiently tapping her claws against her arm.

"Skylar? I know I've heard that somewhere before. Maybe she was a classmate of mine in school-oh. Oh damn."

"Oh, uh, shit, sorry about that, my bad. Bygones be bygones?"

Skylar scoffed and rolled her eyes as Girlfriend turned to Boyfriend in a questioning manner.

"Boof, what's she talking about."

"I'll tell you later."

Skylar cleared her throat once again before putting a mocking smile on her face.

"Anyways, as much as I'd love to kill you, that would be unfair, wouldn't it?

"KILL!? Hehehehe, that's cute."

Girlfriend and Skylar looked at Boyfriend as though he'd gone mad. Before Boyfriend could snap his chains and try and fold Skylar like a towel, a voice sounded in his head.

"Hey, maybe you should chill out and see if we can resolve this peacefully. You remember everything I told you, right?"

Boyfriend conceded to his conscience as the voice of Girlfriend brought him back to twisted reality.

"Uh, Bee? As much as I would love to support you, you do know that you're a normal human basically asking a demon to fight you?

"Right, sorry about that babe."

Skylar rolled her eyes once again

"Moron. Disregarding whatever went through your head, I'm going to be forcing you to sing without your microphone."

She chuckled before continuing.

"I hope you brought a throat lozenge because I want to hear you scream. Every. Last. Note. Sound good?"

"Oh trust me, if I get the chance to let loose YOU'LL be screaming louder than I ever could."

Boyfriend sighed once more before replying.

"Whatever, not like I have much of a choice anyway. Bring it on Skylar."

Girlfriend only started ahead with a deadpan expression.

"Sky, I swear to God, I'm going to break your legs when this is over."

Skylar ignored Girlfriend's threat as she kept her full attention on the man in front of her.

"Well then, shall we?"

*Cue Chainlocked*

With Boyfriend winning yet again, Skylar was beyond furious. Girlfriend cheered from the sidelines at her lover's victory.

"By the way Skylar, thanks for mentioning a throat lozenge." Boyfriend wheezed out with a notably raspy voice.

Skylar looked at him in confusion as Boyfriend reached into his pockets, pulled out a throat lozenge, dropped it in his mouth, before swallowing it after it had dissolved. He made an audible "Ah." before flashing his signature grin. Skylar was almost frothing at the mouth at the sight of his grin before Boyfriend changed it to a deadpan stare.

"Anyways, now that you've thrown your little tantrum, I would love it if you could let us go so we can all forget this happened."

This only further served to anger Skylar as she snapped her fingers. A vortex appeared behind Girlfriend as it slowly sucked her back to the real world. She looked at Boyfriend in worry before calling out

"BOYFRIE-!" was all she could manage before being spat out back into the non-hellish Music Park.


"What I did!? I'm not the one trying to commit first-degree murder you stupid bitch!"

"THAT'S! IT! I'll just kill you where you stand!"

Boyfriend suddenly lowered his head as he gave Skylar a piercing glare.

"No, you won't. Return me back the normal world."

"Tch, you expect me to take orders from you? You really ARE an idiot. At least I had the common decency to give you a chance to live and teleport Girlfriend away so she wouldn't be traumatized, because unlike you, I actually have standards."

"Then how about I rephrase it? You WILL return me to the real world or I will beat you until I'm back there."

This got Skylar to cackle as she held a hand over her forehead.

"Ahahahahahaha! So you didn't listen to your Girlfriend, why am I not surprised? As she said, you're a normal-ass human and I am a demon, there is only one way this CAN go, and it goes to your demise."

Boyfriend only smirked in response as he yanked the chains, pulling them out of the ground along with a couple chunks of sidewalk. The show of sudden strength surprised Skylar.


"You were told a half truth. Girlfriend was right about me being a human, but unfortunately for you. I'm. Not. Normal."

BF's arms and legs suddenly turned gray as he rushed forward towards the stunned Skylar and slammed the sidewalk slabs into the demon, launching her back further into the park. He used the opportunity to smash the chains' cuffs together, shattering them and freeing his hands.

Skylar quickly shook out of her stupor and charged at BF in a blind rage. BF sidestepped her charge and grabbed her leg before slamming her into the ground and tossing her to the other side of the park right into a fence. Skylar got up and snorted as she charged up a magic lightning bolt.

"Enough of this nonsense! DIE!"

She fired the lightning bolt at Boyfriend who, to her surprise yet again, jumped out its way and landed back on the ground in a dramatic pose. This only further infuriated Skylar who charged towards BF yet again whose only response was to roll his eyes. As he prepared to sidestep yet again, Skylar teleported surprising the rapper. He felt his rapper-sense go off as Skylar, thinking she got the drop on him, descended on him from above. She would be met with disappointment as Boyfriend stepped backwards leaving her to slam onto the ground in a superhero landing pose. She would be met with a kick to the side of the head that sent her sprawling back yet again as BF eyed her with boredom and dissatisfaction.

"Really Skylar? I thought you would at least make this a little fun being a demon and all, but how you've let me down."

The half-demon looked at BF with a hateful glare.

"You think this is over?"

"No, but giving how our little squabble is going, I don't think it'll take long for it to be over."

"Oh, it will be over soon alright." growled Skylar. She raised up her arms as chains ensnared BF's arms yet again as he only looked at her with the most deadpan expression he could muster.

"Really? This trick again? Yeah, and I'M the unobservant moron."

Little did BF know that a magic circle was forming under him as Skylar feigned a pissed expression. Before he could continue monologuing however, BF noticed a smirk cross Skylar's face as he now realizes his forewarning system alerting of something underneath him. He only has time to snap the restraints before the attack goes off.


BF is consumed in a large pillar of blue demon fire as Skylar smirks, expecting a charred skeleton or ashes to be all that remains of him. To her surprise again, once the attack finishes, Boyfriend is standing there mildly burned though a little startled.

"Wow, okay then. I apologize for what I said earlier, perhaps this will be fun after all." said BF as the burns quickly healed and his clothes repaired themselves.

Skylar snarls as she fires another lightning bolt, as expected, BF jumps over it only to be tackled out of the air by Skylar who drags him through the park creating a makeshift treacherous before tossing him up and using her claws to slash at him. This proves fruitful as BF yelps in pain at the wound before crashing into the park fence. Even though it ultimately did no permanent damage on BF, the splatters of blood were all Skylar needed to see to know she could win this. After all, if it bleeds, it can die.

Skylar tried to take advantage of the recovering BF by slashing at him again but unfortunately for her, he shoved her away right as she clawed at him causing her to miss entirely. BF got into a typical boxer's stance before throwing a hook at Skylar. Skylar raises her arm to block it, and while she successfully does the sheer power behind the punch forces her back anyway. Skylar regains her balance and rushes at BF ready to strike him with a counter punch. Her speed surprises BF who blocks the punch with his forearm, unlike Skylar though, he doesn't move an inch and simply uses his other hand to punch Skylar in the gut sending her back once more. Skylar holds her stomach in pain as she starts to reevaluate her approach while BF playfully mocks her with a beckoning hand gesture.

"Alright Skylar, I think you learned that the douchebag can suck a punch. How about you DON'T try throwing hands with him up close."

She lunges at BF who prepares to throw another punch only greet him with a laser beam from her hands. The attack sends BF crashing through the fence onto the street. Taking flight, Skylar starts shooting multiple energy blasts at BF. BF notices a blast careening towards him and barely jumps out of the way only to still be knocked back by the small explosion caused by the blast. He runs down the street to avoid the other energy blasts and Skylar flies after him in hot pursuit. Eventually, Skylar notices just how much BF is outpacing her and decides to summon a storm of needles around her before firing another energy blast in front of BF's path. As planned, the blast catches BF off guard and knocks him onto his back as Skylar unleashes her other attack. Energy needles descend on BF as he raises his arms to protect his face as the needles cut up his skin. While blood pours around him, BF gets back up and rests in a kneeling position as he waits for his wounds to regenerate. Skylar isn't having it though, and throws a massive energy blast at the downed BF. The blast hits its mark as BF is left skidding onto the street before slamming into a car with a groan. He gets up just in time to avoid another energy blast that destroys the car before his wounds close up.

"Hope that guy had insurance."

Seeing his flying enemy smirk down upon him, BF frowned as he picked up a nearby piece of car debris. Holding it like a spear, he chucked it at Skylar who barely managed to fly out of its path as it zoomed past her. BF took the opportunity to leap at his airborne foe as he readied a haymaker. Before BF could reach his target, his fist met a force field as he stopped midair. Skylar dispelled the force field which sent BF flying into a nearby office building. BF got up as he took a page out of Skykar's book to think of a plan.

"Alright Adam, think, what does she have that you don't."

Despite being faced with a fairly obvious solution, BF pondered about it before his precognition alerted him of an incoming attack yet again. He quickly dove out of the way as a laser beam shot across the office. Skylar entered through the hole as she looked around for BF. The young music star took his down time to think some more before he realized something.

"Wait. That's it!"

Waiting until Skylar wasn't looking, BF leaped out of his hiding spot and tackled Skylar to the ground. Using one foot to keep her down, brought his fists down in a an axe-handle formation that destroyed the floor beneath them and sending down the office building into the lobby. Skylar used her flight to avoid landing on the floor and flew backwards to gain some distance from BF. Unfortunately for her BF ran forward at a blinding pace before jumping up to punch Skylar out of the lobby back onto the street. Skylar took flight attempted to unleash another surprise laser beam only for BF to leap onto the building and jump off of it before kicking Skylar further into the air. Landing in the ground again he jumped up to Skylar's height before grabbing her head and attempting to slam her into the ground. However, Skylar caught him off guard with a surprise energy blast that embedded BF into the wall. BF growled in frustration as he started getting more and more angry the longer this fight continued as his eye started glowing white.

"Alright, I'm getting sick of this."

He sprung forward and tackled the airborne Skylar before repeatedly punching her in the face as they fell to the ground. After hitting the pavement, BF picked up Skylar and spun her around by her hair before chucking her upwards through a building. He jumped towards the top of the building as his hellish adversary reoriented herself and kept airborne. Skylar flew back as fast as she possibly could only to hear the noise of footsteps beside her as BF pursued her across the rooftops. The scary thing was, he was actually keeping up.

"Just what the hell are you?" thought Skylar before launching a swarm of needles hoping to slow him down.

Her attempt was for nought however as BF leaped onto Skylar's back, throwing her off balance and causing her to crash into a nearby building before BF pulled on her wings to pry her off the wall. He continued yanking as they descended once more. Skylar eventually crashed into the ground as BF started pulling on her wings even harder.

"Let's see how well you fly without these."

In a panic, Skylar lightly kicked him in the back of the leg which didn't actually hurt BF, but it did cause his him to let go as he turned to see what nudged him. This allowed Skylar to throw him off her back before turning around to claw him. BF raised an arm to block it, though it still did scratch him, before grabbing the claw and head butting Skylar hard enough to send her crashing into another one of the city's buildings. BF's scratch healed as he slowly walked towards Skylar.

"I think it's time I end this."

All right so everything was crashing down in a blazing glory for Skylar. She was now officially scared as she thought that BF might actually kill her. Desperate, hurt, and growing exhausted, she decided to use her last resort.


A pillar of demonic energy, exactly the same as the one from when Skylar transformed, erupted from the ground forcing BF to shield his eyes. When the light died down, BF uncovered his face as his head reeled back in mild surprise. Standing there was Skylar, but instead of her normal demonic appearance, she was entirely pitch black with pure white eyes. Her mouth was pitch black with a white outline surrounding it while the "X" on her chest glowed a bright red. She also radiated a small bright blue aura as she finished going into her Shift form.

"I will be the one ending this!"

"Tch, whatever you say."

BF dashes forward to throw a finishing punch; however, Skylar catches his fist before punching him with enough force to send him flying backwards down the street. BF regains his balance only to see Skylar right in front of him, readying to strike him with an overhead kick. He raised an arm to block it only to have his arm and head both struck at full force which caused BF to be forced to the ground. BF swept his feet around in a circle hoping to throw Skylar off balance, only for him to hurt his own feet as they struck Skylar's heels. Cringing, he mumbled to himself.

"This is such bullshit."

Skylar quickly shot an energy blast at him and BF quickly found himself  back at the park. He tried to get up only to find his hands ensnared by chains. Heavily injured, BF tried to get back up only to have his hands once restrained once again. He yanked as hard as he could only to not even get the chains to budge. The young adult was slammed into the ground by the chains retreating into it, causing them to break. Skylar touched down near the blue-haired singer's downed form as she summoned a giant cross out of the ground. She picked up BF by the back of his hood before grabbing his neck and slamming him into the wooden cross. To keep him in place, she summoned two nails and shoved them through his hands causing BF to yelp in pain. She summoned two more nails and shoved them through his legs eliciting another yell from the rapper. With BF now pinned to the cross, she prepared to finish him off.

"You've plagued this world for too long."

Two chains emerged from the ground and wrapped around BF's body in various places. With a squeeze of her hand, Skylar had the chains slowly constrict BF as he started being unable to breathe.

"Karma has returned to serve justice upon you, and you will be plunged to the fiery pits of hell with me as your eternal tormentor. Don't forget, this is simply what you deserve."

BF struggled to break free as he gradually became more feral. Skylar, slowly but surely, found it difficult to strangle the inhuman human as he continued to thrash about. Eventually, this would come to a breaking point as BF fully transformed once again.

"There is no way I'm dying at the hands of some IMPULSIVE, TALENTLESS, RIP-OFF!

With a roar of wild anger, BF snapped the chains off of him and yanked himself off of the cross with enough force to tear it apart. BF pulled the nails out of his hands and legs as his wounds healed almost instantly. He then charged at the surprised Skylar before throwing an uppercut that sent her into the great, dark yonder. He followed her up, zoomed past her body, and dropkicked her back to terra firma. He charged downwards towards Skylar to stomp on her as she got up. Skylar noticed her foe descending upon her and put up a force field to stop him; only for BF to smash through the first field and stomp on her anyways. Skylar was lifted up by her hair as BF reeled back his fist. The shift-demon grabbed BF's arm and shocked him, it didn't do much more than sting him, but it did get him to drop her. Skylar ran backwards hoping to gain some distance as the brutal boy roared once again before charging back into his battle with her.

Battle? Apologies, I meant to say his curb stomping of her.

After once again being smacked into the air, Skylar found herself being juggled BF as he punched her, kicked her, slapped her, threw her, dragged her through the ground, and smashed her through buildings. Though after BF took a little too long to hit her, Skylar managed to gain some distance as she took the chance to fire a laser at him. Unfortunately for her, BF proved himself too fast and simply flew over the laser beam before throwing an overhead punch that sent Skylar down through a skyscraper. To top it off, the force of the blow ended up destroying the skyscraper as it collapsed right on top of Skylar. The makeshift reality glitched a little as the demon slowly started losing energy.

An exhausted Skylar slowly crawled out of the rubble after getting hit by that nasty forward aerial. Too hurt to sustain her shift form, she reverted back to her human form, only keeping her demonic eyes and wings. BF glared down on her before feeling something wet on his face. Running a finger under his nose, he pulled it back to see small patches of blood dot it. He sneered at the display before turning his attention back to his current foe. He dropped down right in front of Skylar causing her eyes to widen in terror. BF grabbed her arm and threw her into a building across from the park. As Skylar hit the wall, she mumbled something under her breath.

"Oh that is such bullshit."

She quickly swallowed her gripes as she felt a hand grab her neck and pin her to the wall. She looked to see a very pissed of BF reel his other hand back into a fist  for a killing blow. Unable to break free of his iron grip, Skylar closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.


Opening her eyes, Skylar was both shocked and horrified to see a gray arm sticking through the wall right next to her head. She looked back to BF who had reverted to normal, with the exception of his arms, as he dropped Skylar to the floor. The Girlfriend fangirl took deep, rattling breaths while Boyfriend panted in exhaustion. He looked down on Skylar before speaking.

"This fight is over, return me to the real world so I can go back home with my girlfriend."

Skylar only flared up at him before responding.

"You don't deserve her, you NEVER deserved her."

"And you do?"

That shut Skylar up, but not Boyfriend.

"You want to know the difference between you and I? I see Girlfriend as a person instead of a prize. You insulted and tried to kill me right in front of my girlfriend after telling her that you were going to, "beatbox my way into her heart." If she ever held the same feelings for you, even if it was just a tiny sliver, you surely snuffed them out after that little stunt. Seriously, what would killing me accomplish aside from petty revenge?"

"My point still stands; you're not good enough for her."

"Who are you to decide that!? She thinks I'm good enough and that's enough for me! She can make her own decisions and if she chooses to be with me instead of you that's just something you're going to have to live with!"

"You're just fooling her like you fooled me! I know your dark secrets Boyfriend."

"Newsflash, everyone has dark secrets, you included. Besides, I know some of Girlfriend's dark secrets. I had to learn them out the hard way but we're still together even after all of that. You're nothing but a hypocrite."

"SHUT UP! I know who you really are! You're a selfish person who thinks only of yourself! When she finally sees you for who you REALLY are, she'll know I was right all along."

"Oh please, you don't even know me anymore, you're just blinded by your own hatred of me."

Boyfriend sighed as his voice took a quieter tone.

"Not that I blame you."


"Look, I never had a chance to apologize so since this is probably a good an opportunity as ever, I'm sorry for everything."

"Oh cut the crap, you're only saying this to butter me up so I'll transport you out of here. I won't fall for your lies again."

"I'm serious. What I did was wrong, I was thinking of only myself as you claim I only ever do. You may not believe it, but I'm sorry that it's my fault for everything that's happened to you."

Skylar was going to retort but saw genuine remorse in Boyfriend's eyes. Her own face softened in confusion before Boyfriend continued.

"Besides, if I really wanted out."

His hand turned gray as he clenched and unfurled it a couple times.

"I would've done something a bit more...volatile."

Skylar said nothing as she slowly got back up to her feet.

"C'mon, let's just put the past behind us for now. Girlfriend doesn't need to be more upset then she already is."

Whether because she believed Boyfriend or for pragmatic reasons, Skylar got back up to her feet with a small smile.

"Alright, this doesn't mean I forgive you though."

"I don't expect you too."

They stood in silence before Boyfriend asked a question.

"So does damage over here translate to the real world as well?"

"No, why?"

"I wasn't paying for that skyscraper."

"What skyscra-oh, right."

They walked back to the park, but right before Skylar brought them back to the real world she thought of a potential problem. Her and Boyfriend were both covered in blood, particularly Boyfriend's hands, though Skylar was the only one with visible wounds even if it's just a few cuts and bruises.

" are we going to explain this to Girlfriend?"

"...We say we talked it out."

Giving Boyfriend an incredulous look, she soon shrugged before snapping her fingers.

"Sure why not?"
Music Park...

Girlfriend was pacing back and forth as she panicked.

"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh."

Suddenly, a red vortex swirled in front of her as two familiar figures. She sighed in relief as she looked at the pair.

"Oh thank god nothing-. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TWO DO!?"

The blood-covered Boyfriend and Skylar only gave her a blank stare before replying.

"We talked it out."
"We talked it out."

Girlfriend turned her head to Boyfriend with an admonishing look.

"We're going to have a long talk on the way back to your house and you're taking a nice long shower when we get there. As for you."

Girlfriend was about to start going off on Skylar before noticing the slightly guilty look on her face. She sighed before speaking

"Sky, I know you don't like my boyfriend and like me, but what the hell? You can't just go around trying to home wreck established relationships, much less try to kill a person's partner so you can be with them. Besides, if you did kill Boyfriend, how do you think that would make me feel?"

Skylar felt like a kid being scolded by a disappointed mother right now, even with Girlfriend's calm tone she was resisting the urge to burst into tears.


"Please, I know love is a complicated subject, but this isn't how it works. We' again after a good long while on the phone. Me and my boyfriend should probably be leaving, I'll see you...soon enough."

An rattled Girlfriend and an exhausted Boyfriend walked back to the rapper's car while Skylar sat on the bench by herself with a forlorn look on her face.
Melody Motorway...

Boyfriend sat silently yet awkwardly in the car as he drove down the freeway. The silence didn't last long however as Girlfriend broke it.



"What in the world were you thinking antagonizing Sky like that. She could've killed you!"

"I mean, not really if the last part of our little brawl was anything to go by but you don't need know about that so.."

"I don't know, seeing someone try to steal you from me  just...rubbed me the wrong way."

"But Kapi did the same thing! You didn't antagonize him so what makes Sky any different. This just...isn't like you."

"Well, Kapi IS my friend and it would totally be like him to try and steal someone's girlfriend."

"Fair enough, ...I guess the shootout last night just rattled me and I took it out on her."

"...Is this really about the whole ruined her life thing. What did she even mean by that?"

Boyfriend sighed, this was going to be a tough explanation.

"Well, you know that Pico and I used to date right?"

"I mean, yeah, but I don't see what that has to do with anything."

"Well, he had a sister, and that sister was Sky."

"But that doesn't make sense, why would she have blue hair?"

"It used to be orange."


"Anyways, we used to hang out while Pico and I were still dating. Heck, we stayed friends even after we broke up, well until one day I guess."

"What happened."

"Well, to give context, Skylar's mother was in the hospital and she needed treatment for a disease that, while it wasn't deadly, it still sucked to have and her family just didn't have the money to afford a full cure."

"Oh, that's sad."

"Yeah, luckily there was a singing competition going on in town where the winner would get a cash prize, the amount just so happened to be the amount needed to get said full cure for her mom. I considered signing up but she talked me out of it."


"We used to have rap battles with Pico back when me and him were dating. I won 90% of time so we both felt it would be unfair to her, she wasn't even a bad singer, she was actually pretty good I just was better."

"Alright, so where is this going?"

"Well, since Pico and I were no longer a thing I became a bully magnet again. They would always call me talentless, shove me in lockers, the whole shebang. One day, I fought back saying that I was more talented then any of them ever could be and they told me to prove it by signing up for that singing competition."

"You signed up didn't you."

"It was a stupid, emotionally driven decision and I wish I just sucked up my pride. Anyways, I forgot about the promise I made with Skylar, and since the competition was anonymous, at least for the competitors, you didn't know who you were going up against until you met them on stage."

"I think I know where this is going."

"Yeah, as expected I made it up to the final round and who should be my opponent aside from Skylar herself. I remember the absolute shock and betrayal on her face, it's heartbreaking to look back on it. Anyways, we faced off and she gave it her all but..."

"You won, didn't you?

"Yes...I won. After that, she ran off the stage in a fit of negative emotion, I couldn't tell if it was sadness, anger, desperation, or all three, I was too busy soaking up the glory."

"So that's it."

"Not quite, after she ran out, Skylar wasn't looking where she was going and ran out into the streets where she got hit by a speeding car. Obviously she didn't die but apparently she came close. I'd bet that whole demon thing was what saved her life,  never seen her wear that necklace or do THAT before after all. I'm getting off topic though, I felt pretty bad about betraying my friend's trust and decided to make a donation to her family in hopes to make up for it. Unfortunately, it was too late by then and her mom went through her procedure and never got the cure. Though from what I've heard through Pico, she's actually doing pretty well despite her condition."

"Do you know what the sickness was?"

"I never asked, all I knew was that she was sick."

His face lowered more before Girlfriend reminded him of something.

"Eyes on the road."

Boyfriend looked back up before going to finish his tale.

"God, when I heard what happened I felt like the biggest piece of scum on planet Earth. That whole experience is still one of my worst memories, not my worst but it's up there. Now that I think about it, she was probably also mad at me for breaking up with Pico as well."

Girlfriend could only sit in silence before she responded to Boyfriend's confession.

"I'll admit, I can't believe you would do something like that, but you felt remorse both then and now. I know you have changed since high school, I've seen it. Besides, it would be hypocritical of me to lay into you for that as if I don't have my share of horrible regrets."

"Thanks for being understanding."

"No problem babe, but I still want you to take a shower and apologize for pushing Sky's buttons."

"I'm sorry for pushing Skylar as far as I did. I promise it won't happen again."

Girlfriend sighed but still managed to give a small if still tired smile.

"Alright, thanks for apologizing honey."
Meanwhile at Music Park...

Skylar sat there silent for a little bit, but as she thought more and more about what happened and the words of Girlfriend and Boyfriend, it started to get to her. Eventually, she broke down crying as she continued sitting on the bench. Her sobbing would catch the attention of someone though who walked over to see what was going on.

"Miss, is everything alright?"

Skylar looked up to see, what looked like a shorter version of her with no bandages. She didn't really care at the moment though and just started blubbering out her issues.

"It's-*hic*-that I've just made a terrible mistake. A mistake all ov were a grudge"

"Well what happened?"

"I, tried to steal my crush from her boyfriend, who I fucking hated by the way, and-oh god she'll never forgive me for it. She probably hates me now."

"...I went through something like that too."

Skylar looked up, her tear-ridden face showing confusion.


"Yeah, I had a crush on somebody, he was amazing, but he had a girlfriend."

"You tried to steal your crush from their partner too?"

"Yeah, and when it wasn't going my way, I a little angry."

"What did you do?" sniffled out Skylar.

"Oh, I just tried to crucify her was all."

"Heh. Same here."

Mini-Skylar giggled while actual Skylar was starting to feel a tad bit better.

"Yeah, obviously that didn't go well...and I didn't take the rejection that well either. I learned an important lesson that day though."

"And what was that?"

"You can't force somebody to love you, they either don't or they do. I also learned that there are many people in this world, and you will find 'the one' eventually."

"She WAS the one though, she's perfect."

"I thought that about my crush too. I thought I loved him more than anybody in the world. It was only after I was rejected that I realized, I didn't love him, I was simply lusting for him. From what I hear, it sounds like you're going through it too."

Skylar looked a little baffled at the statement.

"I didn't lust after her, I loved her! Everything about her is perfect and I just wanted her to be mine, what about that isn't love?"

"Because in order to truly love someone, you have to respect their choices...including if they want to be by somebody else's side and not yours. In other words, no means no. Of course, that has limits but rejection isn't one of them. You'll find your soulmate eventually, but that will have to wait another day."

Skylar seemed to be catching on as she smiled at her mini-me. Wiping away a tear and letting out a sniffle she gave her gratitudes to them

"Thanks, I guess I needed to hear that."

"Hey, if you need to talk to anyone, I know a group of people who were or are going through what you're dealing with and I'd like you to meet them."

"Yeah, that sounds good. Oh! I haven't introduced myself. Ahem, my name is Skylar, what's yours?"


The two started at each other for a second before quiet snickers broke out, those snickers turned into mirthful laughter.

"Ahahahahaha! Oh, I can't breathe ahaha."
"Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Oh that never gets old."

The laughter died down as Skylar hopped off the bench as Sky wiped a tear from her face.

"Anyways, do you want to meet my friends?"

"Yeah, let's go."


Sky opened up a blue portal as she and Skylar stepped on through it to a world of people just like themselves.
Boyfriend's House...

Boyfriend and Girlfriend stepped into the house before Girlfriend pointed towards the bathroom, not saying a word Boyfriend went into the bathroom and shut the door. Soon, Ritz came to the door as he looked at Girlfriend in surprise.

"You guys are back early, what happened?"

"We ran into some...complications." replied Girlfriend not wanting to get into it.

After a little bit, Boyfriend stepped out of the shower all nice and blood free. Or at least that's what he thought until he looked into the mirror and saw a dabble of crimson under his nose.

"Huh, must've missed a spot."

He used his towel to wipe it off as he wrapped it around his waist before taking his clothes to the washing machine. After putting on a fresh new set of clothing, Boyfriend and Girlfriend spent the rest of their day decompressing on the couch.
A/N. I'm going to be honest with y'all, this was probably my favorite chapter that I've written as of now. That's subject to change though, this story is far from over.

I will also be answering questions, forgot to mention that.
