Day 26 - Questioning

Clarke was walking around the town, just a casual Saturday afternoon. He didn't have a shift and his mum was working, he didn't know what else to do. Grabbing out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans he began scrolling through social media. Not watching where he was going he collided with someone, bashing chest on chest with the them. The person he bumped into dropped a book the had been hold. Gasping in surprise he bent down to pick up the book the same time the other person did

"Oh god I am so sorry" he said as he looked up and came face to face with Jack

'Holy crap' Clarke thought.

He stared into Jacks expansive blue eyes, his heart doing backflips inside his chest at a sudden and rapid place. He hadn't seen him since that time in his mothers police station. Jack had done some incredible things Clarke had never ever seen before. There was a sparks inside Jack something Clarke had never seen in anyone before, but he didn't know what he felt.

"Oh hello Clarke. It's a Pleasent surprise to see you"

"Ah yeah you too man. How have you been. Last time I saw toy some freaky shit was going on"

"Yes, I would like to apologies for the incident. I did not mean to cause harm" Jack said placidly picking up his book and dusting himself off.

"Nah it's all good. You're a good guy Jack, I'm glad I ran into. Do you maybe want to hang out sometime"

Jack brightened and smiled raising his head as he said

"Of course. Are you free tomorrow?"

"Uh yeah, sure thing, meet you at Biggerson's?"

"Sure, see you then" Jack continued on his way and Clarke walked off in the direction he had been travelling.

He exhaled sharply, his lungs re-inflating  again. He hadn't even realised he had been breathing shallowly. What was wrong with him. What was going on inside his head. Jack had stocked something in him that he hadn't felt since he first met him. The old swoop of his golden brown fringe had been cut short sticking around his forehead haphazardly. His new bright eyes had dimmed slightly but maintained their vibrant colour. The gal in his teeth unchanged his crooked smile still childish and full of life. God what was wrong with him.


Jack headed back to the Bunker, his mind still on Clarke. Clarke was the first friend he had ever made. He had discovered his love of nougat with Clarke he was the first person he had ever met. Jack thought back to Claire his hair was still it's deep brown curled around his face, his tan skin unblemished and his beautiful steel blue eyes still full of wonder. Jack realised he was discovering new human emotions. But he didn't know what it was, he was confused and contemplative. Once again he was discovering new things without meaning to and it was confusing him. He didn't know what to do.

He got home to the Bunker and slumped into his room chucking his book towards his book hoard on the ground. Clarke had been a constant thought in the back of his mind since he had  him. Constantly his mind wandered to the small amount of memories he had with Clarke. Meting him at Pirate Pete's Jolly Treats (yes that is where Clarke works I looked it up), then talking to him at the police station where they had maintained small talk.  Jack was only a few hours old to be fair so the interaction was strained at best. He remembered getting those snacks from the vending machine and tasting food for the first time ever. His memory darkened slightly remembering losing control and hurting Clarke. He had never meant to. But he had no control, he'd hurt people but he was trying better everyday.

Now he had a second chance with Clarke and his stupid emotions were messing with how he felt about Clarke. He decided there was someone who could help him figure this out. Dean. Dean was good with emotions right? He could help. (In my brain Jack is ironically exactly like this because we all know how bad Dean is with feelings) walking down the hallway hoping to find Dean he headed first to Dean and Cass' room. Knocking on the door and walking directly into the room, only to find Dean and Cass joined together at the lips.

Jack jumped and covered his eyes as Dean looked up and shouted "Damnit Jack" Dean pulled himself away from Cass and Cass blinked and whipped his straightening his tie.

"Sorry, sorry" Jack said cringing slightly. Cass and Dean were now standing a respectful distance apart.

"What do you need Jack" Cass said slightly out of breath.

"I need help with that" Jack said gesturing to the two of them.

"What?" Dean said confused

"Like relationship stuff. I ran into Clarke and I'm having these feelings and I don't know what type are. He's asked me to meet with him. And I don't know what to do." Jack's mind was racing as his thoughts wondered back to Clarke

"Ok Jack calm down. First things first, judging by your reaction I think you have a crush"

Jack just squinted at Dean confused "A what?"

"A crush is like when you have romantic feelings for someone. Is your heart doing weird backflips, are you thinking about him a lot?"

"Yes and yes"

"Is the thought of meeting up with him making you happy and anxious?"


"Well that's a crush"

Jack just blinked "So what do I do about it"

"For now nothing, just go out tomorrow and hang out with him like your friends. Then you can figure it out from there"

Jack was nervous and slightly confused but deep in his heart he was giddy with excitement. He couldn't wait to see Clarke again.


Clarke didn't know what do do with himself he had to wait a whole day before he could see Jack again and he didn't know what was wrong with him. He just needed to calm down.


Finally it was the next day and Jack and Claire were both on their way to meet at the Biggerson's. They met in the middle in front of the door



They both stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to say or do.

"Do you want to go find a table?" Clarke asked


Clarke opened the door allowing Jack to enter first. A waitress came up to meet the pair and got them seated at a small booth. They were sat by away, if windows and Jack observed the passers by going about their business.

"So, uh, what have you been up to since I saw you last?"

Jack didn't quite know what was adequiate to say. He had died, lost his soul, got turned into a bomb, lost his angel powers, visited an apocalyptic version of earth, killed his father who happened to be Satan, killed his adopted family's mother, brought an angel back from angel hell and he been possessed just to name a few. Not exactly ordinary people things

"Not a lot. Just normal stuff" Jack had never had a conversation with someone outside of his own family, how was he supposed to act like he wasn't a half angel, half human who happened l be the son of Lucifer and had a power level, that matched God.

"Yeah cool. Hey I want you to know there's no hard feelings about last time. It was just some freaky misunderstanding" Jack looked down at his lap. That day did not hold very haor memories.

"I am still sorry about that. I was wondering are we friends? I mean we are spending time together and yet I know nothing about you" Clarke seemed taken aback by what Jack had said but seemed inclined to agree "I mean we could be friends if we get to know each other better. Where would you like to start?" Jack looked up and stared at Clarke searching his bright blue eyes.

"Why not something simple like favourite colour?" Jack asked plainly.

"Probably red" Clarke said leaning back and folding his arms over his chest.

"Like the red you see on autumn leaves" Jack smiled to himself the seasons fascinated him and brought about something slightly new to experience with each change of the world.

"What about you?" Jack took on a look of contemplation, it wasn't something he had really thought about.

"Yellow. Like the center of a daisy. Or like sunshine" Clarke made chuff of approval agreeing with him.

"Ok what's your favourite food?"

Jack thought, he remembered back to when he was sick and dying and Cass bad cooked for him for the first time. It was a soup, their first one he had ever tried. To him it was one of the best things he'd ever tasted. The next thing would be the chicken burgers he'd had with Dean. Technically he hadn't made but the memory tied to the food made it better.

"Probably the soup my dad made when I was...sick" He had to be careful about what he said. He couldn't exactly say that he was dying because he lost the part of him that kept the angel part of him alive.

"I also really like the chicken burger me and my other dad eat sometimes but he doesn't make those"

Clarke's face took on a look of shock before righting itself. "You have two dads?"

Jack nodded "Well three. I'm adopted and I have my dad and his boyfriend who is also like my dad and his brother who is basically like my third parental figure. My family is complicated-"

Jack paused before asking "-How about your family?"

"It's just me and my mum. My dad died when I was young and I'm an only child. You got siblings?"

"I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I do, I have an adopted sister, her names Claire"

Jack and Clarke continued like this for a few hours. Asking questions back and forth. Listening intently, laughing, reminiscing and just enjoying each others company. They ordered some food and drinks, eating until they were full. Eventually Clarke paid the bill and they decided it was time to leave. They said their goodbyes and Clarke have Jack his number. They declared wats hoping to see each other again soon. Both of their hearts filled with joy and their stomachs full of butterfly's.

But Clarke and Jack were both left with one question. If they were just friend the. Why did the thought of the other make them question their sexuality?


Keep in mind this is very inaccurate to real life
