Truth or Dare (2)

This is a continued chapter of Truth or dare for @Juliarod879. Hope you enjoy this one.

Nine months. That's how long it's been since Julia found that she was pregnant with Dean's kid. Well, kids.

Sam's still a little upset about what she did to him, but he's gotten over it. He treats Juliau kindly, and helps her out when Dean is out.

"My water broke," she announced. Sam and Dean looked up at the same time.

"What," Sam asked.

"My water just f*cking broke," she replied again.

"Wait," Dean said.

"Nope," Julia cut him off. "We need to go to the hospital right now.


Two days. That's how long she has been in labor. It was extremely painful every time she had contractions, but she was definitely was doing better than Dean (who was pacing back and forth nervously).

"Why are you sweating," Sam asked curiously. "She's the one giving birth, not you."

"Shut up, Sam," Dean told his brother.

"Okay," he said, his hands raised as if he was surrendering. "Okay. I was just wondering."

They waited in the waiting room while Julia gave birth to little Jessica and Gabriel in memory of the two (even though she hadn't ever met Jessica). It was painful. Not just the fact that she was giving birth, but the fact that they had big heads.

"Congratulations Dean Winchester," Julia told him tired. "You are a father."


"Your turn," Dean told her as the baby monitor went off.

"Nope," she denied. "It's your turn. I did it last time."

With a sigh, Dean got up, but then stopped and asked, "Can you come with me. They're both crying."

"How could you possibly know that," Julia grumbled as she opened her eyes and got out of bed.

"Thank you," he said with a mischevious grin.

"F*ck you," she retorted as she passed him.

The both of them made it to the nursery and, as a matter of fact, they were both crying.

"How did you know that," she asked quietly.

Julia picked up Jessica, and Dean picked up Gabriel. Immediately, they stopped crying.

"Oh you little f*ckers," Dean muttered in a playful tone, making Gabriel laugh.

"You see what you did, Julia," Dean told her. "We named him Gabriel and he's exactly like Gabriel."

"I realize that, Dean."

Julia stood up, put Jessica back down, and said, "Goodnight, Jess."

Dean did the same with Gabriel, and the pair walked back you their bedroom. As they started to drift off, the baby monitor went off again.

"Oh for the love," Dean exclaimed as you just groaned. "I'll get Sam."


"Daddy," six year old Jess screamed as she ran towards her daddy.

"Hey Jess," Dean greeted. "Where's your brother?"

"He's getting a bath," she laughed. "He's covered in peanut butter."

There were no words. He just have her a "how the hell did that happen" look and put her down, causing her to run to uncle Shaggy (she refused to call him Sam).

He knocked on the bathroom door.

"What's the problem," Julia asked from the opposite side of the door.

"Well, my boy's covered in peanut butter. That's one thing."

"He still is," she announced. "In his hair, in his ear. I'm not sure how this happened. No, no! GABRIEL GET BACK IN THE BATHTUB!"

"I told you we shouldn't have named him Gabriel."

"Shut up Dean," she yelled as he walked away laughing.

"I'm guessing," Sam started.

"He's in the bathtub," Dean interrupted. "Again."

"For the love of God," Sam said in exasperation (I probably used that weird wrong, but, oh well).

"Yeah," Dean agreed. "I know."

After about another hour, Julia exited the bathroom with a wet Gabriel. She put him down and he sprinted over to his daddy.

"Hey bud," Dean laughed.

"I missed you," Gabriel told his dad.

"I missed you too. Now, do you mind telling me how you managed to butter in your hair."

He giggled, then told him, "It's a secret."

"Hey," Sam complained. "What about me?"

Gabriel jumped off of Dean's lap and raced over to Sam's outstretched arms.

"Did you finish the job," Julia asked as she and her partner watched the six year old and his uncle play tickle chase.

"Yeah," he replied with a slight pause. "I don't want them to be raised in this life."


"But we are already in, and it's pretty much impossible to leave this life."

"I don't want them to live this life either."

He picked up his beer and attempted to put it to his lips.

"Nope," Julia said as she took the beer bottle. "Not in front of the kids."

"Hey," Dean exclaimed.

"Play with your daughter," she ordered as she threw the beer in the trash.

That was a perfectly good beer too, Dean thought as he walked over to Jessica.

"Hey Jess," he said. "You want to play a game?"

"Yes," she exclaimed as her eyes brightened.

"What do you want to play?"

She thought for a minute before saying, "Ghosts in the Graveyard?"

"Sure," he replied with a laugh. "Do you want to see if Gabriel, mommy and uncle-"

"Shaggy," she told him.

"Right. Do you want to see if they would like to play with us?"

"Sure," she said excitedly.

"Who wants to play Ghosts in the Graveyard," Jessica asked the remaining family.

"I do," Gabriel exclaimed. "Daddy's it."

"Why am I always it," he laughed.

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7... 10,-"

"No cheating, daddy," Jessica called from her hiding spot.

"Fine. 7. 8. 9. 10."

He pulled away from the wall and went to look for the four hiding members.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," he taunted as he walked through the bunker.

As he passed the cleaning closet, he heard snickering and shuffling.

"Hmm. I wonder if anyone is hiding in here," he said as he opened the door to the closet, revealing Jessica.


She screamed, then ran between her dad's legs, taking off down the hall.

He raced after her, dodging the obstacles. He caught up, picked her up, carried her to the couch, and tickled her.


"They asleep," Julia asked when Dean got back.

"Uh, no. But Sam is reading a story to them."

Julia exhaled deeply and said, "I have something for you." She walked out of the room, then came back out with some apple pie.

"Happy birthday," she told him as he retrieved the fork and pie.

"Love me some pie," he said as he inhaled the pie.
