
"Oh, you're still alive."

"Don't sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me."

"Because I don't." I said while closing the door behind me.

"Aw, and here I was about to tell you I missed you." Crowley said with his typical smile.

Ignoring his provocations, I looked around the hotel room and to my surprise, saw no sign of the Winchesters.

"Where are Sam and Dean?" I asked with suspicion.

"They left about 10 minutes ago, darling. Said they'd be back shortly."

"You gotta be kidding me..." I let out as I sighed.

My history with Sam and Dean dated back to when I had come across them during a case we unknowingly worked on together. Ever since that day, we had never hunted together again; that is, until I had received an unexpected call from Dean to tell me he and his brother needed my help on a particularly tough one; I had accepted right away, not only because I wanted to help them, but also because a part of me wanted to see them again. However, there was a catch. A guest, to our investigation team. A guest I also had the unfortunate chance of meeting in the past: the very King of Hell, Crowley. I had looked beyond his presence and told the Winchesters I was on board, despite having to work with him.

But now that I was face-to-face with him again, in a hotel room where it was just the two of us, I began regretting my decision. I pretended as if he was not there and walked to a table, which was thankfully far enough away from the sofa on which he was sitting. I opened my bag and pulled out my laptop.

Let's do some last-minute research while waiting for Sam and Dean to return.

But before I had time to even open a tab, I felt a presence behind me.

"Really, dear? You're not even going to ask me how I'm doing, after all this time?" Crowley asked in a teasing voice.

"How's Hell, Crowley?" I uninterestingly asked with a sigh without turning to look at him.

"Fine, thank you." He responded with contentment. "And how are you? Still not determined to sell me your soul?"

Growing tired of his taunting, I turned around in my chair to look at him.

"Listen, Crowley, I'm not here to-"

I cut myself short, seeing the demon had vanished and was no longer behind me. I turned back around, only to see him on the other side of the table, holding my computer in his hands, wearing a satisfied smile.

"You give me my PC back right now, Crowley." I ordered him as I stood up. "Or else I'm gonna-"

"You're gonna what?" He fired back provocatively.

I looked him in the eyes and scoffed.

If you insist on messing with me so much, two can play at that game...

Without a word, I confidently walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his coat, before pushing my lips against his. I took this chance to snatch my computer from his hands, before pulling away.

"That." I said with an inciting smile.

As I made my way back to the table, my cheeks flushed, Crowley scoffed.

"I knew you'd missed me."
