2x02 Everybody loves clowns

John Winchester was given a hunters funeral by his sons. Sam and Dean stood by and watched the pyre burning. Both of them fighting to keep the lump in their throats from exploadning. "Before he..." Sam began, but had to stop to talking to stop the sob from escaping his throat. "Before he... did he say anything to you? About anything?" Sam asked Dean. Dean was silent for a moment, thinking back to his fathers last words. "No. Nothing." Dean lied. A tear fell down Dean cheek. 

One week later 

Sam and Dean where back at Sioux Falls, back at Bobbys' house. Dean was laying underneath the Impala, fixing her back up after the accident. "How's the car coming along?" Sam asked as he walked up to check on his brother. "Slow." Dean answered. "Yeah? Need any help?" Sam asked. The resonator and exhaust pipe fell to the ground beside Deans head. "What, you under a hood? I'll pass." Dean said. "Need anything eles then?" Sam asked. Dean slid put from under the car an stood up. "Stop it, Sam." 

"Stop what?" Sam asked. "Stop asking if I need anything. Stop asking if I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I promise." Dean said while choosing a new tool from the tool trolley. "All right, Dean. It's just... We've been at Bobby's for over a week now, and you haven't brought up dad once." Sam said. "You know what, you're right. Come here. I'm gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug. Maybe even slow dance." Dean said sarcasticly. "Don't patronize me, Dean." Sam said irritated now. "Dad is dead, the colt is gone and it seems oretty dam likley that the demon is behind all of this. And you're acting like nothing happened." Sam yelled. 

"What do you want me to say?" Dean asked. "Say something, all right?! Hell, say anything! Aren't you angry? Don't you watn revange? But all you do is sit out here all day long buried underneath this damn car." Sam yelled. "Revange, huh? Sounds good." Dean said calmly. "Yeah!" Sam explaimed. 

"Got any leads on where the demon is? Making heads or tails of any of dad's research? 'Cause I sure ain't. You know, when we do finally find it... Oh, no, wait, like you said, the colt's gone. But I'm sure you figured out another way to kill it. We've got nothing, Sam. Nothing, okay? So, you know what, the only thing I can do is I can work on the car." Dean answered. 

"Well, we got something, all right? It's what i came out here to tell you. It's one of dad's old phones. It took me a while, nut i cracked his voice mail code. Listen to this." Sam said while handing Dean an old phone.

"John, it's Ellen.. Again. Look, don't be stubborn. You know I can help you. Call me."

"That message is fuor months old." Sam said while taking the phone back. "Dad saved that chick's message for fuor months?" Dean asked bevildered. "Yeah." Sam nodded. "Who's Ellen? Any mention of her in dad's journal?" Dean asked. "No, but I ran a trace on the number and i got an adress." Sam answered. Dean nodded to himself. "Ask Bobby if we can use one of his cars." Dean said finally. 

Sam and Dean pull up in a vagon that had seen it's best days to Harvelle's Roadhouse. "This is humiliating. I feel like a friggin' soccer mom." Dean said frustrated as he parked the car and got out. "It's the only car Bobby had running." Sam aswerd clmly, knowing his brother. The boys looked around. "Hello?" Sam shouted while looking around the corner. "Anybody here?" Dean asked as he tried looking inside of the roadhouse. Place seemed empty. "Hey, did you bring the..." Dean began. "Of course." Sam answered and thrugh him the lockpick set. Dean quickly picked the lock and the boys stepped inside the dimley lit bar. Only person inside was a guy, sleeping of the alcohol in an acward possistion in the pooltable. "Hey, buddy?" Sam asked. The guy didn't react. "I'm guessing thet isn't Ellen." Sam said. "Yeah." Dean agreed. 

Sam went to look inside the kitchen. Suddenly Dean felt something hard hit his lower back. Dean froze. "Oh, god, please let that be a rifle." Dean begged. Someone cocked the rifle. "No, I'm just real happy to see you. Don't move." warned a womans voice from behind him. "Not moving. Copy that." Dean agreed, with his hands slightly raised. 

"You know, you should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back, 'cause it makes it real easy to do..." Dean said before he quickly turned around and grabbed the rifle out of the young womans hands. "That" he continnued as he eptied the clipps from the rifle. Then, to fast for Dean to react, the girl gave him a right hook right in the face. Dean stubled back and the girl took her rifle back.

"Sam! I need some help in here." Dean shouted while holdning his nose. "I can't see. I can't even see!" he muttered as hi straitend upp again and scuined his eyes looking for his brother. Sam came out from the kitchen with is hands behind his head. "Sorry Dean. I can't right now. I'm a... a little tided up." Sam said nodding towards the woman holding him at gunpoint behind him. 

"Sam? Dean? Winchester?" The woman asked suddenly. "Yeah." answered Sam and Dean in unison. "Son of a bitch." The woman mumbled while looking between the brothers. "Mom, you know these guys? asked the girl. The woman nodded. "Yeah, I think these are John Winchetsre's boys. Hahah. Hey, I'm Ellen. That's my daughter, Jo." Ellen smiled while lowering her gun. "Hey." Jo nodded while lowering her rifle. Dean looked at her, still a little unsure. "You're not gonna hit me again, are you?" He asked Jo while holdning his nose. 

"Here you go." Ellen handed Dean an icepack. "Thanks. You called our dad, said you could help. Help with what?" asked Dean while pressing the icepack to his face. "Well, the demon of course. I heard he was closing in on it." Ellen answered while looking at the boys like they where stupid. Sam and Dean looked between the women. "Was there an article in the demon hunter's quarterly that I missed? I mean who are you? How do you know about all this?" Dean asked.

"Hey, I just run a saloon. But hunters have been known to pas through now and again, including you dad a long time ago. John was like family once." Ellen look serious now. "Oh, yeah? I mean he as never mentioned you before." Dean looked at Ellen suspissously. "You'd have to ask him that." There was a pause before Dean spoke again. "So, why exactly do we need you help?"

"Hey, don't do me any favors. Look if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass in the way out. But Jon wouldn't have sent you if..." Ellen began before she realised something. "He did'nt send you. He's alright, isn't he?" Dean just stayed quiet. 

"No. No, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It just got him befor he got it, I guess." Sam answered. "I'm so sorry." Ellen said. "It's okay. We're all right." Dean said looking up from his icepack. "Really, I know how close you and your dad..." Ellen began, but Dean cut her off. "Really, lady, I'm fine." There was an aquard paus. 

"So, look, if you can help...we could use all the help we can get." Sam said. "Well we can't. But Ash will." Ellen answered while smirking at her daughter. "Who's Ash?" 

"Ash!" Ellen called out. Suddely the sleeping guy on the pooltable jumped to life. "What? Closing time?" he asked. "That's Ash?" Sam asked sketically. "He's a genius." Jo nodded.

"You gotta be kidding me, this guy is no genius. He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie." Dean said while slapping a folder filled with papers down on the bar. "I like you." Ash nodded. "Thanks." Dean said with his arms folded across his chest. "Just give him a chance." Jo urged. "All right." Dean resigned. "Well, this stuff's about a year's worth of our dad's work. So, let's see what you make of it." Dean smirked while sliding the folder over to Ash.

"Come on. This crap ain't real. Ain't nobody can track a demon like this." Ash said after skimming throgh the papers. Sam and Dean extanged looks. "Our dad could." Sam answered. "These are nonparametric statistical overviews, cross-spectrum correlations. I mean... Damn! They're signs, omens. If you can track them, you can track this demon. You know like crop failiures, electrical storms. you ever been struck by lightning? It ain't fun." Ash said. 

"Can you track it or not?" Sam asked imoatiently. "Yeah, with this. I think so. But it's gonna take time. Give me... 51 hours." Ash sod before getting up from the bar. Sam and Dean extanges disbeliving looks. "Hey, man!" Dean called after Ash. "Yeah?" Ash turned around to look at the brothers. "By the way, I dig the haircut." Dean said. "All business up front, party in the back." Ash said before leaving the room. 

Ellen leaned over the bar. "Okay, so while you boys wait for Ash to do his thing, I think you should wait here. I have someone I think you boys should meet. Her name is Lilly. She should be comming back here any time now." Sam nodded. "Okay..." Dean let his eyes follow Jo as she walked around the bar to clean the tables. He slowly got up and followed after her. 

"So, how did you mom get in to this stuff anyway?" Dean asked as he sat down by the table. "My dad. He was a hunter. He passed away." Jo answered. "I'm sorry." Dean looked up at her. "It was a long time ago. I was just a kid. Sorry to hear about you dad." Jo said. "Yeah. So, I guess i got 51 hours to waste. Maybe tonight we should..." Dean began, but quickly changed his mind. "Oh, you know what? Never mind." Dean said. "What?" Jo asked. 

"Nothing, just... wrong place, wrong time." Dean said. "I thought you were gonna toss me some cheap pickup line. Most hunter come throgh that door, think thay can get in my pants with some pizza, a six-pack nd sid one of Zeppelin 4." Jo said. "What a bunch of scumbags." Dean smirked. "Not you." Jo stated. Dean shrugged. "I guess not." 

Dean turned his head as the door to Harvelles roadhouse swung open. In walked the most beautiful woman Dean had ever seen. Her brown hair shined in the sun from outside the door, and fell in long locks down her sholders and down her back. Her ocean blue eyes glittered even in the dimmly litt bar. She had a bloody and slightly brused scratch on her cheek, and a pistol tucked in her belt. She had a folder filled with papers tucked under her arm. Jo immidietly went over to greet her. Dean slowly stood and went to stand beside his brother at the bar. 

"Lilly, you're back! What happened to you?" Jo asked. Lilly run her fingers down the brused cheek. "Well, I've got one ghost down." Lilly smiled. Jo rolled her eyes. Ellen quickly came around the bar.  "Lilly, I've got two boys here that you should meet." Ellen said and pulled Lilly with her to the bar. "Lilly, this is Sam and Dean Wincherster. John Winchesters' boys. Sam and Dean, this is Lilly Roswell."

"Winchester?" Lilly asked, looking between both brothers. "I have been looking for you." she said finally. "Looking for us? Why?" Dean asked bevildered. "Well, mostly I've been looking for your father. I owe him my life." Lilly answerd. "Maybe...maybe we should talk alone?" Lilly asked shyly. 

The boys followed Lilly to a bedroom at the back of the bar. While they were walking, Sam pulled Dean asided and quietly wispered "I recognice her. I think I've had a nightmare about her." Dean furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" he wispered back. "I saw something kill her family, drain them of blood. Her too, I think." Sam wispered back. "When was this?" Dean asked quietly. "Right before you came to get me at school." Sam answered. 

When they reached the bedroom, Lilly silently closed the door behind them. They all looked at eachother for a while. Dean finally broke the silence. "So you wanted to talk. Talk." Dean said harshly and suspissously. Lilly fliched back. 

"You said you were looking for our father? Why?" Sam asked more calmly than his brother, noticing Lillys reaction. Lilly looked down at the ground for a moment and swollowed. "I... about one year ago my family and I were attacked by demons at our home. I should be dead, along with them, but I made it out alive, thanks to your father." Lilly began. "I didn't know anything about the supernatural until then. Hell, I had just gotten my nursing degree. I guess you can say that you father drew back the curtains for me." Lilly said, smiling sadly at the brothers.

"What happened?" Dean asked. Lilly closed her eyes, pain flashing across her face. "They came at night. Five of them. It was like they where enjoying themselves. One by one they drained my family memberes of all their blood. My mother, father. My little brother. I don't know... it was like they needed the blood for something. Collected it all into flasks. Then lastly, it was my turn. And then they became estatic. I was a virgnin, see. My virgin blood was apparently more valuable. More powerfull in spellwork. When I was almost compleatly drained and fading in and out of countiossness..." Lilly shocked on her words. "They raped you." Sam wispered. Dean stared at the pair. Lilly nodded sliently.

"How'd you know that?" she asked in a whisper. Dean opened his mouth to stop Sam from speaking, but Sam was faster. "I think I've had a vision about you." Lilly nodded sliently to herself.  "If was fun for them I guess..." She shuddered visibly at the memory. She closed her eyes again for a moment to gather herself before straightening up again and continuing. 

"After they where done, they just left me for dead. I don't know for how long I layed there. But then John Wincheter came. He found me and got me to a hospital. After a cupple of days he returned to the hospital to check on me and ask me questions about what had happened that night. To ask me what I had seen and heard. He told me what they were, demons. He told me about demons and ghosts, monsters, thought me how to protect myself using saltlines and things like that." Lilly sighed. 

"I leared a lot of things that day. Things I wish I never knew. But I told your father everything that had happened. How many they where. How they took our blood. I told him about their black eyes. And the leader... his yellow eyes." Sam and Dean extanged a quick look. "Yellow eyes?" Dean asked. "Yes." Lilly nodded. "Between the torturing and the raping they also talked among themselves. Their big plans to bring about hell on earth. Yellow eye's said he had big plans for all his special children." Lilly looked seriosley at the brothers. "Once I had recovered, I began to research. I read everything I could find on the supernatural. And I decided that I had to make sure that yellow eyed demon could never walk on God's green earth again. Not just for revange. But for the intire humanity. What ever he is planning, it is something big and horrifying. And he must be stopped. And I knew I had to find your father, to get more information. I also heard rumers that he is hunting this demon, hunting to kill it. And I'd like to help." Lilly said seriously. 

Sam and Dean staired at her. "Well, our father is unfourtionetly no longer with us." Dean said. Lillys eyes whided. "Oh... I'm... I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a very good man. Sam nodded. "Is there anything else you can tell us? Sam asked. 

"Well, once I had done my reasearch, I decided to look for you father. Meantime I hunted a few ghosts and I countinued reasearching yellow eyes and the other demons that were there that night. Besides Yellow eyes there were four others. I now know the names of two of them. One demon is possessing a girl named Meg Masters. An other was possessing a young man named Alec Andrews. Him I managed to track down about three weeks ago. I trapped him in a devils trap and exorcised the demon. Unfuortionatly I couldn't save the person it was possessing." Lilly said. Sam and Dean gaped at her. "All by youself?" Dean asked astonished. "Well, yes. I am quite good at reasearch and planning." Lilly answered shyly. "You know, there's always sighns before. Lightningstorms, cow mutalations... But it's too damn hard to track." 

"Well, we've got Ash using our dad's resaersh to tack the thing right now." Sam said. Lilly's eyes widend. "Really? Well, if he can't do it, nobody can." Lilly nodded to herself. "So, what you said about the demons plans. Can you tell us more?" Sam asked. 

"No, not really. He just kept talking about bringing hell on earth. I got the feeling that the special children he was talking about are key to the whole thing though. But I don't know how. But... when I was exorsicing the demon Alec... He said that, you Sam, where one of them." Lilly said looking staright at Sam. Sam and Dean staired at her. 

"Yeah, well... that demon killed our mother when I was a baby. And ever since about a year ago, I've been getting these visions. It all seems to be connected to the demon somehow. How and why we don't know." Sam explaind. Lilly nodded. "So that's why you had a vision about me. When Yellow eyes killed my family. Sam nodded. 

"Who else have you told about this?" Dean asked supsissiously. Lilly furrowed her browes. "No one, of course. I'm not stupid! I have mostly been on my own. I met Ellen, Jo and Ash about two months ago. I've been staying here ever since, when I'm not out hunting or gathering information. All they know is that the demon killed my family and that I have been looking for you." Deam nodded. "Good."

"I think you be happy to hear that we exorcised the demon Meg a cupple of weeks ago too." Dean said, trying to change the subject. Lilly nodded again. "Well... I owe my life to you father. And if he is no longer with us, someone else has to couninue his fight. This evil monster can't be allowed to fullfill his plans. I know we only just met and you probably don't trust me, but I would like to help you, if you'll let me. And it sure would be nice not to be so damn alone in this anymore." 

"Well, I think we would be gratefull for all the help we can get." Sam nodded. It was quiet for a moment. "What are those?" Sam asked, pointing to the folder still stuck under Lillys arm. "Oh, I... I think I cought wind of a new case." Lilly said blushing. "You only just got back from a case, didn't you?" Dean asked. "Yeah, well... I guess that there ain't no rest for the wicked." Lilly laughed. "But, you're right. I was gonna give this to Ellen, see if she knows of a more experienced hunter would like to take over." she continued. "Do you mind if I take a look at that?" Sam asked nodding towards the folder. "Sure." Lilly handed the papers over. 

Sam skimmed through the papers. Meanwhile Lilly finally had a chance to take care of the scratch on her cheek. "Let me help you with that." Dean offered, taking the supplies away from her. She looked up at him, blushing slightly. He was so mush taller than her, that she had to tilt her head back to see his eyes. Dean gently and carefully cleaned out the wound. "You hurt anyware else?" he asked. "No, just a few bumps and bruses. I'll be okay. Thank you." Lilly smiled hesetantly, a little unsure of the situation. Dean couldn't take his eyes of her. 

"Dean, come here, check this out." Sam called. Dean reluctantly turned to face his brother. "Yeah?" Sam handed Dean a few of the papers. "A few murders not far from here that Lilly caught wind of. Looks to me like there might be a hunt." Sam said. "Yeah, so?" Dean asked. "So, I think we should check it out." Sam said. Lilly stayed back att the Roadhouse to get some much needed rest and help Ash go through Johns research while the brothers went hunting. 

The brothers returned a few days later. They were all sitting around the bar listening to Sam and Dean tell Lilly, Ellen and Jp about the hunt. "You boys sis a hell of a job. Your dad would be proud." Ellen smiled while handing each brother a beer. "Thanks." Sam nodded. Jo was standing beside Dean and was now etaring intently on Sam and Lilly. "Oh, yeah, I've got to, uh...I've got to go... over there...right now." Sam stammered ang quickly got up from the bar to give Dean and Jo some privacy. Lilly chuckled while biting her lower lip. "Well, that was smooth" she joked. "Well, I'm gonna go check on Ash." she smiled and stood up. Dean eyes followed her as she went. She knocked on Ash's bedroom door. "Hey, Ash! Sam and Dean are back". she shouted. "Well, about damn time." Ash smirked while opening the door. Lilly followed Ash back to the saloon. 

"Where have you guys been? I've been waiting for ya." Ash said as he swung open the door. "We were working a job, Ash. Clowns." Sam answered. "Clowns? What the f..." Ash began. "You got something for us, Ash?" Dean asked cutting Ash off. Ash placed his unabomber looking computer down on the bar table. 

"Did you find the demon?" Sam asked. "It's nowhere around, at least nowhere I can find. But if this fugly bastard raises it's head. I'll know. I mean, I'm on it like divine on dog dookie." Ash said. "What do you mean?" Sam asked, bewildered. "I mean, any of those signs or omens appear anywhere in the world, my rig will go off like a fire alarm." Ash explained as he turned the computer to show the brothers. Dean reashed towards the computer. "Do you mind?" Dean asked. Ash just stared back with an are you serious look on his face. Dean retracted his hand. "Ash, where did you learn to do all this?" Sam asked astnished. "M.I.T., before I got bounced for fightning." Ash said. "M.I.T.?" Sam asked in dissbelife. "It's a school in Boston." Ash smirked. 

"Okay. Give us a call as soon as you know something?" Dean asked. "Si, si, compadre." Ash nodded. "Well, thank you everybody." Dean said as he drank down his last swaddle of beer and stood up to leave. "Lilly, can we talk to you outside? he continnued as he walked to the door. Sam and Lilly followed. Ellen looked at them. "Hey. If you boys need a place to stay, I got a couple beds out back." Ellen said. Sam and Dean extanged glances. "Thanks, but no. There's something I got to finish." Dean answered. "Okay." Ellen nodded. 

Dean closed the door behind them as they got out. "What do you need?" Lilly asked as soon as the door closed. Dean eyed her for a moment. "You really want in on all this?" Dean finally asked. "I am already." Lilly answered seriously. Dean nodded. "Okay. Well we are heading back to Sioux Falls for a while. But let's stay in touch. Call us if you hear anything." Lilly nodded. "I will." She watched thoughtfully as the boys drove away. 
