New Information

"But. . . Mr. Clark I can't. . ."

"I know you can't, It's just a part of the act."

"If I have to act so much. . . Then why can't I just know what my powers
are! "

"Jordan, don't raise your voice at me!"

"I will raise my voice and speak out until I know what makes me so

special! "

"NOTHING! Jordan, you're not special! You are just a part of the act. . .

Micah's family took your powers away from you and put them into Micah. Before that Micah was almost powerless. . .
We're here to reason with him to give yours back in turn for his pardons for his family's crimes. His and your powers combined in one person could be deadly if not put in

the right hands."

"So you're saying I'm not special at all?"

"Not anymore. . . Not unless you work with us to get your powers back."

"I accept your offer, Mr. Clark. . . But what about Micah once we do get
the powers back?"

"He will- Let's save this for a later date Jordan, It will be nice working with you."

I glance at him sitting in his chair accepting all of these lies that he thinks are the truth. What will happen to Jake when we figure out this whole powers thing?

"And that is how my friends we will destroy the dark side. Mr. Micah
will be training for the event alongside Ms. Jordan for 3 months to prepare.

Training? How am I supposed to train alongside Jake without breaking

We walk back to our rooms and Jake keeps bugging me about how
he's going to destroy the dark side with his super powers and his super
strong abs that he will have in a year. I live through the lies until we get to

our rooms.

I slam my door shut and lock it and collapse into my bed. So much

to process, so little to hold onto. In just one day I have left Amy and

Bryce. . . And found new parents. I'm not sure whether to be happy

about this or to be shocked, and scared. I hear a knock at the door, and ignore it. Another knock is ignored before someone yells.

"Open up or I'm going to kick this door down."

"Who is it?"

The voice sounded unsure of who they were, but I figured they were just

"Umm. . . Room service, we're here to meet with the owner of the

room to discuss cleaning preferences."


Something wasn't right about opening the door, but I didn't want to be rude to this poor man working for room service. I open the door and I'm shoved to the ground by two heavy men as they place a bag over my head.


couldn't breathe!

"He- Hel-"

Something holds my mouth shut as I try to scream for help. Then the

world returns to a dark black as it had before.

I like super heroes and this story is about superheros so all pictures will be about super powers or superheros
