C H A P T E R 32

Struggling to lay on the bed, Hoseok wiped his sweaty forehead with the back of his palm, shutting his eyelids, remembering her teary eyes.

"You weren't focusing." Hoseok opened his tired eyes to find Yoongi sitting beside him, looking at the other boys who were worriedly pacing around after the concert, packing their things for the next day while Hoseok felt how worried they were for his injured leg; now, he couldn't dance at the next two concerts.

He hated feeling helpless and not participating with the other members, he hated sitting like that and not being able to dance or practice. But he mostly hated himself for ruining everything, for even attempting to talk to that girl and lie to her.

"Y..yeah," he replied softly, trying to sit as he asked, "h..hyung? I'm a bad person, right?"

Yoongi's eyebrows rose in astonishment. "What do you mean? Of course you're not. We all make mistakes. But not learning from your mistake is what makes you a bad person. And you're not, Hoseok, believe me you're far from that."

"Then.. if I'm not bad, why did I hurt someone?"

At that, Yoongi froze, thinking.

"You met her?"

Hoseok hesitated, but slowly nodded.

Yoongi then sighed, putting the pieces together as he thought. "It didn't end well, did it? Of course it wouldn't. Do you know when she'll—"


Hoseok looked at his phone, reading the new message he had just received:

MOON 🌙: I'm so sorry hoseok. I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you or be rude in any way with you. Please don't feel bad about me. I'll be leaving tonight and you won't need to see me. I'm so so sorry

Hoseok stared at his screen in disbelief, blinking away the tears that were about to fall. He couldn't cry in front of the other members.

"She's leaving tonight," he whispered so only Yoongi could hear him.

His hyung sank into silence again as he looked deep in thought, thinking of a way to fix things; seeing him like that hurt his soul as much as it hurt Hoseok.

"Hobi." Hoseok looked up when he heard that name, meeting his hyung's eyes as he smiled at him and said, "we're going to meet (Y/N).

As you were looking around the small room for anything you hadn't packed, you sighed deeply, still not believing that you had met Jung Hoseok himself. And the fact that you had been texting him for over half a year now was so overwhelming.

You hadn't ever considered that the two people you had fallen in love with were merely the same person.

You gulped as you held in your tears, holding your bag and exiting the hotel. As you walked on the street, still not seeing a taxi in sight, you stopped.

He stood there calmly, in a mask and a hoodie. But you still memorized the small visible space of his face and, undeniably, his body features too.

Your cold breath stopped as he approached you slowly.

The first thing that occurred your mind that moment was the public, the press. They would catch him and there would be a scandal.

"You- you can't be here. They'll—"

Your heart merely stopped when he was so close to you now that his warm breath lightly hit your face, bringing his delicate finger to his lips, shushing you.

"I know that this was all wrong. But I couldn't stop myself, (Y/N). I couldn't stop myself from loving you. I'm not lying to you; I am your Ji Nyul, only with a different name." Even behind a mask, you could feel his smile behind the fabric. And that made your heart flutter.

"I know this path is hard. And I know you're afraid. But as long as I'm with you, I would never let anyone or anything hurt you. Trust me, please."

You were too overwhelmed and bursting with emotions that you only blurted, "yo-your English got.."

He laughed. "Better? Yeah, haha. Yoongi-hyung helped me with this speech. But still, I mean every word of it."

You were trying to let out anything but you couldn't. But your heart suddenly stopped when people around you started acting skeptical and started pointing.

But Hoseok only looked calmly at you as he pointed at the suddenly darkened sky.

You furrowed your eyebrows then looked up, only to be met by the most unexpected scene; a solar eclipse.

The moon was slowly meeting the sun, approaching it ever so slightly but still trying to meet it.

You quickly looked back down, fearing to get blinded. And a small sweet laughed rang in your ears. You looked up to see Hoseok laughing at you.

"I knew you would be cuter in person."

You couldn't take it in. All these emotions.

People were fortunately too busy with the eclipse to notice a hidden suspicious-looking idol.

"See, (Y/N), the sun and moon have met. Nothing is impossible. And now it's finally our turn. Will you accompany the sun, my moon?"

Happy tears already started streaming down your cheeks as you nodded.

And he suddenly brought you closer and hugged you, kissing your head.
"Didn't you say you'll kiss me once you see me, (Y/N)?"

He felt it when you froze and he laughed again. "I still like teasing you, don't I?"

A/N: long time no see aheh. Sorry I've been so busy and I'm still going through finals but took a break? Hope you liked this last chapter btw. But there might be an epilogue if you want. Would you like it if I wrote a final chapter as an epilogue?
And btw did you know that a solar eclipse will actually occur very soon? Like July 2 wow. I just realized that after writing the chapter istg. Anyways thank you for reading loves 💕
