Chapter 2: Posessed

1st pov:

I wake up with a terrible headache. My body feels like it's on fire. My vision is blurry, but the stone structures on the island are slowly coming into focus. I put left hand out to push myself up, and in surprise, I find it replaced with a demon's claw, black scales coating the scarred and burned skin, running from my fingertips to my shoulder. It's identical to Deus' arm. I scatter across the ground in fear, almost crawling off the edge. Narrowly avoiding certain death, I stand up and my anger boils over. The island and sky both glow with the crimson energy my rage becomes.


I can hear his laughing, loud and menacing. I quickly look around, but I am only met with nothing but my anger.

"What's wrong? Is having my arm troubling you that much? Surely it's better than your human flesh." He says, still laughing.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" I ask seething with anger. "And where the hell are you?"

"I gave you great power. In turn, you gave me your body. A fair trade, is it not?" I can imagine his stupid grin right now.

"Fuck this. I'm leaving."

I look around for a path off the island, and notice the island is different to the landscape below. It's earthy, made of actual stone and not whatever the black stuff is. It's attached to the ground with large iron chains. A gate atop an altar greets me at one end, it's style foreign to the environment. The altar itself is made of some sort of light-toned wood on the left, earthy greenery in the middle, and the same black stone around us in the right, but with veins of purple energy. A large, white wolf with reindeer antlers on the left, and a black beast on the right, with claws as big as the head of the wolf. They give me a sense of nostalgia, but I can't identify them. I turn around to continue searching.

"Travelling between dimensions usually is done by collecting your energy between your hands, and imagine it swirling into a gate past the boundaries of the dimension you are in. But for someone as inexperienced as you, you will have use an item."

That stupid laugh. Every time I hear that laugh it fills me with its anger. The contract binder me to him, and made me dependent on him. 

I sigh in exasperation. "How do I summon this item?" I say, infuriated with his patronizing tone. His laughter is ringing in my head, like an annoying ringtone when you can't find your phone.

"An energy storing item, with the power to open gates between Dern and elsewhere. Focus on the an orb being able to move beyond the limits of the physical plane."

I focus on what he said, his words resonating in my mind. With a flash of purple light, a black ring is slowly taking shape on my left hand. I can feel my energy being sapped, swirling around on my hand and becoming the gem in my hand. The gem is a large onyx, and it reflects the sky above with its glossy sheen. I turn the gem in my hand, and place my thumb on it. I can feel the remaining energy in my body flowing to my thumb, then collecting on the surface of the gem. The gem pulses and the ring appears to shift out of reality, and with a flash of light blue fire, I go unconscious.

Big_Ships: Poor kid went unconscious three times within the past 24 hours. You did this on purpose didn't you...

Archon: Of course I did. He must learn to take what comes to him, for if not, it could be detrimental.

Big_Ships: Your plans are surely interesting.
