Life since Last

Life currently is different. Being in Charlotte I cut all communications off with Jaden but I did keep in contact with the rest of the family including all my friends in Buford.

When I moved back to my old house in Charlotte, we got new neighbours with a son my age. We're actually dating! He treats me right and the fact we're actually dating makes it better.

Since it's a new year, my boyfriend (Mason) and I decided to go to summer camp together. The only problem is is that the Waltons probably be there, so that means Jaden would be there but Mason said if he does anything to me he will beat the shit out of Jaden.

Tomorrow Mason and I will be making our way to summer camp, yes, a 4 hour drive but it will just be him and I. He has his permit for driving a car so he will drive us to the camp and back. 

I'm truly excited to see all my friends I made in Buford again and especially Jayla and Javon. I missed them a lot and called them a lot over the time I went back to Charlotte. When ever Jaden entered the room and I was on call with his siblings he would try say hi but I ignored him and so he would walk out.

I don't mean for this to sound self scented, but I definitely had a glow up in the past year. I look better then I have ever done before and feel confident with every part of my body and face. So hopefully Jaden knows he fucked up when he sees me.

Now we go to Summer Camp.
