Chapter 15: Bleeding out

Day 14

"You're not wearing a sleeveless dress?!" Mar begs.

I look at my reflection on the mirror and pull down my sleeve to hide the bandage on my shoulder. I still haven't told anyone about my injury. Wearing a sleeveless dress will definitely cause more damage than good.

Instead, I was wearing a simple rose dress that reaches my mid-thigh. My shoulder and upper arms were hidden by its loose sleeves.

"You're ruining the theme! All the girls will be wearing sleeveless pink dresses!"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes because I know that I don't need to piss her off. Especially when she's already nervous about tonight. It's supposed to be the night of the grand revelation.

Thankfully, the door knocks, and she runs downstairs.

When I hear Sawyer's voice, I take one last look at the mirror before leaving. My dark blonde hair was up in a ponytail.

I was wearing my favorite necklace, the one with a small white stone from Costa Rica. My feet were comfortable in ballerina flats. In other words, I'm so not dressed for a party.

As soon as I walk downstairs, Sawyer's eyes meet mine. He stands there, gazing at me as if he can't believe what he's seeing. I smile shyly, feeling uncomfortable by the way he was looking at me.

He gulps. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

Mar squeals. "So cute! I'm going to melt!"

I smile tightly at her, trying to send her a mental message not to overdo it.

Sawyer's wearing a white polo and rose shorts as well. I just notice that we're matching. Before I can say anything, he points to my dress. "We're matching!"

Mar claps her hand enthusiastically. "So! Cute! I can't handle this much cuteness!"

"Mar," My voice warns. "We'll meet you at Logan's. Now go distract Logan, or you never know, he might decide to come by his house. He has a thing for ruining surprises."

We walk towards his car, and he opens the door for me. We were in charge of letting the guests in, while Mar distracts Logan. Once everyone arrived, I would call her so that she'd come with Logan.

As Sawyer starts the engine, I can't help but look through his CD's.

Justin Timberlake, Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber

"You want some music?"

I shrug. "I'm just checking what you like."

"Oh, I don't listen to music much."

My thoughts go back to Noah. He used to get so excited about showing me his newest music discoveries.

For him, a song is not just some music to be played in the background. It's an art by itself: the notes, the instruments coming together, and the ambiance. Every song is a story, a feeling, a person.

We fall into an awkward silence. I end up putting some music on just to break the tension. Thankfully, the ride doesn't last for more than fifteen minutes since we're leaving Mar's house.

When we get to Logan's, some people are already there.

I recognize a few whom I've met before through Logan, but we're not really friends. That's until I spot Tessa.


Tessa is Logan's first love. After she broke his heart, he met Mar. I think that Tessa is one of the main reasons why Mar still hasn't gotten with Logan.

Mar is scared that she's Logan's rebound.

I know for sure that she's not supposed to be here. I made sure her name isn't on the guest list.

I walk over to her. "Tessa, hi!"

She looks even more beautiful than she was before. She changed her hair color, and somehow caramel brown suits her better. She wasn't wearing much makeup, and her dress was a simple sleeveless punch pink one. The color matches her tan skin.

She blinks in surprise. "Amy?! Is that you? Oh my, I miss you!" She pulls me into a hug, and I try not to wince at the contact with my shoulder.

After she broke up with Logan, the best friend rule kind of forbid me to talk to her anymore. She tried reaching out many times, but I just ignored her. I feel a little bad about it now. She was always so sweet.

Mar would kill me if she could hear my thoughts.

"How are you? You look beautiful, Tess. This hair color suits you so much."

"Thank you! I decided to change a bit. I'm good, better than ever, actually."

"Are you modeling?"

She nods enthusiastically. "I got into Dove! It's been so great, honestly! But I was a bit surprised to receive an invitation here. Logan and I didn't really end on good terms."

About that... She got an invite?

"Yeah, I remember. But you still made it!"

"Yes, I did. Although it's a bit of a short notice, I realized that life is too short to keep holding grudges. Plus, Logan made a mature move by inviting me, and I really appreciate that."

I give her a tight smile, "Enjoy your time here."

She nods and moves back to the people she was talking to.

Who the hell invited her?

Mar and Logan are going to kill me. Logan is going to see Tessa, realize that he misses her, and Mar will be heartbroken.

Just when she gathered the courage to tell him how she really feels.

My thoughts are interrupted when I bump into someone. Is there someone in this goddamned party who still hasn't bumped into my injured shoulder?

"Look where you're going!"


I know that voice.

I turn around, only to face Ashley.

Oh no. What the hell is she doing here?


"Great, look who's here! The body shamer!"

She still hasn't gotten over that.

"Who invited you?"

"Not that I actually need an invite, but I received my envelope yesterday."

That's impossible, I hand-picked them. I'm sure I didn't come ten feet near your house.

"Amy, Mar is going to be here in five. I'm going to shut the lights and tell everyone to hide inside," Sawyer interrupts her.

I nod absentmindedly. There's something wrong going on here. My heart rate increases rapidly.

I find myself inside Logan's house, surrounded by too many people, all of whom I didn't invite. Sawyer is saying something on the mic, but I can't hear a word.

What's wrong with me? How did they get here? Who called them?

My head is aching from the loud music, and the room starts to spin. I run towards the nearest bathroom and wash my face.

One, breathe in.

Two, hold.

Three, hold.

Four, exhale.

As I try to get my breath back to its natural rate, someone starts knocking on the bathroom door.

I ignore them, focusing back on my breath.

I can do this, it's already ten-thirty. I'll stay here for half an hour more then I can leave.

I just need to be strong for thirty more minutes.

"Come on, are you going to be here forever?" Someone shouts from the outside.

I wash my face one more time before going out. I'm immediately surrounded by a bunch of people bumping into me. It's too dark to see. I try to walk next to the wall, but I'm being pushed by the crowd.

The guest list had fifty people. Where the hell did they come from?

I trip, and someone hisses at me. I try to apologize, but I don't know what I see anymore.

I need some fresh air.

I walk towards the door, but someone pushes me next to the couch, and I struggle to hold my balance.

The door is right there, it's close, but every step feels like a mile.

I finally touch the handle. The fresh wind brushes my face.

The music is too loud. The ground is shaking underneath me; my legs can't hold me anymore.

I sit on my knees, my hands are on the floor, trying to stop the world from spinning.

I don't know how long I sit with my head between my hands and my knees up.

An unbearable sensation of pain shoots through my left shoulder. My right hand immediately presses on it.

I turn to face Logan, but I can barely see. My vision is blurred.

"Amelia! What part of 'take care' of the guest list didn't you exactly get?" He shouts in my ears, but his voice sounds distant, too distant.

Not now, Logan. Not now.

"I'm sorry," I begin to explain myself, but then I notice blood on my right palm, the one I was pressing my shoulder with.

Oh no.

I really don't need this now. I look at Logan apologetically and turn to leave.

"I'm sorry, Logan. I'll explain everything later, I promise."

I immediately walk towards the bathroom. It's locked, and there are too many people around me. I take the stairs, wanting to get into the nearest room possible.

My arm must have started bleeding because every damned person in this party decided to bump against it.

As soon as I open Logan's door, I hear sex noises. Two people are in action on his bed. Ugh, for God's sake. Nausea resurfaces.

I try his parents' bedroom, but it's locked.

I don't really have any options other than Noah's room.

I go inside and close the door behind me.

Noah removes his glasses when I come inside. He's sitting on his bed with his laptop on his lap.


"Not now, Noah. I just need to use your bathroom."

"Yeah, sure."

The knob of the door won't open, and as soon as his arm meets my left shoulder, I scream, "Jesus Christ!"

Noah holds his hands up in defense, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

I immediately grab my shoulder. "Noah, for God's sake, leave me alone. I really can't take anymore tonight, please."

I bite back my tears. I just need to stop the pain, goddammit.

His eyes are fixed on my shoulder. "Show me."

I shake my head. "No, I'm fine," I mumble, trying to keep my balance.

His hands remove my right one, and I'm too tired to fight him. My knees are shaking. I can barely keep my eyes open.

Noah moves closer and gasps, "Amelia, you're bleeding." He pauses before looking back at me.

"What's wrong with you? Why the hell would you hide an injury like this?" His voice trembles.

My throat is tight; I can't speak.

"For God's sake, when did this happen?" His hands are in his hair, and his eyes piercing through my soul.

"It's not important," I mutter. "Noah, please," I beg, and I don't even know what I want. I just know that I need to sit down. He walks me to his bed while grabbing my other hand.

"I'm taking you to the hospital right now."

"Noah, no! It's fine, it will go away," My voice is weak.

"Please don't argue with me right now, because I'm one breath away from losing my mind."

My eyes close slowly. His hands grab my face, "Melli, hold on! Stay with me, keep your eyes open!"

I force myself to look him in the eye, "I'm okay, I just need to rest."
