Chapter Five -

She took me into her house and sat me down on her chair, in front of me was a small vase of flowers that were most gorgeous. Madeleine walked over and placed a glass in front of me; filling it with water as she looked towards me.

"You must miss Gaston; miss having someone else to talk to." She sighed as she sat down, rocking her child in her arms.

"Yes I do." I sighed as I set my glass down, after I had drank some of the water.

"Do you write to him?" She asked as I frowned slightly

"We don't know where he is." I sigh as I try not to think the worse.

"Well you should write anyway." She smiled. "Make you feel better. Benoit would do anything to swap places with Gaston, to have fought like a man."

"Really?" I ask, knowing that he would of loved to have been in Gaston's position; not really sure why.

"If you don't believe me you can ask him yourself." She sighed as the sound of heavy boots echoes through the small house. This is when the small child started to cry in her mother's arms; hungry and wanting milk. Madeleine started to breast feed the small. Innocent child.

"Can we help you?" I asked the officer as he stared at Madeleine's breast as she put it away. Handing the baby to me to hold.

"Madame's" He smirked. "There has been a change of plan. I have been billeted with you. I apologise for the inconvenience."

"But they said that we were too far from the village to have anyone." Madeleine gasped in shock as the officer looked around the area near him.

"I was surprised myself. I was staying at the chateau." He mutters as he drinks a glass of water.

"You're an officer?" She frowns and he looks to me then her.

"A lieutenant." He corrects her.

"But this is just a farmhouse. The rooms won't be good enough. We haven't even got any running water." Madeleine stressed as he came closer to her, brushing some hair out of her eyes.

"You needn't worry about me. This will do nicely." He smirks and touches her cheek. "Here."

This young officer relished his power to disrupt Benoit and Madeleine's lives, as if their lives weren't difficult enough already. And what about our soldier? Every night I heard him. Always the same unfamiliar music. I was meant to resent him, yet there was relief in his presence after months of silence.

"Bubi." I heard the dogs named being called as he raced past me, making my book I was reading, fall to the floor. "Sorry to disturb you. The dog isn't mine. We found him in an abandoned village."

I continued to look at the book, knowing if I was caught talking to him then I would be scolded by my Mother in Law.

"At least he's a Frenchman." He joked; then opened a pack of cigarettes, then turned to me. "May I?"

I nodded my head slightly as I looked to him quickly and then to the ground.

"Your house is beautiful, Madame." He smiled as he stood in front of me.

"It isn't mine." I answered as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "It's my mother-in-law's."

"The piano is yours, I imagine." He smiles as he looks forward; I look to him in shock and I take in all of his features at once. Coming to the conclusion, that he was a very attractive man. Much different than the rest of them.

"And what makes you say that?" I smile, genuinely wanting to know why.

"I don't believe you mother-in-law is a music lover." He winks, which makes me laugh slightly and blush at the same time.

"My father gave that piano to me." I reminisce as I look to my hands; yearning to play once more.

"Do you play?" He asks as he breathes the smoke out.

"I do." I smile to him as he looks back to me. He had a very well-shaped face; his jawline was perfect and his cheek bones were aligned beautifully. This man was not like the normal German. He had brown hair, brown eyes and soft red lips. All the women must have loved him whenever they came into their village. I shook the thought away, thinking of Madame yelling at me. Thinking about Gaston and how he looks a bit like the man in front of me.

"But Madame doesn't want any music in the house until my husband's home to hear it." I sighed as I looked down to the ground.

"You mind if I sit?" He asks as he sits beside me; very close.

"The piece you keep playing" I began as I tried to rattle my head with thoughts; giving me a headache, annoyed I could not figure it out yet. "I don't recognise it."

"You wouldn't." He answered quickly, which made me roll my eyes

"I've studied music, you know." I argued gently, still being polite to him.

"Not this." He threw the cigarette to the ground and turned his head to me; leaning against his thighs, with his hands in between his legs.

"You wrote it." I gasped as he nodded his head smiling.

"I was a composer before the war, when I first got married." He answered, my heart sank slightly as the words came out of his mouth; but I internally slapped myself. Stop it Amelia!

"You're married?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I've been married four years." He turned to me. "And a soldier four years."

"She must miss you." I reassured him as he laughed mockingly; nothing to hurt my feelings – which I am sure was not directed at me, just the idea.

"No, not really." He coughs awkwardly. "Not anymore."

"Hello?" I heard Madame call as I saw her go into the kitchen; undoubtedly looking for me. As I quickly stood up, I brushed my dress down and hurried back inside, not speaking another word to the man as I walked away. 
