"What the fuck!" Yeonjun took a few steps back and covered his mouth after he finally processed what had just happened.

"Hey!" Soobin widened his eyes in surprise, "We're supposed to stay PG."

"PG? PG!" Yeonjun threw his arms in frustration, "Beomgyu just died! Literally nothing up to this point has been PG!"

Soobin lowered his gaze, silently cursing at himself for making such a stupid joke at a time like this, "Sorry." Yeonjun was still staring at the edge of the building and hadn't noticed Soobin approach him until Soobin snaked his arms around Yeonjun's waist. "There's still a chance he's alive. There's grass down there. It could have cushioned his fall."

"No," Yeonjun knew that was impossible, "There's a pretty wide sidewalk down there. If Beomgyu was serious about killing himself, he would have made sure he'd hit the cement."

Soobin sighed, knowing Yeonjun was probably right, "Just don't say he's dead until we know for sure."

Yeonjun hesitated for a moment, "Do you think..."

"Do I think what?"

Yeonjun shook his head, as if telling him to forget about it. The stood like this for a few more minutes and eventually Yeonjun calmed down a little. Soobin let go of Yeonjun and Yeonjun looked at him, unhappy at the action. 

"Are you ready to go?"

"To go?" Yeonjun's expression quickly changed from longing to disgust, "You want to just leave him here? Do you wanna act like this never happened? Are we not even going to call the cops? You really-"

"I just don't want us to get involved. If you'd feel better waiting here until an ambulance arrived, then that's fine, but we should at least get off of the roof. It would look really bad if they found us up here."

Yeonjun quickly muttered an apology as his cheeks flushed a bright pink out of embarrassment. Yeonjun led the way to the same spot they used to get up here, but Soobin felt like there was something he needed to stay, "Hey Yeonjun."

Yeonjun just blinked at him a few times, not giving a proper response. 

"It's not your fault."

A pitiful smile appeared on Yeonjun's face and he adverted his gaze, "I'll help you get down."


Once they had gotten down Soobin leaned against the wall and took a minute to regain his composure. Climbing down was even scarier than climbing up. Yeonjun sat next to him, burying his knees in his chest as he stared at nothing in particular. Soobin joined him on the ground and placed a hand on one of Yeonjun's knees, "I know this is a stupid question, but how are you holding up?"

"How come you're not upset?" Yeonjun turned to him to watch his facial expression, "I get you didn't like him, but he just died. Do you not feel any sort of sadness? It's sort of scary."

"I don't think sad is the right word to describe how I'm feeling. I'm in a state of shock and I feel physically sick. I could throw up at any second, but I'm just trying not to show it because I don't want to stress you out anymore then you already are."

"You're a human too," Yeonjun leaned his head against the wall "You don't have to act emotionless because I'm around."

"I'm sorry," Soobin gulped and his face paled a bit as he tried not to hide behind a mask anymore, "I'm going to call the police now."

Yeonjun watched as Soobin pulled out his phone and waited for him to dial the number, "I need to go see him."

Soobin looked at Yeonjun in surprise, but didn't have time to respond and turned his attention to the dispatcher. Yeonjun took this opportunity to go see Beomgyu by himself. He traced his hand along the wall until he reached the corner. He knew after he made this turn that he would see if Beomgyu was alive or not. Yeonjun second guessed himself, but thought about what Soobin said. There's always a chance and Yeonjun had to know. Before he could dwell on it anymore, he turned the corner.

Yeonjun felt his body wanting to collapse, but managed to keep himself up. The bottom half of Beomgyu's body was on the cement, while the top half laid in the grass. The only visible injury he could see was that his leg was positioned in a very unnatural way. Yeonjun couldn't make out any blood, but he couldn't see any signs of life either.

Yeonjun took a single step forward, "I'm so sorry."

He took another step, "If I just would have listened better."


"If I hadn't been so stubborn."


"I noticed how strange you were acting, but I just brushed them off."


"I should have said something."


"I was stupid and kept walking towards you, even when you told me not to."


"If I just would have showed you that I cared a bit earlier, then you would be here."

Yeonjun crouched down next to Beomgyu as he let his emotions get the best of him, "But you're not and it's all my fault! Beomgyu I'm so sorry! I'm a terrible friend!" Yeonjun hid his face behind his hands and just cried. 

They were like this for a while until Soobin walked over to them, but he stopped in his tracked, "Oh my God!"

He sounded a bit too excited for Yeonjun's liking, "What are you so happy about?"

"Yeonjun, can't you see that he's still breathing?" Soobin looked at the older puzzled, "This means he's still alive!"

"Huh?" Yeonjun removed his hands from his face and wiped away at the tears that were blurring his vision. He scanned Beomgyu's body for any sign of life once again and noticed slight movement of his chest moving up and down.

"He is alive!" Yeonjun couldn't think of the words to describe how he was feeling right now. It's like all of his emotions were going off at once. "You idiot!" Yeonjun grabbed one of Beomgyu's arms and shook it, "Wake up! Come on! Stop messing around!"

"Yeonjun, please calm down," Soobin grabbed both of Yeonjun's hands, forcing him to let got of Beomgyu, "An ambulance is on it's way and everything is going to be okay." 

Yeonjun nodded, and allowed himself to calm down once again. They agreed to wait for the ambulance at a bit of a distance away from Beomgyu, but still at a point where they could see him in case he woke up. 

Yeonjun was clinging onto Soobin as if his life depended on it. Yeonjun didn't want to lose, or almost lose, the people he cared about. It was the worst feeling in the world, "Hey Soobin?"


"Promise me if something is bothering you, you'll tell me," Yeonjun was unconsciously tightening his grip on Soobin, but the younger decided not to comment on it.

"Of course I will."

"Please don't leave me."

"What? Are you worried 'your Sugar' will leave you?" Soobin teased the older.

"No, I don't care about my Sugar," Yeonjun slowly shook his head.

Soobin frowned, "Ouch."

"That's not what I meant!" Yeonjun chuckled.

"How else am I supposed to take that?" Soobin cocked a brow.

"I just want you Soobin."

The two boys continued to occupy themselves in random conversations until authorities arrived. Soobin talked to the police, making up a story that they had received a message that Beomgyu was considering jumping and that's why they were here. Yeonjun, on the other hand, just stayed silent as he watched the ambulance drive away. 

After they were dismissed they went to Soobin's house and agreed it would be best for them to try and get some sleep. Unlike Yeonjun, Soobin immediately passed out. Yeonjun's had a lot to think about. He was happy that everything had worked out, but his mind kept imagining what could have happened if he acted differently. Beomgyu may not be dead, but he's still hurt, and a voice in the back of his mind kept reminding him that it's all his fault.


For the rest of the weekend Yeonjun and Soobin spent all of their time together. Neither one of them wanted to lose the other. They spent most of their time at Soobin's house watching movies, playing games, eating, and even just sitting next to each other was enough to satisfy them. Even though the two boys were spending all of their time together, Soobin noticed that Yeonjun wasn't fully there. Yeonjun would often space out and just sit there, not doing anything. Obviously the situation was still bothering him. On one hand Soobin understood, it was a pretty traumatic experience, but on the other hand, Beomgyu was okay. They have even received a call from the hospital that he had woken up and everything is going well. Soobin just wished that he would get out of his gloomy state, but right now he had bigger fish to fry. It was Monday morning and Yeonjun, once again was begging Soobin to stay at home with him.

"Please Soobin!"

"How many times do I have to tell you how important school is?" Soobin crossed his arms at his whiny boyfriend, "We can't keep skipping it."

"But you've only missed one day!" Yeonjun reminded him, "Would one more really hurt you that badly?"

"And how many days have you missed?" Soobin tapped his foot anxiously.

"Only seven!"

"Seven?" Soobin's has dropped, "Yeonjun that's over a school week!"


"We're going to school today!"

"Please Soobin!" Yeonjun attempted to give him puppy dog eyes, but they didn't seem to work.

"No Yeonjun I-"

"This will be the last time I ask you. I just don't want to be around a lot of people today and I also don't want to be alone. I know it's weird but a lot has happened over the weekend," Yeonjun sat up on the bed and scooted closer to him, "So one last time will you please stay here with me?"


"Where are they?" Taehyun asked as Kai sat down next to him at their lunch table.

"Beats me," Kai shrugged as he opened his lunch box, "Beomgyu didn't show up today either."

Taehyun groaned, "What in the world are they doing?" Kai gave him a smug look which received a slap on the shoulder from Taehyun.

"Seriously though, I don't think the three of them are together, especially after that fight," Kai explained as he rubbed his shoulder, "Beomgyu is probably being moody so he stayed home, and the other two must have skipped together. Haven't they done this once before?"

"Yeah and that's the problem. You know Soobin. He's such a goody two shoes. Before he met Yeonjun, he never would have missed school, even if he managed to catch rabies or something!" Taehyun stared at the two empty seats in front of him, "But now he's missed it twice. It just worries me."

"Aww, you're so cute when you worry," Kai snickered as he pinched one of the older's cheeks.

Taehyun quickly smacked Kai's hand away and turned away to hide his blushing face. Why does this keep happening?

"Well," Kai sighed, "People will do things for the people they love, even if it goes against what they believe."

"Trust me, I know," Taehyun paused for a second before turning back around to face Kai, "Wait, do you think they love each other?"

"Ahh, well, I wouldn't say love," Kai rubbed the back of his neck, "That was just the easiest word to describe this kind of situation."

"Good," Taehyun huffed, "I wouldn't want him falling for Yeonjun so easily."

Kai frowned, "It's good that you worry about your friend, but you do know that he's older than you? He can make his own decisions."

"I-I know."

"Yeonjun is actually a really nice guy if you get to know him," Kai said.

Taehyun furrowed his brows, "But he associated himself with Beomgyu."

Kai giggled, "Last time I checked, you're the one that loved Beomgyu, not Soobin."

Taehyun didn't respond.

"Falling for someone isn't like picking flowers. You don't get to chose who you love and who you don't love. It kind of just happens on it's own," Kai paused for a second to take a sip of his drink, trying to remember the analogy his mother told him, "It's more like growing the flower instead. You can pick the seed, and you can help it grow, but you have no control over the final outcome. It could grow really fast or really slow and possibly not at all. It could be pretty or ugly. You just don't really know. All you can do is keep pushing it to blossom, but it might end up dying. If it dies that's okay too! You just have to dig it back up, learn from your mistakes, and try again."

"What are you some kind of gardener now?"

Kai laughed and took a bite out of his sandwich.

"So can I ask you a question related to that?" Taehyun tilted his head and Kai nodded.

"What if a gardener had this really pretty rose, and it's starting to either away. The gardener really like the rose, so the gardener doesn't dig it up yet, but this sunflower started growing out of nowhere. The gardener didn't even realize he liked sunflowers until now and it's growing really fast. The gardener would like to keep both. What should the gardener do?"

Kai tapped his fingers against the table as he thought of the proper answer, "As long as the gardener works to fix the rose and the rose's thorns aren't sharp enough to hurt the gardener, then he can keep it. As for keeping both flowers it's perfectly fine as long as the rose and sunflower are okay with having the same gardener. But if sharing the gardener makes either the rose or sunflower unhappy, the gardener will have to only pick one."

"If it comes to that point, then how does the gardener know which one to pick?"

"Whichever the gardener enjoys taking care of more," Kai smiled.

"Okay. Thanks."

"So do you like Soobin or something?" Kai's eyes lit up with curiosity.

Taehyun was taken aback, "No!"

"Then whose the sunflower?" Kai asked, "Beomgyu is obviously the rose."

"The story has nothing to do with me! I was only asking out of curiosity," Taehyun was quick to turn his head away from Kai again.

"Come on! Just tell me who you like! I wanna know," Kai tugged on the sleeve of Taehyun's shirt.

"I don't have to tell you anything," Taehyun shrugged him off, "And I don't like Beomgyu anymore."

"Sure," Kai sang, which received a death glare from Taehyun.

"I'm going to call Soobin," Taehyun stated as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, "I'm not going to scold him are anything, but I just want to make sure he's okay."

"Alrighty," Kai turned his attention to his food and tried not to listen in on Taehyun's conversation because he didn't want to eavesdrop.

"Kai do you want to meet up with them after school?" Taehyun covered his phone to ask the younger, "They said something bad happened."

"Yeah, sure."



I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
My head still low-key hurts, but it's not nearly as bad as it was last night so I was excited to get this finished. I'm also sorry if the formatting is weird I wrote half of it on my phone and I usually don't write on my phone.

Let me know your thoughts, comments, opinion, predictions, and everything else down below! I love hearing your feedback!

And as always thank you so much for reading (:
