
"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling Dad's avoiding us," Five commented as Em and Diego joined him.

Lila sighed, "Hate to be the boring one, guys, but, uh, it's time to get the hell out of here."

"When you say 'we', who exactly are you referring to?" Five asked, furrowing his brows.

"Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence," Lila said, shrugging.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is, I'd advise you return posthaste," Five said firmly.

Diego heard the police sirens in the distance and stepped closer to Five, "She's right, Five. We gotta get outta here."

"I just saved your life, you kinder-shit," Lila spat angrily. "If I hadn't stepped in, all that would be left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks."

"And that's the problem," Five noted seriously. "You're too good. You ask too many questions. You know too much. And you fight like you know what you're doing."

"He's got a point," Diego said, looking at Lila with suspicion.

"Thank God," Em muttered in relief.

"So I know how to handle myself, and that makes me the bad guy?" Lila asked incredulously.

"Whoever you are, you're in my way," Five said firmly. "If I see you again, I will kill you."

"Oh, you better hope he sees you before I do," Em noted dryly as Five walked off.

Lila started walking away but stopped when she noticed Diego and Em hadn't moved.

"Diego, we need to go," she said.

"I was getting my ass handed to me back there," Diego said seriously, approaching her. "You helped Five, not me. Why?"

"Because he's a kid and you're a man," Lila said incredulously. "Bloody act like one."

Em chuckled with disbelief, "Bullshit and you know it. Five's not a child and you happen to know that, I don't know how or why, but as he said it himself you know too much. There's a reason you followed Diego and yet you were more than happy to leave him for dead." she stood close to Lila and whispered. "If I see you again, I won't kill you, I'll do much worse."

Diego nodded as Em walked away.

"Diego I -I" Lila tried explaining. "We shouldn't -"

"You know what," Diego said seriously. "I'm used to dealing with liars, Lila, but I like it better when I know what they're lying about.

He walked away, ignoring Lila's calls as he caught up with Em and Five.

"We should get home," Five said pensively.

"Yeah," Em nodded quietly.

"Princess, you ok?" Diego asked, placing his arm around her.

"As ok as I can be after seeing my dead torturer," Em said, shrugging. "You?"

"Meh," Diego muttered, his shoulders falling. "I actually thought she was my friend."

"I know, I'm sorry," Em said softly, hugging Diego.

The next day at Elliott's, Em watched baffled as Luther made an entire pan of scrambled eggs.

"No, no, no, I don't understand," Diego said, pacing the kitchen. "They keep following me."

"Wait, who?" Luther asked in confusion.

"Those Dutch sociopaths," Diego answered.

"They're Swedish, you idiot," Five corrected impatiently. "Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to this timeline."

"Yeah, but why now?" Diego asked curiously. "I mean, I'm fine for three months until you showed up."

"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me," Luther said monotonously.

"But it makes sense, doesn't it?" Em said, shrugging. "Without Five we wouldn't know about the apocalypse in advance so we can stop it. We only become a problem once we're actively fighting against the timeline."

"What about Diego trying to stop the assassination?" Five asked with a raised brow.

"Wait, what?" Luther asked, furrowing his brows.

"Long story," Em muttered, shaking her head. "Diego was locked up and people thought he was crazy so he wouldn't be able to start anything from in there. There probably was someone to ensure he didn't scape... or that he did at the right time... That bitch," she said pensively.

"What is it?" Diego asked curiously.

"Lila," Em explained. "She knew too much, she followed you everywhere and fought too well. What if she's one of them? From the Commission."

"It is possible," Five agreed, nodding.

"No, no, wait," Diego said, shaking his head. "She fought against the Swedish guys twice."

"First time she did it to gain your trust, second time to gain Five's trust, but it backfired," Em explained seriously.

"It doesn't matter," Five said honestly. "We only have six days before the end of the world, and the closest anyone's gotten to dad was that driveway at the consulate."

"Well..." Luther sighed pensively. "That's not exactly true."

"What do you mean?" Five asked, intrigued.

"I saw him," Luther said. He told them his story of talking to their dad and being rejected as they all sat at the dining table.

"That's pathetic," Diego said quietly.

"Yeah, well," Luther shrugged. "At least he didn't shank my ass."

"No, bro," Diego said softly. "He shanked your heart."

"I'm sorry Luther, but I can't say I'm surprised," Em said softly. "I mean, the guy's a jackass."

Elliott walked into the kitchen and stared at Luther, "Is that my bathrobe?"

"No," Luther muttered, shoving more eggs into his mouth.

"Look, who cares what he is," Five said seriously. "He knows something about time travel."

"Hm," Elliott muttered, raising his hand. "Wait, why don't you just do your thing and, uh, time travel us out?"

"Anyone care to explain?" Five asked impatiently, getting up from his chair.

"First time he tried, he got lost in the apocalypse," Luther said through a mouthful.

"Second time, he ended up without hair on his balls," Diego said, leaning back on his chair.

"Last time I tried," Five said, pouring his coffee. "I scattered my family across three years in Dallas, Texas., possibly triggering a doomsday. Any more questions Elliott?"

"Uh, no," Elliott shook his head.

"You're all missing the big picture," Diego said seriously. "Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal that's planning to kill the president."

"A cabal?" Luther asked, furrowing his brows.

"Ignore him," Five noted, rolling his eyes. "Look the way I see it, we only have one option."

"Which is...?" Em asked tiredly.

"It's time to get the Umbrella Academy back together," Five said, nodding.

"Hell, yeah. Family meeting," Diego noted happily.

"Ok then, can one of you three get Allison, please?" Luther asked quietly.

"You two still a thing?" Diego asked with a smirk. "Do we need to talk?"

"No, she's married," Luther mumbled.

"Whoa. Dude, that's rough," Diego nodded, understanding.

"I can handle it," Luther chuckled.

"I'll get her," Five announced. "Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?"

"I'll try," Luther said, unimpressed.

"Try not squeezing her at all," Em said, shaking her head.

Five blinked out of the building before Elliott could get his attention.

"What should I do?" Elliott asked.

Diego smiled, "Prepare for company."

"What is he making?" Em whispered, horrified.

"I have no idea," Diego noted quietly, watching Elliott cook some kind of gelatin casserole.

"The poor food," Em muttered, covering her mouth.

The front door opened, getting their attention.

"Someone's back," Diego noted, turning towards the stairs with Em hot on his heels.

"Oh my God! Vanya!" Em exclaimed, running down the stairs towards Vanya and Luther. "I'm so glad you're ok. It's such a relief that you made it here in one piece."

"Hey," Luther exclaimed with an offended tone.

"I didn't mean here here, I meant the sixties," Em said, rolling her eyes.

"Hm, hi?" Vanya mumbled, confusion written all over her face. "Are you my sister?"

"Kinda... I'm your sister in law, does that count?" Em asked quietly, her cheeks reddening slightly.

"Of course it does," Vanya said softly, pulling Em into a hug. "You didn't say you were married," she added, looking at Luther once she let go of Em.

"Oh, no, no," Em said, shaking her head with a chuckle. "I'm married to this one- Diego? Why are you still up there."

"Keeping a safe distance," Diego explained, playing with a knife, his demeanor turned cold and suspicious towards his sister. "You do the same princess."

"That's my husband," Em sighed. "C'mon, let's go to the living room."

Em guided Luther and Vanya up the stairs, Elliott brought a bowl of... food... to the coffee table and set it down, greeting Vanya as she sat on the couch. Luther sat on the other end of the couch, Diego was eyeing Vanya the entire time as he sat on a chair opposite the couch and pulled Em onto his lap before she could find a seat near Vanya. Elliott sat at the head of the table and they shared an uncomfortable silence as Diego played with a knife while watching Vanya.

"Y'all know, Jell-O used to be a delicacy," Elliott said, breaking the silence. "You know, in order to make it, you gotta boil down a whole mess of hooves... you know, horses, cows, pigs, it doesn't matter. But not everybody has a mess of hooves just lying around. It wasn't until, uh... a couple of sassy New Yorkers figured out how to dry it out so that the rest of us could have a... chance to enjoy this ambrosia."

"If we have some, will you shut up?" Diego asked dully.

"Maybe," Elliott said honestly. "Here," he added, serving them some of the dish.

"How are you feeling?" Luther asked Vanya quietly.

"Pretty shitty, to be honest," Vanya muttered.

"Where would you say you are on a scale from one to... ending all life on this planet?" Diego asked, throwing his knife in the air.

"Diego!" Em exclaimed in annoyance.

"Really?" Vanya asked, unamused.

"Diego put the knife away, you idiot. She's fine," Luther said with disbelief.

"The last time I saw this one, she had me suspended in midair, sucking the life out of me with energy tentacles," Diego said, pointing his knife at Vanya. "She also almost killed Em, so I think I'm allowed a little time to process."

"I would love to see an energy tentacle," Elliott noted seriously while Luther shook his head at him.

"Look, I don't remember what I did, but I'm sorry..." Vanya said honestly. "If... if that means anything."

Diego put down the knife, "It does."

"I'm proud of you," Em whispered into his ear, before kissing his temple.

Diego smiled softly, giving her a quick kiss and pulling her more onto his lap.

Em's relaxed posture turned straight as she turned her head to her husband, "Diego Hargreeves, that better be a knife in your pocket."

Before Diego could say anything the front door opened and they heard Allison giggling.

"Oh, thank God," Luther muttered with relief, getting up from his seat.

"For the record, that was a knife," Diego said firmly as they got up.

Luther gave him an accusatory raised brow and shook his head as the group walked up to the railing, seeing Five, Klaus, and Allison on the bottom floor of the store.

"Oh, wow," Klaus muttered, looking up at them. "I know this is impossible, but... did we all get sexier?"

"Vanya?" Allison muttered softly, looking up at her sister.

"I can't believe I have two sisters!" Vanya said happily, before walking down the stairs.

Em almost ran down the stairs and the others followed, "Klaus, I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, pulling him into a hug.

"Em! Look at you," Klaus said, holding her at arms' length.

"Look at me? Look at you," Em said incredulously. "You let your hair grow."

"Do you like it?" Klaus asked, turning around for her.

"Like it? I love it!" Em said excitedly. "Gosh, you look great, drunk, but great."

Diego patted Klaus' back before pulling him into a one-armed hug, "Oh, you are drunk."

"Yeah. No, just a little... just a few..." Klaus mumbled, before turning and noticing Vanya and Allison hugging. "Oh, that's so sweet."

"Is... is this what a family feels like?" Em asked Diego quietly.

"Yeah, I think so," Diego answered, holding her hand and squeezing it.

"I like it," Em muttered with a smile.

"Klaus, is Ben here?" Five asked curiously.

"Oh, uh... no," Klaus said, shaking his head. "No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel."

"Are you kidding me?" Ben asked incredulously, from a chair behind Klaus.

"What?" Em asked with disappointment, her shoulders falling.

"Yeah," Klaus shrugged.

"All right, then. Let's get down to business," Five said, leading them all back up the stairs.

The family sat in the living room while Five spoke.

"All right. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry," Five said seriously. "I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going-back-in-time-and-getting-stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the world back here with us."

"Oh, my God, again?" Klaus asked in surprise. "All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the-- Oh, my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. -"

"Cult?" Em asked, furrowing her brows. "Never mind, I'm not even surprised at this point."

"Five! I told them we had until 2019." Klaus complained with exasperation.

"We have until Monday. We have six days," Five said seriously.

"Is it Vanya?" Klaus asked, sipping his drink.

"Klaus!" Allison repreended.

"What? It's usually Vanya," Klaus shrugged.

"Well, technically the first time was Vanya and me," Em said, scrunching her nose.

"Five, do you have any leads?" Vanya asked quietly.

"Yeah, we have on," Five said, grabbing a file Diego handed him and passing it to Allison.

"Holy shit, is that dad?" Allison asked, looking at the picture.

"Yeah," Diego said dryly.

"That's him?" Vanya asked curiously.

"Standing on the grassy knoll," Diego said seriously.

"Diego, Em and I have been trying to talk to dad about what exactly this means," Five explained. "So far, we've got nothing."

"Not nothing," Diego corrected. "He's planning to kill Kennedy."

"Maybe," Five said calmly. "But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the timeline, we have to make it right."

"Yeah, but how, if we don't know what's broken?" Allison asked impatiently.

"Come on. Do the math," Diego said honestly. "We know dad's having shady-ass meetings with some shady-ass people. We know he's on the grassy knoll in three days to kill the president. So I think we all know what we have to do."

"Find dad," Five said at the same time as Diego said, "Kill dad."

"Whoa, whoa," Em said, getting up from her seat.

"None of us are supposed to be here, right?" Vanya asked, breaking the tension in the room. "I mean, what if it's us? Has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?"

"Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald," Luther pointed out.

"And you're working for Jack Ruby," Diego accused angrily.

"Allison has been very involved in politics," Klaus said airly.

"Ok, you started a cult," Allison exclaimed, pointing at Klaus.

"Thank you!" Ben exclaimed, exasperated.

"I'm... I'm just a nanny on a farm," Vanya said, shaking her head. "I don't have anything to do with all of that."

"I don't either," Em said, shrugging. "All I've done is bake in a small bakery and maybe curse in front of some old ladies."

"Well, maybe you do have something to do with all this," Allison said pensively. "We just don't know it yet."

Diego whistled sharply, getting everyone's attention. "Listen to yourselves. Everything in our new lives is connected to Kennedy. That can't be a coincidence. Luther works for Ruby, Allison is protesting the government, dad is on the grassy knoll, Klaus is... doing something weird and pervy but probably related. See, clearly we were all sent back here for one special reason: saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy."

A loud and unnecessary argument broke out as the siblings all yelled at each other.

"Everyone dies," Five said clearly, making everyone quiet. "Everyone dies. I was there. I saw it. And I wanna forget it, but I can't. I saw Russian nukes vaporize the world with all of you in it... in a war that never happened until we brought it here. Em saved your lives, but... you watched everything, everyone turn to dust. I've lived in the apocalypse, it's not something I want for you. And Hazel gave his life to save you, to save us from that fate, so you may need to shut up and just listen to me. I don't know if the things we've experienced here are all connected. I don't know if there's a reason for everything. But dad will. We need to talk to him before everyone and everything we know is dead."

"Ok, I'm out," Luther announced, getting up from his chair.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Em muttered rolling her eyes.

"Did you even hear me, Luther?" Five asked incredulously.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did," Luther snapped angrily. "I heard a 58-year-old man who still wants his daddy to come and fix everything. Well, you can count me out. It's time we all grew the hell up."

Em let out a disbelieving chuckle, "Luther, everyone here had their own jobs, their own lives, you are the only one that lived out of daddy's money for most of your adulthood. Look, I'm sorry it took this long for you to find out the piece of shit that man really is but it's no excuse to act like you're the only fucking adult here just cause you're pissy you had to face real life."

Em's eyes were glowing and she had her hands in fists, she was next to Luther, very much ready for a fight.

"Princess," Diego muttered, holding her shoulder and she came back into reality. "Are you ok?" he asked her as Luther walked away.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm fine," Em said, nodding and sitting down on a chair as Diego and Five went after Luther.

"You know, I could really go for some tacos right now," Klaus said peacefully. "Allison? Tacos?"

"Shouldn't we wait?" Allison asked, looking at where the boys had walked away.

"You know those guys," Klaus said nonchalantly. "I mean, it could take forever for them to bro it out. Em, tacos?"

"Is there gonna be booze?" Em asked, rubbing her head and Klaus nodded his head excitedly. "In that case, fuck yeah tacos."

"Vanya, tacos?" Klaus asked, expectantly.

"Is there any way that tacos are gonna cause the end of the world?" Vanya asked pensively.

Klaus scoffed, "I mean, there's only one way to find out, right?"

"Sure is," Allison agreed, getting up from her seat.

"Let's go!" Klaus announced walking with Allison as Vanya and Em chuckled following them.

"I missed you all... so much," Ben muttered to the empty living room as the group left the store.

Klaus, Allison, Vanya, and Em grabbed their tacos and a bottle of booze and walked to the salon Allison works at. On the way there Em found herself staring at baby clothes in the shop windows and smiling at the sight of children walking with their parents, she barely heard Allison talking inside the salon as her mind raced.

Allison growled, getting Em's attention, "The nerve of that man. I mean, one thing goes wrong, and he's on a warpath. I mean, doesn't know who I am? No, no. No, Ray, you know exactly who I am. You just can't handle it. I'm protecting him."

"From what?" Klaus asked tiredly.

"The end of the world, for one," Allison said.

"Is the world really gonna end in six days?" Vanya asked curiously.

"Well, it did last time, and we did everything Five could think of to stop it," Allison said seriously.

"Hey, wouldn't it be weird if Five grew up all hot?" Klaus asked, getting up from his chair.

Em chuckled, shaking her head.

"Eww," Allison exclaimed.

"Oh! 'Oh, eww! Eww!' Please, Miss 'Luther was my lover." Klaus mocked.

"We have never even kissed," Allison said sternly, holding up a hand to stop Klaus.

"Yeah, but you guys were making little sick moon-dog eyes at each other all through puberty and breakfasts and all that," Klaus said, shrugging.

"Aren't we all brothers and sisters, or...?" Vanya asked, scrunching her face.

Allison sighed, "Well... technically, it--"

"Technically? If you have to word... use the word 'technically,' you're already in trouble," Klaus explained.

"You were raised pretty much from birth, it's weird," Em commented, nodding.

"Ok," Allison intervened, getting their attention. "Can... can we focus? I mean, clearly we're not saving the world tonight, but maybe, maybe, we could at least try to save my marriage."

"No!" Klaus exclaimed, spilling alcohol on the floor. "No, because that's like... that's like asking a nun to hump someone's leg. I mean, who in this room knows shit about relationships? This one? In secret love with some farm Frau."

"Her name's Sissy," Vanya corrected drunkenly.

"Which is an improvement on her previous love interest, the serial killer," Klaus continued. "Meanwhile, I'm carrying a torch... for a soldier I haven't technically met yet, and Luther is in love with his sister."

"Ok, again, we are not biological," Allison stated in annoyance. "And what about Em?"

"She married Diego, what would she know about good choices in relationships?" Klaus said airly.

"Right," Allison muttered. "Hey, Em, why are you with Diego?"

"He has a nice ass," Em said, chuckling and taking a sip of beer.

"Face it, the healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin," Klaus said honestly. "The only thing the Umbrella Academy knows about love... is how to screw it up."

"How do you guys deal with this?" Vanya asked, furrowing her brows.

"What?" Allison asked with confusion.

"I mean, all of it," Vanya explained. "The time travel, seeing the dead, dying over and over again, the end of the world."

"Well, I get really high," Klaus explained. "Allison... Allison... lies to herself. Em hurts people, really badly. And you suppress all your emotions deep, deep down until you... blow shit up."

"Yeah, I'd really like to not do that anymore," Vanya said quietly.

"Well, you've got six days, missy," Klaus shrugged.

"What the hell are we supposed to do with six days?" Allison asked incredulously.

"Party?" Klaus suggested. "I don't know."

Em sighed, looking down at the ground.

"What is on your mind, Em?" Klaus asked, leaning across the table to hold her hand.

"I, uh, well," Em muttered, taking a deep breath. "I have baby fever," she confessed.

"I thought you couldn't get sick," Klaus said, confusion written all over his face.

Allison chuckled, "No, Klaus, Em wants to have a baby."

"Yeah..." Em said in an unsure tone. "I mean, I've been feeling like something is missing and every time I see anything related to young children my heart melts and my mind goes haywire with thoughts of being pregnant and all."

"That's so sweet," Vanya said, smiling at Em.

"Why don't you seem happy about it?" Allison asked curiously.

"Well," Em sighed. "Diego and I never talked about having kids, I'm scared he won't want any..."

"I have to admit I've never seen him as the father type," Allison said pensively.

Em chuckled, "I can see it. He's great with children and he was crazy about Claire even without ever meeting her."

"Really?" Allison asked with a touched expression.

"Talk to him," Vanya said seriously. "Tell him how you feel."

"Sounds like a better idea than not doing anything about it," Em nodded.

"I'm gonna tell Sissy that I love her," Vanya said firmly. "I don't want any secrets."

"Yeah," Allison agreed. "Yeah, yeah. You're right. Yes, 'cause, you know, if... if it's all gonna go tits-up, the least I could do is be honest with my husband."

"Yep," Em nodded in agreement.

"Oh... does that mean I have to face my cult?" Klaus whined. "I just hate group breakups. It's why I stopped dating twins."

"This family's amazing," Vanya exclaimed drunkenly.

"Yeah, sure," Klaus muttered as Em laughed.

"Ok, let's not get ahead of ourselves," Allison said, getting up from her chair.

"Come here, girls," Klaus said, motioning for Vanya and Em to get into a group hug. "I love you guys."

Once they separated, they had a very drunk dance-party and spent a few more hours talking. When the night began they went their separate ways. Em walked back to Elliott's shop, finding Diego and Luther sitting in the living room.

"Is that alcohol?" Diego asked with a raised brow.

"You're smelling the drink Klaus spilled on me," Em explained honestly. "I only had two beers and one sip of vodka."

"Are you ok?" Diego asked, walking over to her.

"Yeah," Em said, biting her lip. "Can we, uh, talk? In private."

"Sure thing princess," Diego agreed with a smirk.

Em led Diego into the bedroom, turning to the door so she could lock it.

She took a deep breath before turning to him, "Oh my God, you're naked."

Diego found himself sprawled on the bed, wearing nothing, "Come here princess."

"I, uh, this," Em mumbled, her cheeks gaining a pink color.

"I misunderstood the situation, didn't I?" Diego asked, chuckling.

"Kind of," Em said, nodding. "I mean, you're not too far off, but I did want to, uh, talk first."

"Ok, princess," Diego nodded, sitting up straight. "Everything all right?"

"Yeah, hm, I just," Em took a deep breath. "Can you, uh, cover up? I can't think straight."

Diego chuckled at how flustered she'd become and pulled the covers over his legs, covering up to his hips.

"Thank you," Em said calmly. "What do you think about kids?"

"I... like them?" Diego furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Do want any? Of your own, I mean." Em said nervously.

"Yes, I would like to have kids," Diego said slowly, studying her face. "Princess, what's this really about?"

"I have baby fever," Em confessed quietly. "I'm ready, I think, to have a baby."

"Really?" Diego asked expectantly.

"Yeah, really," Em nodded.

Diego smiled broadly at her, "How about this: when we get back home, in 2019, we start trying."

"Are you serious?" Em asked, smiling.

"100% serious," Diego said, pulling her into a kiss. "The only reason I won't get you pregnant right now is cause I wanna give our baby the best chance she can get. Without any apocalypses."

"She?" Em asked with a chuckle.

"We're gonna have a baby girl, I can feel it," Diego said honestly.

"In your balls?" Em asked, laughing. "Maybe you should keep this sixth sense for when I'm actually carrying our child."

"Why do I put up with you?" Diego asked, shaking his head and smiling.

Em pretended to think for a moment, "Because you love me?"

"You got that right," Diego said, pulling her into a kiss. "I love you, more than anything."

"I love you too," Em confessed softly, leaning her forehead against his.

**Sorry for the delay, life has kept me very busy this end of the year.

Hope you enjoyed your Holidays and that you have a happy New Year.

Hopefully, you liked this chapter. Thank you for your likes, comments, and reads.**
