OMG IDEA ON STUFF PLZ READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have such a good idea for the Hetalia thingy so I will put a bit in here.... If u don't read A/N, ur loss then.

??? POV:

It was dark, glimpses of his eyesight in the dark room. He defeated me once but now I will NOT lose. My 'friends' and I will rule this new world. We will prevail. For now I wait my turn. Oh I wish life was as easy as breaking an ugly vase. Unfortunately mine is not. I may as well sleep on it. He will get sick soon. And I will escape this prison. I look at the chains holding be against the pitch black wall. Soon... When I do rule I will be my own being. As in part of his country. Anything he does to me will happen to him. Only not as bad.... If he kills me then he will be at near death. And I will once again, be here. Cursing out loud. I am the beast inside. I am his pain, misery, agony... Anything bad. Wow. What a mess I've made of this plan. It will carry out. After all my kingdom is where my demons hide. Odds are I will get locked away again.

((XD ALL THE SONG REFERANCES!!! New World By SkydoesMinecraft, Demons By ImagineDragons, Pain By 3DaysGrace, Locked Away By R.City...))
