Reticent Boy

The days turned into weeks, and so far Steve was having minimal luck on breaking in on the new kid. Bucky seemed like a very solitary guy with a low social status and an even lower social life. Was he really not even trying to make friends at this point? Who ever wanted to be a loner in highschool?

Tony of course couldn't help himself but torment the blonde with more gushy nonsense- Steve was as straight as he could be and he just hated that Stark over romanticized everything!

"For the last time before I punch your lights out," Steve growled as Tony was once again going on about it, snickering while holding onto Stephen's arm. "I'm not in LOVE with him!!"

"Sure you aren't, babe," Tony smirked and then cat called at Peter over Rogers's shoulder. "Later tonight, honeybun! I want that cake!"

Peter perked up when he heard Tony and posed mockingly, making Stark howl and Stephen roll his eyes. The humor of these boys was just ridiculous to him, but how he put up with Tony, Steve would never know...

"I'll have to catch you guys later," he said with a huff as he caught a glimpse of a familiar head of hair disappearing through the auditorium doors. "I've got my off period now anyways- I'll see you guys at practice!"

Before any of them could protest, Steve was already rushing away and managed to slip through the doors undetected. When he entered the spacious room, there were no lights on. He frowned and took out his phone to shine the flashlight, motes of dust getting illuminated as he pressed forwards towards the stage. Why would anyone want to chill out in here for their off period...? Even a weirdo like Bucky surely kept outside or something.

"I know you're in here..." Steve called and then hoisted himself up into the stage. He turned around in a circle before noticing one of the stage props shifting, so he raised an eyebrow and started for it. "You're not supposed to be in here, Barnes. What the hell are you doing?"

The prop froze of course, but they both knew that it was no use hiding anymore. Hesitantly, Bucky arose from his spot and glared at Steve spitefully, who crossed his arms.

"Why did you follow me in here then, Mr. Perfect?"

Steve rolled his eyes and took a step closer, not feeling threatened by this boy's hostility towards him. "C'mon, nobody deserves to sit alone in the dark. You can come sit with me in the library or something, but this is just depressing..."

Bucky shook his head and hefted his backpack a little. "I prefer being alone, actually. It's more peaceful and I can actually hear myself think..." 

There was a pause for a moment but that seemed to be Bucky's cue to leave and he started past Steve towards the doors. These little interactions didn't grow any less awkward, but Steve was really starting to feel desperate to get Tony to shut up already.

"Fine then, but I'm not giving up on you..." he huffed as he followed Bucky towards the exit. "Look, I know I don't know you very well and all of that, but I just really think that you've gotten the wrong impression about me. I'm a nice guy, I really don't want you to think that I'm making fun of you or something because I'm not..."

That made Bucky pause with his back to Steve and he slowly looked over his shoulder at him. "A nice guy, huh? I'm guessing you just get that a lot, because the only thing I'm seeing right now is a desperate and insecure attempt at validation. If you think I'm just going to hand that over to you like everyone else in your life, you can just forget it."

That left Steve speechless, but he reached out and took Bucky's wrist so that he couldn't escape, quite yet. Those eyes pierced his own and he bit his lip a little, neither yanking themselves away from each other.

"Why are you really doing this... " Barnes whispered as he gazed at Steve intensely. "You shouldn't mix yourself in with things you don't understand..."

Steve puffed out his chest a little, feeling himself drawing a little nearer to this boy. What was it about him that seemed like a strong force of gravity? For a quite kid, he... he kinda smelled nice. From a bit of a distance of course!!

"I-... I don't know... but what I do know is that I'm not gonna let you go..."

Steve had a more serious expression, but Bucky then managed to pull his wrist away carefully, still tugging Steve a little closer in his efforts. "Please, just stop. I don't want you getting hurt... u know that you don't get why some people just aren't meant to be friends, but this is one of those instances where you walk away. Please, Steve..."

That sent a bit of a chill down his spine, but before Steve could react, Bucky rushed out the doors and left him there standing in the dark. What kinds of secrets was this boy hiding...? Whatever they were, Bucky was starting to pull Steve in even further. He wanted to know the truth, and of course win Bucky's heart.

Platonically, of course. Was that platonic thing to think? Agh, he'd been hanging around Tony and Peter too much again...


Arriving home from school that day felt more exhausting than it had for a while for Steve. As he crashed down onto the couch and ignored his texts, his mother Sarah called him into the kitchen.

Grudgingly, the young blonde obeyed and sat down at the counter instead, rubbing his eyes exhaustively. "Yes, Mom...?" 

"I want you to tidy up your room and make sure that it's ready for your new roommate by tomorrow," she hummed as she continued making dinner for herself and her son. "He's a foreign exchange student, remember? He'll only be staying here the semester before heading back to Germany."

That made Steve groan since the last thing he wanted to do was temporarily foster some German kid. Not that he had anything against Germans, he just was emotionally drained from chasing after Bucky again. 

He didn't exactly know why he was seeking after him so much, but every time he thought of those eyes, it made him blush...

What was that Bucky kid doing to him!!
