It's dark

Once upon a time, there was 2 of our favorite characters, Goofball and Cowgirl. They wanted to have a day in but they wanted to do it somewhere else. They decide to spend it in a fully electronic smart house, where all they gotta do is sit down and they tell the house what to do and it does it, without them having to lift a finger. But something goes wrong.....wait lemme start from the top.

Goofball and Cowgirl are hanging out, having a good time together. Goofball says to Cowgirl, "Don't you like spending time inside without having to get up for anything", while sliding his hand onto hers. Cowgirl replies while moving her whole body away "Actually I think going out would probably be much better of an idea". Goofball acknowledges the hand issue as such "why is it that, I put my hand on yours and you pull away" and Cowgirl replies "I really like you, I just have issues sometimes with physical touch, it's my own problem, nothing for you to worry about." Goofball then has an idea to keep them both happy about where to go.

Goofball shows up to Cowgirl's house and says " I found a way to make both parties happy" and Cowgirl replies "I told you already, one party at a time, my ass can only shake for so long and my brain can only take so much partying" Goofball replies "No, not that, but I will keep that in mind. I figured out a way for us to go out and stay in at the same time. We're gonna stay at a smart house". Confused Cowgirl asks "What's a smart house?" and Goofball says "It's a electronic house that is entirely hands free, we can stay on the couch watching movies and ask the house to throw us a couple beers from the fridge, and we don't gotta move a muscle" Cowgirl isn't into it at first, but then she takes a deep breath and says" Ok let's do it"

Goofball and Cowgirl arrive at the smart house and sit on the couch, Cowgirl whispers "Now what" and Goofball says "Smarthouse, turn on the T.V., and through us a couple beers". Goofball puts his arm around Cowgirl and says "Now we stay in and have some fun". Cowgirl take Goofball's hand off her and says "ok?". Goofball asks "Seriously???" and Cowgirl says "Ok, maybe I'm just a little not ready for all that but we can still have some fun". "What do you mean fun?" asks Goofball. Cowgirl then says "Smarthouse, play WAP by Cardi B", WAP starts playing and Goofball sits himself down in a chair, Cowgirl says "Well I haven't pop dis ass today so lemme give you a show", Cowgirl begins dancing and singing along to the song, both are happy and having fun, then lightning hits the powerline and knocks the power out; now they're in complete darkness.

Cowgirl, paused in the position she was in before the power went out, asks "uhhhhhh.....what just happened?" Goofball, putting away his singles, says " Umm....powers out, let's go outside and see if the power is out for the rest of the block as well", they both go towards the front door but it won't open. Cowgirl begins to panic and starts grabbing thing to try and get the door open. She throws a chair and the chair breaks, she throws a statue at the door and the statue breaks. Cowgirl feels around in the dark trying to find something hard to throw at the door, she finds something, but it's attached to something she can't see, but she throws it at the door and the door doesn't break. Cowgirl calls out to Goofball in the dark and asks 'what he thought that last thing was' and from the front of the door, in a high pitched voice, he replies "Meeeee:c" and Cowgirl quickly remembered that she was twerking on Goofball before that power went out and figured out exact what she grabbed and was a lil turned on.

Goofball lights a candle and Cowgirl and him can finally see in the dark a little. Cowgirl begins to breakdown and says "We never should've came here, this should've happened to us, we need to get out, how are we gonna get out". Goofball pulls her close to his face and says "Calm down, just look into my eyes and tell me what you see and focus on that". Cowgirl calms down and looks into his eyes and says "Uh ok, uh I see they're nice, brown, kind, sweet and hard to look away" suddenly Cowgirl can't remember why she was freaking out. It's like all her worries faded away and she starts to feel safe. Goofball looks into her eyes and says "Oh yeah, well, your eyes are like a pool of warmth that I can't seem to get enough of and don't want anyone to enjoy but myself. That may sound selfish but whatever it's what I see", Cowgirls eyes look down and she sees that she's been holding his hand this entire time, Goofball moves his hand and says "Sorry, I guess I got carried away there" Cowgirl grabs his hand and says "No....your hand are nice and I'm not ready to let go". They both stared into each other's eyes until they passed out. 

By morning, Goofball wakes up and sees that he isn't holding her hand anymore, he pretends to still be asleep as he notices Cowgirl is waking up. She stares at him for a couple seconds then hold his hand again and goes back to sleep, while Goofball, still pretending to be asleep, cracks a smile. They both wake up a few hours later to the power being back on, so they decide that it's time to leave. But first, Goofball sits Cowgirl in a chair and she asks him "What are you doing", Goofball says "Smarthouse, play Miss New Booty by Bubba Sparxxx" and Cowgirl begins laughing as Goofball repays her for last nights dance. He does a smooth dance to the beat and end his dance by kissing her.

The End

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