Chapter three

The next week when I received an email from Hollywood records saying I had passed to the next round I was ecstatic. I didn't think I was going to keep going! I just entered for fun. But when I heard the news I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

"Mom! Momma!" I was going so fast down the stairs that at the end I tripped and fell. "Fudge nuggets." I mumbled under my breath soon getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Mom mom guess what!?" I look around but shes nowhere to be found. That's when I see the note on the fridge.

Sweetie I'm really sorry but I have to stay until late today. I left money on top of the fridge so you can buy yourself food. Don't wait up for me at dinner!~Love Mom

"Of course she's at work, why wouldn't she be?" Moments like these where the ones that frustrated me at how much my mom worked. Putting that thought aside I called Bee,"Guess what just happened!?" I say excitingly over the phone.

"I passed to the next round! I'm in the last three!"
"Oh my gosh really!?
" Yes! Now we just wait to see if I pass into the next round, but I have to submit a different song and I don't know which one to choose!? "

I was so excited but the song that I chose this time has to be even better than the one before, I have to move on to the next round. I just hope my songs were good enough.

"Well the other one was a sad song why don't you try a different genre? Maybe a more happy song? So they can see you can wright different genres?" I can tell she's as excited as me.

"That's a great idea bee! Oh my gosh thankyou thankyou!!! I'm gonna call Jonathan know and tell him." I hanged up the phone and dialed Jonathan immediately.

"Oh my gosh babe guess what happened?!" I yell into the phone. I walk over to the fridge and get the money on top. Same place every time."Oh my gosh Katherine I was asleep." I just laugh at his voice. "Its almost 11:00! And plus I DONT mind waking you up, I like your morning voice." You know those boys that have really good deep voices when they wake up? Well Jonathan was blessed in that department

"Really now?" I can hear the smug smirk on his face and just laugh. "Yes really. Now guess what happened before I tell you!" I look at the money and check how much she left me. "What happened?" Jon says over the phone.

"My mom left me 40 dollars! Yay!" She usually only leaves thirty guess she was in a good mood. "You woke me up for that?" Oh right I was talking on the phone with Jonathan! "No duh. Guess who made it to the second round of the competition for Hollywood records!?" I yell over the phone.

"I don't know? Whitney Houston?" I can hear ruffling behind him and someone talking. "Babe is there someone with you?" I start to think all of these thoughts but since I try not to be the jealous girlfriend I let it pass.

"What? Of course not! Why would there be?" I hear something in his voice but I let it slip by thinking it was just my mind. "Oh um nothing I just-" I get interrupted when I hear someone giggle on the other side of the phone. Ok now ik starting to get mad.

"Jonathan? Who's there with you!?" And this morning was going so good."Its no one babe I swear." I roll my eyes at this. "Call me when you get your shit together Babe". With that I hung up and I felt my eyes get watery. The bad thing is that this wouldn't be the first time. Bee had caught him kissing a girl at a party last year. So I wouldn't doubt if he did it again.

I grabbed my phone and called Bee. When she answered I couldn't stop sobbing. "Kate? Is that you?" I just kept on sobbing until finally I told her what Jon did.

"That son of a gun again!? What is his freaking deal?! Wait for me I'll come right over lock the door so he doesn't come in." With that she hung. I stood up and went to lock the door and just sat there until I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I said between sobs. I can't believe he would do that to me after all the I love you's! "Its me Kate open the door!" I opened the door for Brianna and she came barging in. "That son of you know what, I'm so sorry honey!" I felt her arms wrap around me and that just made me sob harder.

"I loved him bee! What am I supposed to do now? I don't think I can get over him! How am I supposed to move on? We've been together since the end of ninth grade, I can't live without him." And its true each time I needed a shoulder to cry on he would be right there when bee couldn't. I don't know what I'll do without him.

Bee grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. "You don't need that ass you hear me? You have me Kate, we have each other. You don't need him to make you feel loved. You just need to love yourself and focus on the competition." Then she shakes me some more. "Understand?" I just wiped my eyes and nodded.

"Good you don't need that jerk anyway. Now what do you say we order some pizza yes?" I nod and give her the forty dollars. "Sure. I'm going to my room." With that I went up to my room and started writing lyrics while I was playing my guitar.

"I gave you my heart in a plate of gold, you took it in your hands kept it warm, told me you loved me more than once, tell me why I couldn't see through your lies. But now I've learned, thanks for the cruel lesson.

Don't worry about me...
No don't worry about me

I'll lock my heart in a cage of stone. Where I can keep it safe and alone away from prying hands that will just hurt me once or twice"
