The Weasleys


I've become better friends with Ginny, Hermione came here a few days ago and we've hung out. I told them what happened on the last day of school and they were both shocked. I don't blame them, I would be shocked too. Hermione and I were getting ready for bed, I quickly changed into my pajamas while Hermione was brushing her teeth. We walked out of the room when we heard an owl.

"Is that an owl?" Hermione and I both asked at the same time, "You haven't seen him, have you?" Ginny asked us. We heard Harry's voice and ran down to him.

"Harry!" I hugged him, so did everyone else. Ron was about to touch Hermione's face when she looked at him.

"got a bit of toothpaste," Ron whispered, I laughed. I followed the trio up to Ron's room.

"I came here a few days ago, but for a while, I wasn't sure." Hermione admitted and last week Mrs. Weasley lost it and told Ginny, Ron, and I that we shouldn't go back to Hogwarts because it wasn't safe, but eventually, she allowed us to go back.

"It's Dumbledore, what could be safer?" Harry exclaimed, "There has been some talk that he's got a bit old." Hermione told us. I chuckled at what she said.

"Rubbish! Isn't he like a hundred and fifty? Give or take?" We all laughed.

The next day we went to Fred and George's Joke Shop they opened on Diagon Alley, Hermione, Ginny and I made our ways to the love potion stand.

"Has he owled you at all this summer?" Ginny asked me I shook my head.

"Hello, Ladies." The twins said at the same time, "Love potions eh? They really do work. Then again, the way we hear it sis, you're doing just fine on your own." This made Ginny frown.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" the twins asked her and she ignored them. I loved over at Cormac McLaggen who was looking at Hermione.

"Don't look now, McLaggen is staring at her." She turned around and quickly put down the love potion.

"Do you want to come with Harry, Ron and I. We're going for a walk?" Hermione asked me.

"um I'll stay with Ginny you two go ahead." I smiled and waved to them, I went to find Ginny.

"Ginny, what do I do about, William?" I asked her hoping she would give me some good advice,, but she shrugged her shoulders.

"Thanks for the help, I will always depend on you." I saluted and walked away. I bumped into a couple.

"Oops, I'm sorry I wasn't lo-" I looked up to see that Ravenclaw girl and William, "looking" I rolled my eyes and walked to Fred and George.

"What's the best thing you have to poison someone you don't like." I crossed my arms and looked at them.

"Nosebleed Nougats? Puking Pastilles?" they suggested, "I'll take both." I handed them 8 gallons I got from my birthday. I now haven't seen my mother in almost three years.

We got on the train and I talked to Ginny, but she went with Dean to another compartment.

"Hello guys, what are you talking about?" I asked the three of them.

"Harry thinks Malfoy is a Death Eater, the day when we went to Fred and George's shop, we saw Malfoy and his mum walk into a cabinet shop." Ron told me as I sat down next to Harry.

"I believe it, he could be a Death Eater. He probably was forced by his parents. Aren't there family extremely loyal to You-Know-Who?" they all nodded. Harry then left the compartment.

"Where, William?" Ron asked me, I looked at Hermione who nudged Ron.

"She is ignoring him." She opened her book and started to read, "and why is that?" Ron looked at me. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep. I was woken up by Hermione telling me we arrived. I looked around.

"where Harry?" they both didn't know where he was. I didn't get off the train, I saw Luna walking to.

"I'll see you in the castle." I followed Luna.

"Hello, Luna." I walked next to her.

"Hello, would you like a Quibbler?" I nodded my head and she gave me one. She opened a door to the compartment and looked at the ground.

"Finite!" she shouted at the ground and Harry was lying on the ground.

"Hello, Harry." She looks off her glasses.

"Luna! Natasha! How did you know where I was?" Harry stood up.

"Wrackspurts, your head is filled with them." Harry looked at me and I shrugged

"oh, Harry. You've got a bloody nose." I said while we walked out, "How did that happen?"

"ill explain later." We stopped at the gate by Professor Flitwick. We saw Malfoy and Professor Snape talking to a person who manages the baggage. Luna fixed Harry's broken nose and we finally made it to the castle. Harry and I both entered the Great Hall, I gave Harry a small towel I had in my bag. I sat down by Hermione. Dumbledore made an announcement.

"Look William is looking at you," Hermione nudged you, "can you please hex him, for me." I pleaded and she shook her head. I looked over to Malfoy who looked...sad?
