His little crush had not faded. Yet.
Chris was still just as hung up on Freja as he had been a week ago. He still stalked her social media accounts on a daily, trying to get to know and understand her through her posts. He had also skillfully questioned Eva about her until she had realised what he had been playing it, scolding him for using her so sneakily. He had made it seem as if he was simply interested in Freja because her boyfriend had been in a year with Nikolai and therefore also with Chris' older sister and Eva had believed him. He felt bad for using her like this since he really liked Eva but Freja was all he was thinking about at times.
Chris was longing for a real conversation with her to find out what kind of person she was. He wanted to know if his could be more than a hook-up. He wanted to like her more than all the other girls.
Chris sighed and closed his locker, his books under one arm and the backpack slung over the other shoulder.
As always, his feet found their way to Freja's locker in the other hallway by themselves. She was leaning against it whilst chatting to some guy. Chris didn't really know him. He had seen him with Eva and her hipster boyfriend but he never got his name.
He quickly ran a hand through his hair to make it look more presentable before leaning against the locker behind Freja, mirroring her position.

"Hei." He said and nodded at the boy opposite of Freja.

She turned around, a smile playing around her lips. "Hei." Her eyebrows narrowed at him in confusion. "Did I wave at someone in your close range again?" She smirked.

Chris chuckled at her question and shook his head. "I thought we'd agreed that you did actually wave at me."

"Oh, I see." Freja smiled broadly and nodded at him. "Have you met Isak?" She then said and stepped aside, pointing towards the guy behind her. "He's really good at making conversation. Why don't you two get to know each other whilst I make my way home." She backed away and waved, before stalking off down the hallway.

Chris looked after her for a second before catching himself and muttering a short goodbye to the guy who was supposed to be Isak. He didn't look back but just rushed after the retreating girl.

"I don't want to have a conversation with Isak." Chris pressed out as he finally reached her, walking downstairs to the school's exit.

"You don't?" Freja raised an eyebrow. "What do you want then?"

"I want to have a conversation with you. About you and me."

The girl stopped walking and looked at him. Chris also stopped and turned to face her. Her eyes locked with his and he felt like he stopped breathing for a second.

"I'm sorry, Chris." She finally said, not averting her gaze from his and smiling lightly. "I don't yet think that there's anything interesting enough about you to hold a conversation over." Her tone was light and she probably didn't even mean the words half as badly as they sounded to Chris.

Her words hit him right in the heart and he inhaled sharply to get rid of the stinging in his chest.

"I'll let you know if that changes." Freja blinked at him, smiling even broader.

Then she left him, standing in the middle of the last hallway, contemplating her words.
Chris' head was spinning.
I don't yet think that there's anything interesting enough about you to hold a conversation over.
I'll let you know if that changes.
If anybody else had told him these two sentences, he would have either laughed at them or playfully joked that he would change their minds. However, Freja had an unexplainable kind of honesty, knowledge and adulthood about her that struck a nerve, anytime she spoke to him.
But however much she tried to keep him away from her, he tried to get close to her even more. He would change her mind. He would be interesting. He would be more than just Penetrator Chris. He was. He just needed to show it.
Chris cursed himself before pulling out his phone and opening up facebook. Freja had accepted his friend request a few days ago.

Chris put away is phone contently. He wasn't sure if she was actually going to be coming to the party. However, he also wouldn't pull a William on her and ask Eva to come and bring her friends.
He was Chris and he would convince her to like him. He needed her to like him.

hris sighed and stepped out of the school.

"There you are." William's voice sounded from behind him and Chris shrugged at his friend.

"And there you are."

William gave him a weird look before glancing at a few girls near them. "I'm not going to be at the party tonight."

"Why not?" Chris' eyebrows furrowed.

"I have my date."

"With- Ah." Chris nodded and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Okay. I'll see you on Monday then."

William also nodded and looked at him. "How are you doing?"

Chris blinked at him in confusion. "I'm good, why?"

"So I guess there's no progress with Freja." William's lips turned up in a smile and Chris rolled his eyes.

"She might come to the party tonight."

His friend's widened his eyes and clicked his tongue. "With or without boyfriend?"

Chris shrugged and blinked up the sky. He had just felt a small drop of water hit his face. It would probably start pouring soon.

"Well, I won't try to give you any advice since you're the homewrecker out of the two of us." William chuckled and Chris slightly shoved him, causing his friend to burst out laughing.

Chris rolled his eyes and stalked off in the direction he had parked his car in.

"Oh, come on, Chris. Take a little joke." William called after him.

Chris just flipped him off before sitting down in his car. The rain was already starting to hit the windscreen and he was again thankful that he actually had a car. He took a deep breath and was about to throw his backpack and his books onto the passenger's seat when the door suddenly opened again.

"Can you give me a ride home?" Freja stuck her head into the car, causing Chris to choke on his own spit.

He broke out into a coughing fit, making the girl smile and ask him if he was okay.

"Ja, ja, sikker." He waved her inside and pushed his stuff onto the backseat.

Freja plopped down onto the passenger's seat and Chris stared at her.

"Takk." She said and pulled her bag on her knees, before buckling the seat belt. "I just don't want to walk home in the rain, knowing I'll probably end up sick, and I figured that I'd give you a chance to tell me some interesting stories about you." Her face lit up in a grin. "I feel like I came across as a bit harsh a few minutes ago."

Chris couldn't help but break out into a smile too and nodded, adjusting his seat belt as well. "Well, buckle up then and prepare to be amazed by the wonder that is Christoffer Schistad."

Freja laughed and Chris' heart warmed at the sound.
He would win her over. Even if it would take ages.


Heihei, you guys,
It's lovely to see you again.
I hope you liked the new chapter.
I'm sorry that updates take so long on this story but I'm a little stressed out with my private life at the moment and then I'm starting a new job soon and the new university term is coming up so... There's just a lot going on right now...
I hope you can somewhat understand.
Please leave a vote and a comment if you liked the chapter.
I'll talk to you soon,
Ria xx
