Minho + ChanXHyunjin

Mention of child abuse


Minho was young (young, not a child!) but he already had a lot of problems. His first problem was that his parents weren't together anymore, the second was that a bad judge had decided that he had to spend the weekends with his mother and the third was that his dad had decided to have his boyfriend to live with them.

The separation of his parents was not a real problem, his dad was much happier and Minho was not forced to hear constant fights in the house, but it was something wrong or at least this was what some of his school's friends said. He and his father had a great time after Soyeon left, they had spent a lot more time together, they had played games and even made a trip to London to visit Uncle Changbin (who was very rich and very weird)! It had been perfect until his father brought home his company's new dance instructor, Minho liked Hyunjin, at least at first, but he didn't really like having to share his father with someone else.

Then his mother said that Hyunjin was bad and that he would convince his father to get rid of him, but his mother told a lot of lies and he didn't know what to believe.

However, the biggest problem at the time was how to avoid spending the weekend with his mother. He had followed Seungmin's advice and, the night before, he had gorged himself with sweets hoping he would get a stomach ache but instead he had only earned a good scolding from his father.

That morning he tried to pretend but he wasn't very good at telling lies, one day he would ask Jisung to explain to him how he could lie so well. Now all that remained was to follow Felix's advice; tell his dad that his mom was bad and he didn't want to be with her. It wasn't easy though; since he got back from school his father was always stuck with Hyunjin!

Minho turned for the umpteenth time to look at his father hugging Hyunjin from behind while the other was cooking, that was one of the things that made him more angry; if his father wanted to hug someone why didn't he hug him?!

With a snort he turned off the TV and went into the room.

"Minho? Where are you going? It's almost lunchtime"

Minho didn't answer, his mother never answered when she was angry.

He got on the bed and hugged Soonie, his plushie, who loved him and never hugged anyone else.

"Sweetheart, did something happen at school?" Minho felt his father's hand caressing his hair and he felt like crying "I don't want to go to mom"

Chan looked at his son, he hated to see him in that state and would have liked to tell him how he was trying to ask for exclusive custody but he couldn't do it, if Minho let something slip from his mouth with his mother all his efforts would have been in vain.

"I know, baby, but we must obey the judge's decision"

"You only say that because you can spend more time alone with Hyunjin!"

Chan was taken aback by that sentence. He knew that his son was terribly jealous of Hyunjin, Minho was unable to lie or hide his feelings, but he had thought that with time he would accept it.

"You know this is not true, Minho. Don't think for a moment that I prefer him to you, I love both of you and I would like to spend all my time with you two, but you know what the judge said"

"The judge is evil!" Minho yelled "I don't want to go to mom!"

Chan pursed his lips, he was really tempted to keep him at home but Soyeon was terribly vindictive and she would surely run to the judge in tears saying that the bad ex-husband didn't let her see his son. It didn't matter that she had wanted to see Minho as little as possible.

"It's only for two days, they will pass immediately"

As soon as he finished talking, a bad feeling took hold of him; Minho had never gotten along well with his mother but he had never made a scene and seeing him cry set off an alarm bell.

"Your mother ... has she...ever hurt you?"

"Hurt?" Minho asked, sniffling as he sat up.

"Did she ever hit you? Or hit you in any way?"

The child shook his head and Chan thanked God for that.

"She says a lot of bad things about you, Uncle Changbin and grandparents." After some thought he added "on Hyunjin too"

Chan hugged him, he wanted to say a lot of things but none were suitable for a child's ears.

"She told me that when Hyunjin will have your baby you will send me away," Minho whispered, hugging his father.

And here is the explanation of Minho's hostile behavior towards Hyunjin, obviously it was that snake's fault!

Chan's mind was flooded with several solutions, many of which would give him a life sentence in prison, but the reality was that he could only wait.

Waiting for Ryujin, his lawyer, to find decent evidence to take Minho away from that witch. Waiting for justice to make its course, or for karma to do its job.

"Listen Minho, you are my son and this will never change. When your little brother will be born we will only be a bigger family, my love for you will be the same. Hyunjin loves you, give him a chance, honey, okay? "

The child nodded without leaving his father's arms.

"Your mother likes to talk, don't listen to her and if she tell you something that worries you, ask me and we will talk about it together...We have to talk about what makes us feel bad, keeping things inside isn't good, okay?"

Chan kissed his son's cheek "Now go to wash your face, I'll wait for you in the kitchen."

"Okay," Minho said before putting Soonie back under the covers to keep him warm.

"Wash your hands too!" Chan said just before Minho disappeared into the bathroom.

When he entered the kitchen he found Hyunjin putting plates on the table.

"How did it go?"

"Soyeon is trying to turn him against us. I should have expected that from that bitch."

Hyunjin looked at him trying to find the right words to say and then he realized they didn't exist.

"I can leave"

"What?" Chan asked, surprised.

"I can leave if I'm the problem. Listen, Chan, I love you but I don't want to cause you any problem." Hyunjin said putting a hand to his swollen belly "This isn't even your son, you have no responsibility towards us"

"Don't even say again!" Chan's brusque tone surprised Hyunjin "I love you and I want to be a father to your child. And don't think for a minute that you are a problem for me, the only problem here is Soyeon and the pleasure she feels playing with people."

Hyunjin said nothing but he wondered what he had done to deserve an awesome man like Chan. The two had known each other since they were kids, they had lost sight of each other a little before the university but when they met again years later it was as if nothing had changed. Chan had started a company and he proposed to Hyunjin to work for him, they had a new band to debut and he would have been perfect as their dance instructor and choreographer. Hyunjin had accepted and the two, always working closely, had fallen in love. Unfortunately Chan was married and Hyubjin did not want to ruin a family.

The marriage between Chan and Soyeon was already in pieces for some time, indeed, perhaps it was better to say that it had never worked. Soyeon loved money and humiliating anyone who didn't kiss the ground she walked on while Chan was kind and liked to do what he could to help others. They were two people who had nothing in common and didn't even want to be together, but after a night of wild sex Soyeon got pregnant and their families forced them to marry.

For Chan all that mattered was Minho and his happiness, he believed it was better for the child to grow up with a mother and father than with separated parents. He only realized how wrong he was when he found Minho crying, frightened from Soyeon's screams during an argument, it took him hours to calm him down and eventually he was forced to take him to the hospital because he had trouble breathing. A panic attack, the doctors said.

After that day Chan packed up and together with Minho went back to his parents' house after which he filed for divorce.

After finding an accommodation and making sure that Minho was better he decided to go to Hyunjin, he asked him if he wanted to try to have a relationship with him but things didn't go as smoothly as he had hoped; Hyunjin was pregnant and did not know who the father was.

Surprising even himself, Chan said he didn't care, he would be happy to raise Hyunjin's son as his own. He'd wasted years in a toxic relationship and didn't want to miss a single moment of happiness. And this is how, despite Chan's parents' criticisms, he and Hyunjin had moved in together.

"Are you two fighting?" Minho asked, peeking into the kitchen.

"Of course not" Hyunjin answered immediately "Come and sit down or the food gets cold"

Minho obeyed and Hyunjin poured water into his glass. Chan enjoyed the scene, they really could have been a happy family if he only could get Soyeon away from his son, he vowed to himself to talk to Ryujin and find a way to speed things up.

Soyeon was late and Chan was not surprised, his son had never been one of her priorities. Minho was sitting quietly on the sofa watching Harry Potter with Hyunjin, it seemed like his speech worked.

After almost an hour, her Excellency finally made her appearance.

"Where is he? Tell him to move that I don't have time to lose"

Chan gathered all the calm and patience he had inside not to spit in her face.

Minho arrived with Hyunjin and he had the expression of a man sentenced to death.

"Oh! Hyunjin, what a pleasure to see you! You are really getting fat! You should take better care of yourself, being pregnant is not a good reason to get as big as a cow"

"Thanks for your unrequested advice Soyeon, I will definitely treasure it," Hyunjin replied as he tucked the scarf around Minho's neck.

Chan ruffled his son's hair to reassure him but in reality he felt nervous too

That bad feeling again.

Minho was back in his own personal hell.

He would have preferred to be in the park playing with his friends and instead he found himself locked in his bedroom because his mother was having a party with her friends. And Minho didn't like her mother's friends at all.

He rummaged in his backpack and pulled out his coloring book and paint case. His uncle had given him that notebook when he went to visit him, it was full of characters of his favorite cartoons and he had a lot of fun coloring them.

He hadn't brought many things with him because when his mother was angry she threw away his toys... Obviously he never took Soonie with him!

As he colored it started to get dark, from the floor downstairs the volume of the music was increasing and Minhowas starting to get a headache.

He was also hungry and had forgotten to pack a few snacks.

He opened the door and peeked into the corridor, there was no one there. He could try to go downstairs and get something from the kitchen but if his mother saw him she would probably lock him in the broom closet again and he hated being in there.

He went back to sit on the bed and tried to fall asleep but couldn't. He wanted to go home, he memorized the road to take to go back home but it was dark and his father had always told him not to go anywhere without an adult, an adult from the family.

And he was hungry. Uncle Changbin always said to him to not skip meals if he didn't want to remain short like his dad.

He jumped out of bed, left the room and went down the stairs. No one was in the kitchen so Minho crossed the hall and entered.

The kitchen was crammed with bottles, pizzas, and chips; he barely had time to grab a bag of chips when someone entered the room. Minho hid under the table and luckily no one saw him, he waited for the two girls to leave then went back upstairs as quickly as possible. Mission accomplished! he thought and while he happily eated his chips Minho thought about how to tell his friends about his little adventure.

Hyunjin stretched and rubbed his back, in the pre-delivery course they had warned him about how hard it was to carry on a pregnancy but he had always thought they were exaggerating. Lately he had had to change his mind, it happened more and more often that he felt exhausted in the middle of the day even without doing anything.

"Does your back hurt?" Chan asked, taking his hand and making him sit on the bed, Hyunjin nodded and let out a groan of relief when the other started giving him a massage.

"You really got magic hands, Chan"

"I know, it's one of my many talents"

Hyunjin giggled and turned to kiss him.

"Do you think Minho will have problems accepting the baby? The birth is only a few months away"

"I was wondering that too, I think he'll be a little jealous then he'll get used to it. All his friends are younger than him, I'm sure he'll be a good big brother" Chan replied smiling and imagining the two children playing together.

"Well, he's definitely good with Soonie!"

Chan laughed thinking of that ugly and old cat that his son loved so much "I don't even remember when I gave it to him, but he immediately fell in love with that ugly cat"

"If he hears you call Soonie an ugly cat he'll sulk you for a month."

"I wonder why he never take it with him"

Hyunjin tilted his head to the side "Actually it's strange, I've never seen him sleep without it"

Chan thought about it for a while, Hyunjin was right, he even remembered that one night Minho took Soonie to the bathroom with him because the plushie was afraid of the dark.

"What are you thinking?"

Chan looked at Hyunjin, he didn't want to worry him but he really couldn't keep it inside anymore "I've had a bad feeling all day ..."

"Do you think Minho could be in danger? Could Soyeon do something to him?"

"I don't know. When Minho was born she immediately found him a babysitter, she didn't want to cuddle him and she didn't breastfeed him. When he got old enough to understand she started criticizing him for everything; if he got his homework wrong, if he didn't make the 'right' friends and even if he got his clothes dirty in the park but she wasn't violent. I just know that she is a vengeful person and that she has never considered Minho as a son "

Hyunjin stroked his belly, wondering how it was possible for a mother to behave like that. His son was not even born and he already loved him, he would never be able to harm him in any way.

"Come on, let's go to bed. You need to rest and I need to stop thinking. Tomorrow night Minho will be back." Chan said, slipping under the covers with Hyunjin and hugging him tightly. Minho would be home in no time. Everything would be fine. Nothing would happen. With these thoughts Chan tried to sleep.

Minho had to pee, he had been holding it for a while but now he couldn't do it anymore. He didn't want to get out of the bedroom, from the floor below he had heard screams and the sound of broken glass and he was afraid. But he just couldn't hold it anymore.

He left the room, the music was deafening and not beautiful as the one his dad made. He went to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

He didn't notice the man lying in the bathtub, the curtain covered him and he was in too much of a hurry. He didn't notice how the man reached out to look at him. He didn't notice the lewd look or the dirty little white bags thrown on the floor.

When he turned around Minho jumped in fright finding himself in front of the stranger, his only thought was how to convince him not to say anything to his mother, he did not want his beautiful coloring book to be thrown away.


"Hello beautiful baby" said the man kneeling, tilting his head to one side then the other "what are you doing here?"

"I had to pee. Can you not tell Mom? She gets angry if she finds out I'm around"

"Mom? Oh, sure, it will be our secret" the man said.

"What is your name, beautiful baby?"


"Minho," the man repeated, licking his lips. "How about you do something for me Minho? I will keep your secret and you will do something for me"

Minho nodded and waited for the man to tell him what to do.

"See, Minho, I have a bad itch in my back but I can't reach the spot"

"I'll help you!" Minho said immediately.

The man smiled, "Wash your hands first, you just touched your little friend, right?"

Minho went to the sink to wash his hands wondering who that "little friend" was. He was sure he hadn't touched anyone.

"Good boy," the man said, clapping his hands, laughing and sitting on the edge of the tub, Minho found it a little odd.

"Come closer, I'll tell you where to scratch"

Minho obeyed and the man grabbed his wrist and slipped his hand into his pants, the boy tried to pull his hand away but the man's grip prevented him.

"Be a good boy and close your hand around my sausage and move it up and down"

Minho looked at the man, he didn't like that thing, he didn't want to touch the man in that place.

"I don't want to. You can tell mom but leave me go"

The man did not even hear him, he began to move Minho's hand up and down despite the child's protests. Minho bited his lip as warm tears wet his cheeks, he felt something sticky wet in his hand and finally the man released him. On his wrist there it was a red spot very similar to a handprint.

Minho opened the door but the man slammed it shut "We're not done yet, beautiful boy"

"I want my dad," Minho whispered, trying to press himself against the wall to put as much distance as possible between him and the evil gentleman.

"Shut up!" the man snapped, slapping him "Do what I tell you and we can remain friends" he said, pulling down his pants and throwing them in the middle of the room. Minho tried to open the door again but the man grabbed him by the shoulders and dropped him, his right knee started throbbing.

The bad man forced him to get up and slapped him so hard that he felt like his cheek was on fire. Then came a second slap and a third, when the man stopped he was out of breath while Minho shivered.

"Now" the man began "open your mouth and do what I tell you or I'll give you so many slaps to ruin your pretty face"

Minho didn't say a word as he watched the man take off his underwear without actually seeing him. He wanted to go home, he wanted his dad.

"What the fuck are you doing ?!" a woman's voice made the man jump.

"Minnie! How nice to see you! As you can see, I'm a little busy. "

"He's just a fucking baby!"

"Is cute! And a hole is always a hole, who cares whose it is "

The girl gave a push to the man who backed away and tripped over his own pants and ended up on the ground.

"Are you OK?" the girl tried to give Minho a caress, but he drew back.

"Are you here with anyone? Where are your parents?"

"I want dad," Minho whispered in a low voice.

"Is he downstairs? What's his name, come let's go call him together" Minnie said, holding out her hand.

"He's Soyeon's son, you ugly fool. Do you think she will make him run to his father and tell him everything?" the man said as he put his pants back on.

"You" Minnie said pointing her finger at him "You'll be lucky if I don't go to the police to tell them what you did"

The man shrugged "I'm rich Minnie, I can do what I want and pay to avoid the consequences. But poor women like you certainly can't understand."

Years later Minho would remember that moment and only understand how lucky he was and how much he owed that girl. At that moment, however, he was just a child and he was terrified. He took advantage of the distraction of the two and ran out of the bathroom, down the stairs, he reached the kitchen and went out the back door ignoring the girl's screams.

Chan sat up, he looked at the clock; it was almost one in the morning and yet he was convinced he had heard a knock. He heard the noise again, so he stood up, careful not to wake Hyunjin, which wasn't going to be easy anyway, and he went downstairs.

He barely opened the door, without removing the latch, to see who it was. For a moment he thought he was still dreaming but when Minho looked up Chan realized that something very bad had happened.

He opened the door and Minho threw himself into his arms, sobbing and crying in despair.

Chan had no idea what to do, he certainly didn't expect his son to show up at home in the middle of the night all alone. He had a thousand questions to ask him but decided that first he had to calm him down and above all warm him up, Minho was freezing. He picked up the baby, he closed the door with a kick and ran into the living room. He took the first blanket that came into his hands and put it on his son's shoulders. The child was clinging to him as if afraid that suddenly someone might take him away, Chan tried to comfort him. He wanted to give him a warm bath but Minho refused to let him go, so he stayed there giving his baby the time he needed to calm down. Chan noticed several things he hadn't noticed before; Minho was in his pajamas, he was barefoot and his feet were full of scratches and a nasty bruise was growing on his cheek. Whatever happened, whoever had scared his child so much would have paid dearly for it.

Chan's biggest fear is that Minho might have a panic attack, the first time it happened he was lucky and he reacted in time by taking him to the hospital but he didn't want to try his luck again.

Chan had no idea how long they stayed one the sofa in the dark, he was so focused on monitoring his son's breathing that it could have been a few minutes or an hour.


Chan squinted when Hyunjin turned on the light and patted Minho's head, who had stiffened.

"It's okay, it's just Hyunjin, it's okay"

"Wh ... what happened?" Hyunjin asked, Chan shook his head not knowing what to answer. Minho was slowly calming down and that was the only thing that mattered at the moment, there would be plenty of time to ask questions.

Hyunjin looked at them for a moment then suddenly went back upstairs as if he had just remembered something, when he returned he had Soonie in his hand.

"Minho?" Hyunjin softly called the child as he sat next to Chan "I brought you Soonie, do you want him?"

Minho turned to Hyunjin and nodded, extending his hand. Hyunjin's heart hurt when he saw the baby's swollen red eyes.

Once Soonie was in his arms Minho went back to rest his head in his father's chest, he was still shaking but he was regaining heat.

"Take him to bed" Hyunjin said softly, stroking the baby's hair "stay with him tonight"

Chan nodded and he gave his boyfriend a quick kiss and went upstairs.

The next day Chan tried to call Soyeon without receiving an answer, he wanted to go to her but he didn't want to leave Minho.

The night had been a mess, Chan had taken Minho to bed while Hyunjin had slept in the child's room.

He hadn't slept at all and to watch over his son who, exhausted, collapsed at five in the morning, while he slept he did nothing but fidget and then wake only to start crying again. Now he has finally fallen back asleep and Hyunjin was with him.

He took a sip of coffee and tried to reflect on what had happened and how to act; something had happened and Minho had been so frightened that he ran away from Soyeon's house in the middle of the night and moreover barefoot. The snake had not been heard or seen which must have meant that she was aware of what happened and didn't care or she hadn't even noticed it. There was, however, something strange; Soyeon would never willingly risk losing Minho, it was the only thing she could hurt him with.

The bruise on Minho's cheek had been caused by a slap, most likely more than one, there was no doubt about that. Then there was the bruise on the wrist and the one on the knee.

He really couldn't understand but now his priority was to make Minho feel safe, later he would call his lawyer and ask him how to behave.

"Look who's there"

Chan turned and smiled as he saw Minho holding Soonie with one hand and shaking Hyunjin's hand with the other.

"We got hungry!"

"What would you like to eat, honey?" Chan asked, stretching out.

Minho shrugged.

Hyunjin exchanged worried glances with Chan, normally Minho could easily have emptied the refrigerator in the morning.

"How about some pancakes?"

Minho nodded "Can I have some fruit juice?" he asked with a hoarse voice from too much crying.

Chan poured him some fruit juice in a glass and handed it to him. Was it too early to ask questions? Should he wait for Minho to speak?

Breakfast was eaten in silence, Chan was busy deciding what to do, Hyunjin was afraid he might say the wrong thing, and Minho just kept quiet with his cheek turning purple.

"Honey, would you like to tell us what happened to you?"

The three of them were in Minho's room; Hyunjin and Chan were sitting on the bed, Minho snuggled on his Frozen puff wrapped in his favorite blanket.

After a whole day of silence Chan had made up his mind to ask that question.

"I don't want to go back to my mom," Minho replied, looking at Soonie.

"Was she the one who hurt you?" Chan asked and Minho shook his head.

Chan was starting to fidget, he had to protect his son but how could he do it if he didn't know what was going on? Hyunjin put a hand on him to calm him down.

"Minho, who gave you those bruises? Only in this way we can protect you, do you understand? "

Minho looked up at Hyunjin who was surprised not to see any negative feelings towards him, normally Minho hated when Hyunjin butted into an argument between him and his father. But this time in the child's gaze there was only bewilderment.

"It was a man," Minho whispered "while I was in the bathroom. He wanted me to do something but I didn't want to "

Chan's heart began to beat so hard it seemed to want to come out of his chest. A man. In the bathroom.

"What ... What did he ask you to do?" Chan asked, squeezing his boyfriend's hand.

Minho did not answer, they were silent for a while and when Chan was about to ask another question the child spoke.

"He made me touch ... between his legs." Minho said rubbing his wrist where the man's grip had left a bruise "I wanted to go away but he made me fall. He told me to open my mouth or he would hit me. Then a girl came and I ran away "

Chan felt like he had been stabbed in the chest.

Someone had put their hands on his baby.

Someone had tried to rape his baby.

He was used to hearing that kind of thing on the news but these were things that happened to others, not to him. Not to him. Not to his baby boy. Without a word he got up, he needed to calm down, he needed air, he needed to talk to the police.

He needed to wake up because that was just a nightmare.

He went out into the street and started running.

He went home when it was very dark, in the afternoon he had turned up unannounced at his lawyer's house and explained everything to him, he needed to know what to do. Ryujin had patiently listened to him, she let him vent and then, together, they contacted the authorities. Ryujin scolded him for how he left home and sent him back. Before going Chan stopped by McDonald's to take Minho's favorite menù, hoping to be forgiven by the two most important people in his life.

He found Hyunjin and Minho sitting on the sofa watching a movie. Minho was wrapped in a blanket and sneezed from time to time and Hyunjin had his arm wrapped around his shoulders. If it weren't for what was happening he would have found it the most adorable scene he had ever seen.

"I brought dinner," Chan said, holding up the McDonald's bag.

Hyunjin looked at him with stern eyes then turned to Minho "I will be right back, okay? You can finish watching the movie"

"Come with me," Hyunjin snapped, taking Chan's wrist and dragging him into the kitchen.

"How did it come to your mind to leave like that?"

Chan looked down, he did it because he didn't want to crumble in front of Minho. He had left like a coward because he hadn't been able to protect his baby and that was killing him.

"I ..." he felt the tears he had held back so far wet his cheeks and he felt even worse than before, the only one who had the right to cry was Minho.

"I know it's hard to accept it but Minho needs you. He cried a lot after you left, he thought you were angry with him."

To say the guilt was eating him alive was an understatement. Chan clenched his fists, if he could he would have slapped himself.

"And he also needs professional help. I called Seonghwa, his husband is a psychologist and he agreed to help us."

He nodded and hugged him "What would I do without you?"

"Probably nothing. Now go to him, I'll think about heating dinner"

When Chan walked into the living room he saw Minho turn quickly and pretend to watch the movie.

"Hey, I'm sorry I left like that"

"Are you angry with me?"

"No, of course not honey." He answered sitting next to him "I'm angry with whoever did this to you" he added, touching his purple cheek.

Minho snuggled against him and Chan hugged him, no one would ever hurt his little one ever again.

Chan filed a complaint for what had happened; the man was soon identified mainly thanks to the testimony of a girl, Minnie, who had helped Minho. Thanks to Ryujin's excellent work Chan obtained Minho's exclusive custody; when the child told the judge that his mother locked him in rooms without letting him have dinner and sometimes left him at home alone Chan felt like a failure as a father. How had he not noticed anything? Fortunately Hyunjin was always by his side, supporting him when he needed it and scolding him or calming him.

If it hadn't been for Hyunjin the day Soyeon showed up at his house saying that Minho had seduced Hongseok and that he was a good person Chan would probably be in jail by now.

Minho often had nightmares and he developed a certain aversion to being touched by people he didn't know. Hongjoong, the psychologist who followed Minho, said that it was a normal reaction and he would gradually overcome it.

Chan often found himself wondering if they should consider themselves lucky for how things had turned out or terribly unfortunate for what had happened, Ryujin told him that there were very few cases that closed in such a short time. Minnie's testimony had made a big difference and Chan set out to pay for her university. That girl had saved his son from a rape and she was brave enough to show up for the hearing, she deserved all the good in the world.

They had just gone back to being a happy and balanced family when Hyunjin gave birth to little Jeongin, a beautiful and terribly loud baby. Initially the two were worried about how Minho would react and they were surprised to see him immediately very fond of the child. Every night he read him a story, when his friends came home he always bragged about how cute his little brother was, making both Hyunjin and Chan laugh. The relationship between Minho and Hyunjin also improved a lot, without Soyeon's interference the two managed to forge a beautiful bond; Hyunjin also began to teach him to dance and Chan often found them in the living room dancing to the tune of cartoon theme songs.

It seemed like a happy ending, and it was, but Minho never forgot what happened that night and maybe that's why he chose to become a social worker.
