Strawberries & Cigarettes-1

Remember when we first met?

You said "light my cigarette"


The small convenience store was bathed in the dim glow of flickering lights, creating a silent atmosphere. Jungkook, a simple young man with a shy demeanor, was busy organizing the shelves, trying to make the last hour of his shift pass by smoothly. The clock on the wall read 9:00 pm, and the store was eerily quiet, with no customers.

Jungkook was humming to himself and thinking about what he should have for dinner. He finished rearranging the shelves and went to the billing counter and stood there like he usually does.

Just as Jungkook was lost in his own thoughts, the door chimed softly, signaling the entrance of a new customer. He glanced up to see Taehyung, a striking figure with tattoos adorning his arms, entering the store. Taehyung radiated an air of confidence and rebellion that contrasted sharply with Jungkook's reserved nature.

Taehyung sauntered towards the counter, his eyes locking onto Jungkook. A mischievous grin played on his lips as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigar, twirling it between his fingers. He looked at Jungkook and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, kid. Got a lighter?" Taehyung asked, his voice low and dripping with an audacious charm.

"Um, well, there's one over there,you can buy it" he stammered, pointing towards the display near the cash register.

Taehyung got a lighter from the display case and plopped it in front of Jungkook on the counter.

"Good.Now pick It up and light my cigarette" Taehyung said .

Jungkook's cheeks flushed with a mixture of shyness and confusion. He hesitated for a moment, glancing nervously at the lighter on the counter. "I, uh, you can buy the lighter and do it yourself," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Taehyung chuckled, his demeanor becoming more assertive. He leaned in closer, invading Jungkook's personal space, and cupped the younger man's chin with his fingers. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat as he felt the warmth of Taehyung's touch.

"Did I stutter, baby?" Taehyung murmured, his lips hovering dangerously close to Jungkook's ear. "I said, light my cigarette."

Jungkook swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of Taehyung's gaze. With a shaky hand, he reluctantly picked up the lighter and lit Taehyung's cigar, avoiding eye contact. As Taehyung took a satisfied drag, he patted Jungkook on the cheek with a smirk before turning to leave.

The door closed behind Taehyung, leaving Jungkook standing there, still processing the unexpected encounter with the rowdy bad boy who had momentarily disrupted the peace of the empty convenience store.


So I lied to my mom and dad

One evening, as Jungkook was heading home, fate intervened, leading him to a local pub where he spotted Taehyung through the dimly lit windows.

Jungkook's heart raced at the sight of the familiar figure. There was a magnetic pull, an unexplainable force that pulled him toward the entrance of the pub.

His phone suddenly rang, It was his mother.

"Hi mom, yea I'm running late at work, they gave me an extra hour. Will be home soon." He lied.

Inside the pub, the atmosphere buzzed with laughter and the low hum of conversation. Jungkook scanned the room until he found Taehyung seated at the bar, surrounded by an air of nonchalance. As he approached, Taehyung's eyes met his, recognition sparking in those dark orbs.

"Well, look who's here," Taehyung said, a playful smirk gracing his lips. "You again, kid."

 Jungkook felt a rush of nerves but managed a small "Hey,"

Taehyung gestured to the empty stool next to him. "Join me, why don't you?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before taking a seat. The air between them was charged with a curious tension. Taehyung leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, kid, do you smoke?"

Jungkook shook his head, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. "No, I don't. "

Taehyung chuckled, remembering their first encounter. "Come on, just one puff won't hurt. It's not that bad, I promise."

Taehyung handed him the cigar with a playful glint in his eyes. "Go on, just a puff. Your parents won't ever find out , if that's what you are scared of."

Jungkook took the cigar, unsure of what possessed him to indulge in this rebellion. He brought it to his lips, inhaling hesitantly. The bitter taste of tobacco filled his mouth, and he coughed slightly, earning a hearty laugh from Taehyung.

"There you go, breaking the rules a bit," Taehyung teased, a genuine smile playing on his lips.


In the days that followed their accidental meeting at the pub, Taehyung began to make regular appearances at the small convenience store where Jungkook worked. The familiar jingle of the door announced his arrival, and Jungkook couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness each time Taehyung walked in.

Their interactions shifted from brief exchanges to longer conversations. Taehyung, with his charismatic demeanor, effortlessly drew Jungkook into discussions . 

On one occasion, Taehyung leaned against the counter, his tattoos peeking out from the sleeves of his jacket. "You know, kid, there's more to life than this little store," he remarked, a playful twinkle in his eye.

Jungkook chuckled nervously. "I guess so, but it's my job, you know? I need them extra bills"

Taehyung nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Sure, it's a job. But life's about experiences, breaking the routine. Ever thought about doing something different?"

Jungkook continued restocking the shelves unsure of what to say. Taehyung leaned on the counter, his expression turning more serious. "You ever think about what you really want, Jungkook? Not just what's expected of you."

The question struck a chord with Jungkook, stirring a sense of introspection. "I don't know," he admitted, looking down at the task at hand. "I never really thought about it."

Taehyung's gaze softened. "Sometimes, you need to step out of your comfort zone to figure that out, you know? Take a chance, explore a bit."

Jungkook sighed and said "My parents are really controlling, Taehyung. They never let me have fun. It's hard to believe I'm 18 you know? They baby me so much!".

A mischievous grin played on Taehyung's lips. "What if I told you I could help you discover new experiences? But, there's a condition."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A condition?"

Taehyung leaned in, his eyes locked onto Jungkook's. "Promise me that you'll go out with me every day, explore the city, try things you've never done before. In return, I'll make sure you see life from a different perspective."

Jungkook hesitated, the prospect both exhilarating and daunting. "Every day?"

Taehyung nodded, his expression sincere. "Every day. We'll make it an adventure. You'll see, Jungkook, life has so much more to offer than the confines of this convenience store."

A moment of contemplation hung in the air, and then Jungkook found himself nodding. "Alright, Taehyung. Let's do it. Every day."


I jumped the fence and I ran

Jungkook sat at the dining table with his mother, the aroma of dinner filling the air. His mother was on her phone talking to his aunt while he silently played with his food.Suddenly, the distant rumble of a motorcycle engine reached Jungkook's ears. His heart quickened as he recognized the sound – Taehyung's unmistakable bike.

Then he remembered - It was the day of his first 'adventure' with Taehyung.

The motorcycle pulled up outside the house, and Taehyung, called Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes widened, and he fumbled with his phone, trying to silence it as his mother shot him a quizzical look. "Who's calling, Jungkook?"

"Oh, just a friend," he replied with a forced casualness.

His mother's suspicion lingered, but she turned her attention back to her phone call. Taking advantage of the distraction, Jungkook excused himself from the table, muttering something about needing fresh air.

As he hurried towards the back of the house he picked up the call, Taehyung's voice echoed through the phone, urging him to join him outside. Jungkook reachwd the gate and realised that it had been locked.Trying to find the key meant he would have to go back inside his house and risk being caught by his mother.The fence separating Jungkook's house from the road ahead, and he hesitated for a moment, glancing back to make sure his mother was still occupied.

With a quick, nervous glance, Jungkook took a deep breath and leaped over the fence, landing on the other side. He could feel the thrill of the unexpected adventure coursing through him as he approached Taehyung, who sat confidently on his motorcycle.

Taehyung arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're becoming a rebel, aren't you, Jungkook?"

Jungkook chuckled nervously, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt. "I guess you could say that."


The city lights blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors as Taehyung and Jungkook rode through the streets on the motorcycle. The rhythmic hum of the engine seemed to sync with the beating of Jungkook's nervous heart. Eventually, they arrived at a lively gathering – a party thrown by Taehyung's friends.

The music thumped in the background, laughter and chatter filling the air. Taehyung dismounted the motorcycle, turning to Jungkook with a playful grin. "Come on, Jungkook, let's join the fun!"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, his discomfort evident. The atmosphere was a stark contrast to his usual quiet nights at the convenience store or the peaceful adventures with Taehyung. He didn't want to disappoint his newfound friend, so he forced a small smile and followed Taehyung into the vibrant crowd.

As they entered the party, Jungkook felt a wave of unease wash over him. The pulsating music, the energetic dancing, and the unfamiliar faces made him uneasy. He glanced at Taehyung, who seemed to effortlessly blend into the party scene.

Trying to keep up, Jungkook engaged in polite conversation with some of Taehyung's friends, but the atmosphere only intensified his discomfort. Taehyung, sensing Jungkook's unease, leaned in and whispered, "Hey, if you're not feeling this, we can bail. No pressure, okay?"

Jungkook nodded gratefully, relieved that Taehyung understood. "Yeah, it's just a bit overwhelming."

With a casual smile, Taehyung took Jungkook by the arm, leading him away from the crowd. They made their way back to the motorcycle, and Taehyung suggested, "How about a change of scenery? The beach is just a short ride away. Sound good?"

Jungkook's eyes brightened at the thought of the serene beach, a stark contrast to the bustling party scene. "Yeah, that sounds much better."

Taehyung revved up the motorcycle once again, and they sped away from the party and into the cool night breeze. The city lights gradually gave way to the calming expanse of the beach. As they arrived, the sound of crashing waves and the soft glow of moonlight greeted them.

Jungkook couldn't help but relax in the tranquil setting. Taehyung smiled, sensing the shift in Jungkook's mood. "Sometimes, you just need a change of scenery, right?"

Jungkook nodded, grateful for Taehyung's understanding. The two of them walked along the shoreline, the sound of the waves providing a soothing backdrop. As they sat on the sand, staring out at the vastness of the ocean, Jungkook realized that while the party scene might not have been his comfort zone, these quieter moments with Taehyung were the kind of adventures he could truly appreciate.


One sunny day, as Taehyung and Jungkook geared up for another adventure, Jungkook decided to break away from the usual routine. He mustered the courage to suggest, "Hey, Tae, what if we go to a strawberry farm today? I've always wanted to try that."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "A strawberry farm? That's a unique choice, Jungkook. But sure, why not? Let's do it!"

As they made their way to the strawberry farm, the vibrant fields unfolded before them. Rows of luscious red strawberries glistened in the sunlight. Jungkook's eyes sparkled with excitement as they strolled through the fragrant fields, picking strawberries and savoring the sweet aroma.

After a while, they found a shaded spot to sit and enjoy their harvest. Jungkook couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he held out a particularly plump strawberry to Taehyung. "Here, try this one. It looks delicious!"

Taehyung looked at the offered strawberry and then at Jungkook, a playful smirk forming on his lips. "Oh, feeding me, are we?" he teased.

Jungkook felt a blush creep up his cheeks, but he chuckled nervously. "Well, yeah. It's just a strawberry, after all."

Taehyung accepted the strawberry, taking a playful bite. As he did, he maintained eye contact with Jungkook, his gaze lingering longer than necessary. "Not bad," he remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Encouraged by Taehyung's playful response, Jungkook mustered more boldness. "Want another one?" he asked, holding out another strawberry.

Taehyung leaned in, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Sure, feed me more, Jungkook."


As Jungkook fed Taehyung a strawberry amidst laughter and teasing, a sweet realization dawned. In that simple act, Taehyung felt a surge of warmth, and the quiet confession echoed in his heart – he was in love with Jungkook.


But we couldn't go very far

In the soft glow of the evening, Taehyung parked his motorcycle near Jungkook's house. As they were about to embark on another adventure, Jungkook's mother caught sight of them. The disapproval in her eyes was palpable.

"What's going on, Jungkook?" she questioned, her voice edged with concern.

Taehyung, sensing tension, stepped forward. "Mrs. Jeon, we were just going out for a bit. Nothing harmful, I promise."

Jungkook's mother folded her arms, skepticism evident. "Taehyung, I've heard rumors about you. I won't have my son getting involved in trouble."

Taehyung tried to reassure her, "I care about Jungkook, and I'd never lead him into trouble. We were just planning to have some fun, that's all."

But Jungkook's mother remained firm. "I don't want you influencing my son. Jungkook, you're staying home."

The weight of his mother's words hung in the air. Jungkook, torn between loyalty to his mother and his growing friendship with Taehyung, hesitated. "I'm sorry, Tae, but maybe she's right. I can't go out anymore."

Taehyung, hurt and disappointed, tried to mask his emotions. "If that's what you want. Take care, Jungkook."

As Taehyung walked away, the distance between them widened, leaving Jungkook grappling with conflicting emotions. The unspoken words hung in the air.


A few weeks passed, the absence of their little adventures weighing on Jungkook's heart. Unable to ignore the longing for the friend he found in Taehyung, he gathered the courage to make a call.

"Hey, Tae," Jungkook's voice trembled slightly. "I'm sorry about what happened. I was scared of my mom's reaction, but I miss our time together. Can we meet in secret?"

Taehyung, his disappointment replaced with understanding, replied, "Of course, Jungkook. I missed our adventures too. We'll find a way to make it work, even if it has to be our little secret."

He continued "Dress up well and meet me outside your house at 9:00pm today. I shall plan something very special today"


As the clock struck 9:00 PM, Taehyung's motorcycle rumbled to a stop outside Jungkook's house. Dressed in attire that echoed Taehyung's edgy style, Jungkook nervously approached the waiting bike.

Taehyung looked him up and down, a genuine smile lighting up his face. "Looking sharp, Jungkook. I told you, you've got style."

Jungkook grinned, a hint of bashfulness coloring his cheeks. "Well, you said to dress well, so here I am."

Taehyung chuckled, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Ready for another one of our secret adventures?"

Jungkook nodded, his heart racing with anticipation. "Absolutely, Tae. Let's make it a night to remember."


Entering the hotel, Jungkook's eyes widened at the grandeur. "Tae, this place... it's so expensive."

Taehyung nervously scratched his head, a sheepish grin forming. "Yeah, thought we could try something different tonight."

As they sat in the elegant restaurant, Taehyung fumbled with his words, the weight of his true feelings on the tip of his tongue. He took a deep breath, meeting Jungkook's eyes. "Jungkook, there's something I've been wanting to tell you..."

Taehyung's voice softened as he confessed, "Jungkook, I've come to realize that... I care about you more than just a friend. I... I think I might be in love with you."

Jungkook's eyes widened, and a sudden wave of fear gripped him. The revelation caught him off guard, stirring emotions he hadn't expected. He stammered, "Tae, I... I didn't see this coming. I... I need time to process."

Taehyung, now even more nervous, reached out, "I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to be honest about my feelings. We can take it slow, Jungkook."

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook steadied himself, his heart racing with uncertainty. With honesty and vulnerability, he met Taehyung's gaze, "Tae, I... I never realized... but I think I feel something too."

Taehyung's face lit up with genuine happiness upon hearing Jungkook's admission. Unable to contain his joy, he leaned in, closing the distance between them, and pressed a gentle kiss on Jungkook's lips. It was a sweet, tender moment, sealing their newfound connection and marking the start of a journey into the uncharted territory of their feelings for each other.


you locked your keys in your car

Taehyung and Jungkook went on another secret date. This time, Taehyung brought his car, hoping to add a touch of luxury to their adventure. As they enjoyed their time together, laughter  filling the air, the realization struck Taehyung – he had accidentally locked his keys in the car.

Taehyung's eyes widened in disbelief, and he ran a hand through his hair. "Oops. Looks like we've hit a little snag, Jungkook."

Jungkook chuckled, finding the situation amusing. "Locked keys in the car, Tae? Smooth move."

Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. My bad. Guess we're stuck here until I figure this out."


So you sat and stared at my lips

And I could already feel your kiss

Jungkook huffed and said "Now we're stuck out here Tae. Boring" 

"You know maybe I can entertain you"

He flashed a sly grin at Jungkook, pushing him gently against the car bumper. Their eyes locked, a moment of anticipation hanging in the air.

Without a word, Taehyung leaned in, capturing Jungkook's lips in a deep, lingering kiss. The city lights provided a romantic backdrop to this unexpected twist in their evening

Jungkook moaned into the kiss and this encouraged Tae to deepen it.

Taehyung pushed his tongue into Jungkook's mouth.


Long nights, daydreams

Jungkook nestled comfortably against Taehyung on the couch, their legs entwined, and the gentle hum of their favorite movie playing in the background.

Taehyung's fingers traced lazy circles on Jungkook's back as they enjoyed the comfort of each other's presence. The room was filled with quiet laughter and shared whispers, creating a haven where time seemed to slow down.

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung, a contented smile playing on his lips. "This is nice, Tae."

Taehyung grinned, pressing a soft kiss to Jungkook's forehead. "Yeah, it is. Just you and me, enjoying the simple moments."


Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool

In the dimly lit room, Taehyung sat by the window with a contemplative expression, a slender cigarette between his fingers. He took a slow drag, letting the smoke linger in his mouth before exhaling. The room was soon filled with delicate smoke rings, floating and dancing in the air.

Jungkook, sitting across from Taehyung, watched in silent admiration. The way Taehyung crafted perfect smoke rings with an effortless grace fascinated him. The soft curls of smoke seemed to carry a mysterious allure, reflecting the artistry of the one who created them.

Taehyung noticed Jungkook's gaze and flashed a playful grin. "Like it, Kook?"

Jungkook nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's mesmerizing. How do you do that?"

Taehyung chuckled, taking another drag. "Just a little trick I picked up. Watch closely."

He continued to blow intricate smoke rings, each one a testament to his skill. Jungkook found himself captivated by the elegant dance of the smoke, the room taking on an enchanted quality.

As the last smoke ring dissipated into the air, Taehyung leaned back, looking satisfied. "Impressed?"

Jungkook grinned. "Very. You make everything look cool, even smoking."

Taehyung's laughter echoed in the room, and he gestured for Jungkook to join him. "Come here, you. Let me show you some more tricks."


But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you

"Jungkook-ah you taste like strawberries , you know?" Taehyung says ruffling the younger one's hair.

"That's good isn't it? You taste like cigarettes Tae!" Jungkook replies

Taehyung kisses Jungkook again and says "Your starting to taste like cigarettes kook-ah!"

Jungkook pecks Taehyung and says "And you're starting to taste like strawberries!"


Blue eyes, black jeans

Lighters and candy, I've been a fool

But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you


The air in the room grew heavy as Jungkook's mother read the messages from Taehyung on his phone. The affectionate words painted a picture that she hadn't expected. Anger flashed in her eyes as she confronted Jungkook, who had just stepped out of the shower, unaware of the unfolding situation.

"Jungkook, what is the meaning of this?" His mother's voice trembled with a mix of anger and disappointment.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw his phone in his mother's hands. "Mom, I can explain."

His mother's face tightened, her disapproval evident. "Explain? Explain why It seems like you are dating a man? Have you lost all sense of decency, Jungkook?"

Jungkook, taken aback by the sudden revelation, stammered, "Mom, it's not like that. Tae is—"

His words were cut off by his mother's harsh interruption. "And that too Taehyung!? Did I not ask you to stop seeing him? I can't believe you would bring shame to this family by dating a man. What will people say?"


Remember when you taught me fate

Under the weight of his mother's disapproval, Jungkook found himself cornered. As tears welled in his eyes, he reluctantly agreed to break up with Taehyung, the heaviness of the decision reflected in his somber gaze.

Jungkook composed a message to Taehyung, his heart aching with each word. "Tae, we need to talk. I think we should end things between us. It's not working out, and I believe it's the best for both of us."

Taehyung received the message, his heart sinking at the sudden and seemingly unexplained decision. Confused and hurt, he replied, "Jungkook, what's going on? Did I do something wrong?"

Jungkook, torn between his love for Taehyung and his mother's expectations, replied, "It's not you, Tae. It's just... it's too complicated. I'm sorry."

"Are you fucking kidding me Jungkook? I let my guard down for you and this is how you play with me? Fuck you and your little-

Taehyung started but was cut off by Jungkook.

"Enough Taehyung! I don't think I actually like boys. I made a mistake. Just forget me!"

"Fuck you Jeon Jungkook."


Jungkook's mother, determined to steer her son away from his relationship with Taehyung, insisted on setting him up with a girl named Jisoo. Reluctantly, Jungkook agreed, not wanting to further disappoint his mother.

Jisoo was a kind and friendly girl, but Jungkook's heart wasn't in it. As they went out, he couldn't help but feel like he was living a lie. His thoughts continually drifted to Taehyung, the person he truly cared about.

Throughout the evening, Jisoo tried to engage Jungkook in conversation, but his mind remained distant. The charade felt unfair to both Jisoo and himself, a painful reminder of the sacrifice he was making to meet his mother's expectations.


A mixture of frustration and sadness overwhelmed Taehyung as he replayed their last messages in his mind. The anger he felt toward Jungkook masked the underlying pain of a heart betrayed. He wanted to hate Jungkook for breaking their connection so callously, yet beneath the rage, the love he felt lingered, refusing to be extinguished.

In the quiet moments when Taehyung was alone with his thoughts, the tears would come. The walls he built to shield himself from the hurt crumbled, and the weight of the loss pressed heavily on his chest. He hated Jungkook for what he did, yet the mere thought of him brought forth a cascade of tears and aching sadness.


As time went on, Jungkook's mother began to sense the toll her actions had taken on her son. The weight of his quiet sadness and the strain in their relationship became apparent. Reflecting on her own biases and realizing the depth of Jungkook's feelings, she decided to have a heart-to-heart conversation with him.

"Jungkook," she began, her voice filled with a mix of regret and concern, "I've seen how much you've been hurting. I didn't realize the impact of my actions on you, and for that, I'm truly sorry."

Jungkook looked at his mother, a mixture of surprise and hope in his eyes.

She continued, "I can't change the past, but I don't want to see you unhappy. If Tae means a lot to you, maybe we can find a solution to that. You can be friends, but I still don't want you to date.You will not date a man.We are Christians Jungkook."

Jungkook nodded saddened by what his mom said towards the end. "Thank you, Mom. I appreciate that."


Jungkook, determined to fix the rift between him and Taehyung, sought him out. He found Taehyung in his apartment, and with a heavy heart, he began to explain the situation with his mother. 

"Tae, I'm so sorry for everything. My mom... she didn't understand, and she forced us apart. I never wanted to hurt you."

Taehyung, his anger still simmering beneath the surface, listened with a tight expression. As Jungkook continued to speak, Taehyung's frustration reached a boiling point. In a moment of heated emotion, he raised his hand and delivered a swift, not too forceful, slap across Jungkook's cheek.

The sharp sound echoed in the air, and a heavy silence followed. Jungkook, stunned, touched his cheek, feeling a mix of physical and emotional pain. 

Taehyung, realizing the weight of his action, immediately regretted it. "I'm really sorry Jungkook but I trusted you, Jungkook. I believed in us. And you let me down."

"I'm so sorry, Tae, I want to be with you" Jungkook choked out, his voice breaking as tears streamed down his face. "I never wanted any of this. I just want you to understand."

Taehyung, seeing the genuine remorse in Jungkook's eyes, felt a pang of guilt. The anger that had fueled his actions now gave way to a heavy sense of regret. He took a deep breath, his own emotions a tumultuous mix.

"I... I shouldn't have done that," Taehyung admitted, his voice softer. "I just... I felt so betrayed, and I lashed out. I'm sorry, Jungkook."

Through tear-stained eyes, Jungkook took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak. "Tae, I messed up, and I can't change what happened. But can we start over? Can we try to make things right and be together again?"

Taehyung, still grappling with the complex emotions, looked into Jungkook's eyes. The vulnerability and sincerity he saw there softened his heart. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly.

"Starting over sounds good, Jungkook. But we need to communicate better this time, and we can't let anyone come between us. Can you promise me that?" Taehyung's voice held a mix of caution and hope.

Jungkook nodded, determination in his gaze. "I promise, Tae. No more secrets, no more hiding. Just us, together."


Said it'd all be worth the wait

"Tae," Jungkook began, his voice filled with hope, "do you ever think about us getting married someday?"

Taehyung turned to him, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, Kook, I do. I hope that could happen. I want a future with you."

Jungkook's eyes sparkled with happiness. "Me too, Tae. I can't imagine my life without you."

As they basked in the anticipation of a shared future, Jungkook broached another topic close to his heart. "And what about adopting a baby, Tae? Can you see us doing that?"

Taehyung's eyes lit up with a mix of joy and contemplation. "Absolutely, Kook. I think it would be incredible. Building a family together, even if it's not the traditional way, sounds perfect."

Jungkook smiled, a warmth spreading through him. "When it happens, it'll be worth the wait, right?"

Taehyung nodded, his gaze filled with a quiet determination. "Definitely. Our family, however it comes to be, will be something special. Worth every moment we waited for it."


After a few months, Jungkook's parents dropped a bombshell – they were sending him to university in London. The news hit Jungkook hard, and his heart sank at the thought of being separated from Taehyung. Feeling the weight of the impending distance, he gathered the courage to share the news with Taehyung.

"Tae," Jungkook said, his voice heavy with sorrow, "my parents are sending me to university in London."

Taehyung, usually composed, couldn't hide the anger and hurt in his eyes. "Jungkook, I only had you. Now, you're leaving me too?"

Jungkook, seeing the hurt in Taehyung's eyes, felt a lump form in his throat. "Tae, I... I don't want to go, but my parents are insisting. It's for my betterment, they say."

Taehyung, frustration etched on his face, paced the room. "What about us, Jungkook? What about everything we've been through? Are you just going to leave it all behind?"

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he tried to find the right words. "I don't want to leave you, Tae. I love you, and it hurts me too. But they've made up their minds."

Taehyung's anger gave way to a profound sadness. He looked at Jungkook, the person who had become his world, and whispered, "I don't know what I will do without you."

Jungkook, desperate to ease Taehyung's pain, approached him with a heavy heart. "Tae, I'll do everything I can to make this work. We can stay in touch, video call every day, visit each other whenever we can. I promise, this won't change how I feel about you."

Taehyung, still grappling with the emotions, looked into Jungkook's eyes, searching for reassurance. "But what if things change? What if we grow apart?"

Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face, wiping away a tear. "We won't. I love you, and I won't let distance change that. We'll find a way to make it through this, together."

"Jungkook, what if... what if we elope?" Taehyung's eyes held a mix of urgency and sincerity.

Jungkook, taken aback by the unexpected suggestion, paused for a moment. "Elope? Tae, it's a big decision. I need to go to London for my studies, but we can find a way to make it work, right?"

Taehyung, feeling the weight of the impending distance, pleaded, "I know, but I can't bear the thought of being away from you. Let's run away together, start a life somewhere new. What do you say, Jungkook?"

"Tae, I understand how you feel, and I wish we could just run away together. But, I'm only 18, and you're 21. We're still so young, and there's so much ahead of us," Jungkook explained, his voice reflecting a mixture of longing and practicality.

Taehyung sighed, the weight of the impending separation pressing on him. "I know, Kook. But the thought of being apart from you hurts so much. Can you please consider it."

Jungkook, feeling the weight of Taehyung's expectations, hesitated. "Tae, I feel like you're pressuring me. This decision isn't just about us. It's about my education, your dreams too," he explained, struggling to balance his love for Taehyung with his own aspirations.

Taehyung, his emotions raw, swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, Kook. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just don't want to lose you," he admitted, his voice filled with vulnerability.

Jungkook, feeling the weight of Taehyung's expectations, hesitated. "Tae, I feel like you're pressuring me. This decision isn't just about us. It's about my education, your dreams too," he explained, struggling to balance his love for Taehyung with his own aspirations.

Taehyung, his emotions raw, swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, Kook. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just don't want to lose you," he admitted, his voice filled with vulnerability.

Jungkook reached out, gently clasping Taehyung's hand. "I understand how you feel, Tae. But we have to consider the bigger picture. We can make it through this. Our love is stronger than distance," he reassured, his gaze unwavering.__


Word count-5100+

The best is literally yet to come!

This was one was a fucking long chapter but ya'll I hope you enjoyed it because I've been working extra hard with 2 dictionary's and 1 grammar book by my side doing my best to not make even a minute mistake lol.

This was initially going to be one VERY long chapter but when I finished the whole story I had 65k+ words and I don't think anyone here has the patience to read so much at one go.

So i decided to make a book with an average of 2k-3k words words per chapter(sometimes more) 

Book Published on - 24th of February

Predicted Completion - May/June UwU

