Small Group👎

ChocoDaddy: you know, we are short 2 members

Elggos: yes

Thebyers: it's weird without Mike and Dustin

Elggos: yes

Thebyers: you know what, its play truth or dare

ChocoDaddy: no way that's really strange

Elggos: ?

Thebyers: it's a game where you pick truth or dare

ChocoDaddy: if u pick truth then u have to tell the truth and if u pick dare then u have to tell a dare

Elggos: dare?

Thebyers: it's something that you do out of bravery

Elggos: okay. play?

Thebyers: truth or dare Lucas

ChocoDaddy: dare

Thebyers: i dare you to pick truth

ChocoDaddy: fine truth

Thebyers: is it true that u have never had a crush in your life

ChocoDaddy: correct

Thebyers: ugh that's so boring

ChocoDaddy: and you have had a crush?

Thebyers: well no

ChocoDaddy: okay whateva

ChocoDaddy: El, truth or dare

Elggos: dare


Thebyers: i dare you to talk to mike and record the whole thing on your phone and send it to us.

Elggos: okay Will


should i write the next chapter as the aftermath of this (texts) or should i write a chapter from mikes pov when this is happening?
