mike wheeler

It was late at night. All five of us were huddled around Mikes basement table, ready to roll the dice at any given moment.

"A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness," Mike starts, glancing over his shoulder briefly, "IT is almost here."

Dustin wipes his nose and I sit on the edge of my seat, wondering what on earth will happen next.

"What is it?" Will asks, his small voice almost quivering.

Dustin gasps quietly, "What if it's the Demogorgon."

I roll my eyes, "Of course it's the Demogorgon! It always is!"

Will scoffs, sitting back in his seat while Dustin places his head in his hands, "Oh, Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon."

Lucas sighs loudly, "It's not the Demogorgon!"

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike says, his voice booming as he places a figurine on the table.

I scoff, smiling, as Lucas grins at Dustin. "Troglodytes?" Dustin asks, completely dumbfounded.

"Told ya." Lucas chuckled, happy that he'd won this argument.

I sat forward, "okay, Lucas, we get it, you're great at everything. But I see where Dustin is coming from! It's always the Demogorgon."

They all chuckle and snort, as Mike gets back to the game.

Mike looks around, as if waiting for something, and my heart almost stops.

"Wait. Did you hear that?" He asks, looking behind him.

"Oh shit." I mumble, knowing what's coming.

"That sound... boom... boom.... BOOM!" He yells, slamming his hands on the table.

The boys all flinch, but I stay still as I wait for him to continue.

"That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that... that came from something else.... the Demogorgon!" Mike shoves The Demogorgon's figurine onto the table, and we all immediately start groaning.

"I fricken knew it!" I whisper-yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

"We're in deep shit!" Dustin groans.

"Will! Your action!" Mike shoots a look at me, smiling before returning to his normal stance.

Will throws his hands in the air, "I don't know!"

"Fireball him!" Lucas suggests, but Will is quick to protest.

"No, I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!"

"Too risky. Cast a protection spell." Dustin points out, and I nod.

"No! Don't be a pussy. Fireball him!" Lucas yells, not wanting to loose like this.

"Just fireball him, Will!" I said, not knowing what else to say in that moment.

"Cast protection." Dustin argues, and I shot him a look.

Mike slams his hands on the table again, "The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you. Boom!"

Lucas' eyes widen, "Fireball him!"

I nod, "Quick, Will! Just fireball the guy!"

"Another stomp! Boom!"

"Cast protection!" Dustin yells.

"He roars in anger!" Mike calls, but that didn't do anything, as Lucas and Dustin both start arguing about Will's take on the action.

Will sighed, grabbing the dice, "Fireball!" The dice zoomed off the table, and we all immediately went to find them, wishing that he rolled a 13 or higher.

"Oh shit!" I said, scrambling across Mike's basement floor.

"Where'd it go?" Lucas asked rhetorically, scrambling also.

Will answered anyway, "I don't know!"

"Is it a thirteen?" Dustin asked, not bothering to look for it but to start having a panic attack.

"I don't know!"

"Mike!" Karen calls from the doorway, "Mike!"

I don't bother telling Mike, but continue to look for the dice.

I need to find it!

"Mike!" Karen yells one more time, and I see Mike sigh and run upstairs.

"Oh I got it!" I heard Will say, and I ran over to him.

"What is it? What'd you roll?" I asked, panting almost.

Will sighed, looking over at Lucas and I, "Does a seven count?"

I rolled my eyes, "It was a seven?"

Will nodded and Lucas said, "Did Mike see it?"

Will shook his head. "Then it doesn't count."

I rolled my eyes again at their boyish ways.

I grabbed my coat and my hat, turning to take a slice from the pizza box that Dustin currently held, before he asked a question, "Does anyone want this?"

I heard the other boys mumble no, before running upstairs, Dustin and I following them soon after.

Once I got outside with Mike, Will and Lucas, I had zipped on my coat and was reading to leave, when Dustin came out.

"There's something wrong with your sister." He mumbled, walking over to his bike.

I giggled, and Mike shot me a playful look, "What do you mean?"

"She's got a stick up her butt." Dustin said calmly, and I threw my head back in laughter, pulling my bike up and getting on.

Mike rolled his eyes, "She gets on perfectly fine with y/n."

My eyes widened when Lucas spoke next, "That's because she's a girl. They have something in common."

Mike smiled.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"Either that, or its because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." Lucas added, and I nodded.

It was true. Steve was a douche.

"Yeah, shes turned into a real jerk." Dustin said as he got onto his bike.

Mike shrugged, "she's always been a real jerk."

"Nuh-Uh! Used to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our Elder tree campaign." Dustin smiled as he biked away, waiting for the rest of us to join him.

"Four years ago!" Mike yelled, as Lucas pulled off with Dustin, muttering a quiet 'later'

I stared into the darkness as I waited for Will.

"It was a seven." Will said, looking up at Mike from his bike, and I smiled at his honesty.

"Huh?" Was all Mike could say.

"The roll, it was a seven. The demogorgon, it got me." Will explained.

"See you tomorrow, come on y/n."

I smiled at Mike, "I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

He smiled back, "hold on." He put his arm on my bike, pulling it back towards him.

I chuckled, "I'll meet up with you, Will!"

I saw Will nod, before continuing on his way.

I glanced over at Mike, "Hello, there."
He grinned at my words, pulling me in for a sweet kiss.

"When are we going to tell them?" I mumbled, referring to the guys.

Mike shrugged, "Should we tell them?"

I pecked him on the cheek, "Yeah. Soon."

He nodded, "Ride safe."

I nodded, smiling, "I will."
