Strange Faces of Inspiration

Sometimes it so happens that a feeling of reverence for someone becomes etched in our minds which we realize much later. These people are so inspiring that they even change our thoughts, modify our natures.

Meeda was her name; she was a young girl in her teens. She was very bold and honest, always busy with her daily task of carrying the loads up and down the hill to help her mother. She often didn't find any free time for herself. Either she used to take care of her siblings, or stitch the woolen garments in order to earn their livelihood. The shop owned by Meeda's mother was a shop of woolen garments which kept her mother always busy. That day Meeda was all alone in the house with no wool to knit, so she decided to chop some woods.

I lived in the nearby locality and would often hear about Meeda's courage. She was the most common topic of gossip in my house. I was fond of Meeda as I was little shy and would and she would easily mix with people as water mixes in milk. So that day when I saw Meeda going towards the jungle I called out "Can I come with you? In this way I will even help you to chop woods." She was not familiar to me but strangely answered "Yes! Why not?" so I hurriedly went out and accompanied her.

As we were walking we were talking about the angles and suddenly Meeda stopped no reaction at all. She became stiff for a moment and then said "I wish I was also an angel so that I could even help others to....." I questioned, "To what?" she, without answering me, changed the topic. After an hour of walk we were quite deep in the forest where no signs of civilization was be seen but strangely there was a clearing with no trees at all. It was much alike a field but a small one. As we went nearby to satisfy our curiosity, we heard some kind of noise as if some celebration was going on. I said "let's go back, I don't think it's safe to go forward." She answered "let's go and find out what's happening. Don't be scared. Trust me". We without more arguments moved on and found that in one corner of the field small group of people were celebrating. When the people saw us coming towards them all the sounds ceased except the sobs of a girl. A man present there then shouted "You girls move on! Don't spoil our celebration". I was scared and was quiet but Meeda said "we are not harming you in any way and moreover we have just came here to inspect what's going on here ". The body language of the man told that everything was not all right and something wicked was going on there. Meeda then cleverly remarked that the jewelry of the lady who had just arrived at that place was very beautiful and she wanted to see it. (The lady who had just arrived was unaware of the ongoing situation). Ladies are always impressed if praised and Meeda's trick worked. The lady allowed us to come near her and then what we saw was quite astonishing. We saw a young girl being married to a man twice her age. As Meeda saw the scenario she screamed "Stop all this nonsense. Don't you all feel ashamed of yourself?" All the heads bowed but a man said "what's bothering you? Don't interfere in our matter". Meeda said "let the little girl at least grow up then marry her to anyone, let her become sensible to judge people". The man was quiet. Meeda to scare them said to me "Run fast and call my father, he will show them there correct place". I was at first confused for a moment as Meeda's father was a cruel and ruthless man who used to torcher the ladies of the house, so Meeda's mother out of self-respect had to part with the man. Meeda then winked at me and I understood that it was her plan. They then pleaded Meeda to stop me and not to tell anyone about this. She then said "calling my father will spoil your hard earned reputation as this matter would be handled by the police. So if you want to save your hard earned reputation and respect then make sure that you don't repeat your mistakes". They all agreed to the deal and hurriedly fled from the place. We then chopped some woods and while coming back Meeda told me "now I think I can share my feelings with you. That time I did not complete my sentence that why I wanted to become an angel. I will explain it to you now. I want to become an angel so that I can help girls and do something for their upliftment".

After some days we shifted from the place but still I clearly remember the incident. Meeda was truly a real hero for me. Now when I see someone being bullied I cannot stop myself and I instantly help them. I think this transformation in me from a shy to a bold one was all because of Meeda. "Thank you Meeda".


The short story ends
