Jaden's POV

6 hours after I texted hailey, she didnt text me back so I wanted to get her at the airport. When I went downstairs....

Jessica: Where are you going jaden? - she said.

Jaden: I'm getting a girl from the airport mom - I said getting my car keys ready.

Jessica: You're dating some one Jaden? - she said excited.

Jaden: She's just a friend from instagram - I said openning the house door.

Jessica: I'ma act like I believe you. - she said putting a face.

Jaden: See you later mom. - I said closing the door.

Jessica: Take care!!!! - she said behind the door so i could hear her.

I got in the car and drived to the airport, it wasn't far so I got there fast. I texted Hailey to see if she had the wifi in the plane.

Onwardjdub: Hey hailey, you arrived?

HaileyJ._: Hi Jade, Im still in this plane ughh, but just 30 minutes.

Onwardjdub: Bruhh.

HaileyJ._: IKR???? But anyway, ima take a 30 minutes nap lol.

Onwardjdub: ok good night😭🀣.

HaileyJ._: TYπŸ˜žπŸ‘Ž


After I waited 30 minutes that felt like it was 4 days in there lol. I saw the Hailey and Kendall Jenner coming out of the door, I can't lie, Hailey looked hot and beautiful, she's just perfect.

Hailey's POV

When I was taking my sweet 30 minute nap, MY NICE MOM woke me up UGH.

Kendall: Hailey wake up we're here. - she said shaking me.

Hailey: Huh? omg yes finally - I said rubbing my eyes.

Kendall: Let's go - she said rapping up her headphones.

When we got out of the plane, and we did all this check out. Then when I pass throught that door....OMFG i saw the jaden walton, he looked so muscular, hotter, and taller than he looks on picture. Or am i short. I just runned into him and gave him a hug.

Hailey: Omg hey jade!!! - I said hugging him.

Jaden: Hey hailey - he said hugging me tight.

Jaden: You're short hailey - he said looking a little down at me.

Hailey: I was saying that youre too tall, stop teasing me. - I said hitting him.

Jaden: Ow - he said acting hurt.

Kendall: So you're the famous Jaden. - she said giving him a handshake.

Jaden: Yes, ms.jenner. - Jaden said.

Kendall: Just call me Kendall, anyway Jaden im gonna send you a picture that I took of yall hugging.

Jaden: okay okay.


Finally I got to meet @HaileyJ._✨πŸ”₯

HailetJ._: πŸ’—πŸ’—
KendallJenner: Thanks me for the professional pic😻
^^HAHA thanks Kendall
@Jaylawaltonofficial: Yall are so cute🀭🀭
^^Jayla we're just friends😭

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Im sorry for updating so late, literally 6 days after but I still hope yall like this one
