
It's pathetic
Society rushing over trends
To fit in
In a group of people
Leaving who they actually are

Following the trend
Pretending to be someone
Thick makeup, over dress up,
Sing the shitty songs that you don't understand
But you do anyway because your friends do,
That's not how it works
It is not

Everyone becoming the same damn ghosts
Every corner of the world you turn
It's the same, everything is the same

If that's the case then the world is very plain
There is no variety, no colour
Then what is more the reason to get all excited?
They are this, and they are that
That is never theirs to begin with

It is not that bad, not really
If those are good things then they are meant to be shared around
If they meant nothing, don't be addicted
Be true to yourself
Stay who you are
Don't let the industry ruin you.
