Chapter X

Ji Hoo handed over the shopping bags to one of the bodyguards waiting for him outside the mall, and gave instructions for the things to be taken to his house. He dismissed the other bodyguards.

"It's getting late, do you want to go out for lunch?" He asked, checking the time. It was past noon.

"Mmhmm. Where are you taking me?" She was completely new to this part of the country.

"I guess that depends. What do you want to eat?" He asked, suddenly realising that he knew next to nothing about her likes, dislikes, or favourites.

"I like Eastern cuisine," she said, but then, a sudden thought crossed her mind. "Do you think we could have Japanese today, though?"

"Sure. There's a good Japanese chef in Neapolitan Square, that my friend introduced me to. Hop on," he said, handing her the helmet once again.

"Do you always get around by bike?" She asked. He looked like he really enjoyed riding it.

"Mostly," he said. "I do go by car, though I rarely ever drive it. I prefer going horseback though."

"Wait, you ride?" Ja Rin was ecstatic. "We should totally go riding sometime... I'll call you once Natalie brings Thunderbird in next, okay?"

"Is that your horse?" Ji Hoo asked, grinning. They both were glad to be finding common interests.

"He belongs to Natalie. She lets me ride him when she's taking a break and visits Korea." That made Ji Hoo wonder if she actually had her own horse.

"So, well ... Do you have your own horse?" He asked frankly. Ja Rin looked at him wistfully.

"No. I used to have one, when I was younger though." Ji Hoo shuddered slightly. Even he could remember that temperamental black mare.

"I remember. Daredevil, was it?" He asked. "So... would you like to have your own horse again?"

"Are you kidding me? Would I like it, I would love it!" She hugged him from behind in excitement, and he very nearly skidded off the narrow road.

"Let's go after lunch, then. You can pick out your own horse from either the family ranch or... we could go to a rodeo near home," Ji Hoo suggested.

"Really?!" He grinned and nodded. "Okay, then let's go to both places and I'll choose one which I like, without missing any of those options."

"Good idea. Well, we're here now." He parked the motorcycle in front of a large, royal diner.

"'Kissuiso?" She smiled. "That's a unique name."

"It's got unique food too," he laughed. "Come on in. With any luck, we'll get some good seats."

He steered her towards one of the tables in the most inside, next to the large glass walls that gave the diners a spectacular view of the city skyline.

"It's beautiful from up here." Ja Rin looked up as a waitress came over, smiling sweetly at Ji Hoo.

"Excuse me sir, what would you like to order?" She spoke sweetly, honeying her soft voice.

"What's your choice for fish?" Ji Hoo asked, noticing the glare she sent to Ja Rin. Luckily, the mafia princess didn't catch that gesture.

"Oh... mint fish fillet, vegetable steak, honey marinated fish, and lemon fish," she replied.

"I'll go with the honey marinade," he said, turning to Ja Rin, who was now paying attention.

"Alright, sir, the dish will be done in ten minutes." She turned to leave, but was interrupted.

"You didn't take her order." Ji Hoo could sense the jealousy simply rolling off the waitress by now.

"I'm sorry, sir, whose?" She shot a venomous look at the skyline, almost as if trying to poison it.

"What do you want to have?" Ji Hoo completely ignored the waitress and smiled at his date.

"Oh... lemon sushi, then?" Ja Rin smiled, albeit with some amount of confusion in her eyes.

"So... honey marinade sushi for you, and then... lemon sushi for the bitch," she said, mumbling the last part, but Ji Hoo caught the words.

"What did you just call her?!" He demanded, standing up, fists clenched by his side.

"I called her a bitch!!" The waitress burst into tears. "She's dating someone like you! But instead of trying to be worth your time, she's staring off into space like some old hag! And you don't even remember me! You stopped me from falling off the staircase back in middle school! I remember!"

"Either you apologise to her right now," Ji Hoo completely ignored her pathetic excuses. "Or you can pack your bags. This isn't just my date, she's a soulmate. And hopefully, your future Queen."

"W...what?!" Ji Hoo smirked at her expression. The waitress gulped and turned around to Ja Rin. "I beg your pardon, miss. It won't happen again."

"It's fine..." The waitress looked immensely relieved as she scuttled away to get their orders.
