hellooooo I got a story😗👌

So when I was in 3rd grade I may or may not almost lost my leg so yeah....
So it was field day which was where close to end of the year the grade level would play games out side on 5th grade Playground. 5th grade was watching my grade level while teachers were under tents.

So I was in a group with some people and sense there was stations we were at a station where you throwing a hollahoop or something like that. We were on a hill and it rained the day before so once it was my time to get the hollahoop and bring it back up I slipped on the grass. When I slipped I didn't see a giant rock in the ground so I ended up cutting a large gash in my leg. I was crying while trying to get someone to help me but guess what? NO one helped me, instead they complained about me not getting the hollahoop.
Finally my teacher came to help me after realizing I got hurt and we went to the nurse and they called my parents. I don't remember if my parents took me home or I took bus but I do remember my leg was bandaged. I also remember that I was in need and asked my mom for something but sense she was doing something and I was a impatient child I got up myself to get what ever I asked for. My mom got mad for me for getting up and told me to go back to my bed but I didn't listen. For some reason I didn't feel in pain so the next day I went to school like I didnt cut my leg open.
