Suicidal Bitch

Nessa's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling like shit and I looked like a fucking mess. Harry and I's clothes were all over the place and I heard voices coming from downstairs. I looked at my wrists and my scars were still visible. Although I don't remember last night, I did see my blade on the counter in my bathroom. "NO LIAM NESSA DOESN'T NEED YOU!!!! ALL YOU DID WAS BREAK HER HEART AND TREAT HER LIKE ABSOLUTE SHIT!!! WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU HUH?!" I heard Zayn scream. I was petrified to go downstairs. "WELL WHY DID YOU TAKE HER SIDE ANYWAY?! YOU GUYS ARE MY BEST FRIENDS!!! YOU ALL BETRAYED ME!!!!" Liam screamed. Why was Liam here? "Well if you're going to be an asshole, then just leave the band." Harry said quietly. Oh shit, Liam's getting kicked out of the band. And it's all because of me. "Okay fine then, have fun with the suicidal bitch." Liam said and then I was pissed. I ran downstairs and ran up to him and smacked him across the face. "OWWWWWWW!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Liam screamed as everyone looked at me shocked. "Really?! Suicidal Bitch?! How can somebody like YOU stoop so low like that?!" I said with tears running down my face. "I may not be suicidal but I can sure be a bitch in the right place and at the right

time. I'd watch your back Liam Payne because karma will end up biting you back in the ass at the end of the day." I said as I started to have an emotional breakdown. "Liam, I think it's best if you go." Harry said quietly while I cried in Zayn's arms. "YOU KNOW WHAT?! FINE! I'LL LEAVE!!! YOU GUYS WERE ALL HORRIBLE TO ME ANYWAY!!!!" Liam screamed as he left. "Shhhh Nessa, calm down. Please don't believe a word he says." Zayn whispered. "But why is he such an asshole to me? When all I did was make a mistake. I FUCKED UP ZAYN!!! WHY CAN'T HE EXCEPT THAT AND NOT MAKE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL?" I screamed. "That's how Liam is. If you do something to hurt him. He will make your life hell." Harry said as he went to go call Louis, Niall, Ally, and Shay. "Nessa, maybe you should go see a professional. Not that I'm saying you're crazy or anything but maybe you should talk to somebody about what's been going on." Zayn said. I wiped my tears and I started to think. Therapy? Should I go talk to some random stranger about my problems? I'm pretty sure the boys are getting tired of me talking about my personal problems. Harry called everyone over for another "emergency band meeting". We all sat in the living room and waited until everyone got their lazy asses over here. Once everyone got here, they were all coming over to me and kept asking if I was okay. My eyes were red and swollen and they all could tell something was up. "Uhm.......attention everyone. There's something I have to say." Harry said as everyone took their attention towards him. "Well, Liam came by today and uhm let's just say he wasn't.......happy." Harry said. "What do you mean by not happy?" Niall asked confused. "Well he came over here and um he started to yell at Zayn and I. He said we all betrayed him and then he um okay please don't flip when I tell you this but, he called Nessa a suicidal bitch. So now the band is only Zayn, Louis, Niall, and I." Harry said as everyone's heads turned to look at me. "HE WHAT?!" Everyone screamed. I started to cry more and Ally and Shay pulled me away from the boys. "Babes, oh my god. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you say anything?" Shay said. "Well there's only one reason why he called me that." I said as I rolled up my sleeve to reveal my scar-filled wrist. Ally and Shay looked at me worried and scared. "Vanessa, what are you doing to yourself? Please stop I swear this is going to lead to something you are definitly going to regret." Ally said a she wrapped up my wrists so my scars would heal faster. I washed my face and the girls and I went back downstairs. "Hey Shay, can I talk to you for a sec?" Harry said as Shay looked at us worried. "Yeah hold on." Shay said as she dragged Ally and I into the bathroom. "Guys.......why does Harry want to talk to me???" Shay asked. "Oh I don't know. Just take a chance." Ally said as she winked at me. Little did Shay know was that Harry is going to get back together with her. It was all part of Harry, Ally, and I's master plan. "Oh alright. I just hope he doesn't rape me or whatever." Shay said as we started to hysterically laugh.

Shay's POV:

Why do I want to talk to my ex? Don't get me wrong I've been missing Harry so much. Maybe he wants to get back together with me!!!! Omfg I'll cry if he wants to get back together. "Shay, can we go somewhere to talk?" Harry asked as I lead him to one of the guest bedrooms. "Yes Harry?" I asked raising an eyebrow. In the blink of an eye, Harry pulled me into a kiss. At first I didn't kiss back but I eventually gave in. "Damn Shay, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that girl was your cousin. Can we have a fresh start?" Harry whispered against my lips. "Oh Haz, I've been waiting for this day for weeks. Of course we can have a fresh start. To really clean off our plates, why don't we stay here and well I don't know...........have a little fun?" I said seductively. "OMFG ARE WE GONNA PLAY TWISTER?!" Harry screamed.

That asshole does that every fucking time. "No you idiot...... I was thinking of something along the lines of you, me and nothing inbetween" I whispered as I pulled him in for a kiss.

(Hours Later)

Nessa's POV:

"Hey where's Shay and Harry?" I asked. "Oh probably getting a 'clean slate'. Also known as getting it on in your guest room." Ally said. "Well looks like they're back together. And I'm the lonely loser who sits around and does nothing." I said making a pouty face. "Oh c'mon Nessa, you still have me and Louis. WE SHOULD START A LONELY PEOPLE CLUB!!" Zayn said as I laughed. "Um Vanessa?" I heard someone asked. I stopped laughing and turned to Louis who was standing behind me. "Yes Louis?" I said. "Can we go somewhere? I want to talk to you about something." Louis asked as I brought him upstairs and into my room. "Alright Tomlinson, spill." I said sitting on my bed. "Well, I don't know how to say this but.........would you like to be my girlfriend? It's okay if you say no. I'll understand." Louis said as I looked at him wide-eyed.
