Part 4

Its dismissal time and taemin go to jimins table directly, hes excited for their gathering later
"So jimin, lets go, my friends are waiting. And also jungkook come with us" taemin said

So jimin and jungkook meet taemins squad they introduced each other. Some of taemins squad really find jimin cute and charming, they agreed to what taemin is saying about jimin. Taemins squad knew about taemun having crush on jimin

They went to arcade. They played bowling, basketball, billiard and many more. They also drink beer. They went home after they can feel that they are tipsy, except jimin, he didn't drink that much. Taemin insisted jimin to take him home but jungkook grabbed jimins wrist and said he should be the one talking jimin home since their house.

Its almost 11pm when they bid goodbye to each other and exchanged some 'take care'

"Jungkook, why are drinking this much? Jimin asked with a concern look
" Because you keep in complimenting taemin that he is cool when he drinks beer thats why i drink also for you to compliment me"
"Mygad jungkook, you dont have to, youre cool, you dont have to be this drunk. Im so disappointed. Drinking beer is not your thing, and this is the very first time your drunk ay scratch that, verrrryyyy drunk. I hate the smell" jimin said angrily, he just said it because he is concern plus they have class tomorrow
"Im sorry hyung, im really sorry. I just cant stand that youre complementing taemin, and i envy your closeness. Im afraid that i will lose you, and be with taemin and become bestfriends and forget me. Im really sorry hyung" jungkook said facing jimin while almost crying. Jimin can see concern look in jungkooks eye in every word that jungkook said to him
"No you dont have to envy our closeness. Im also hurt jungkook because youre with your crush, and it hurts seeing you smile with others. You know that its still you my best bud, no matter what happens its still you" jimin said
"Are you jealous of taehyung? Jungkook said
"Of course" Jimin said
"Dont worry youre still my best bud also, you dont have to be jealous" jungkook said while pinching jimins nose
"Damn, youre so slow hahahahahaha" jimin replied

And its still an inch of their face and suddenly jungkook puke on jimin chest
"Ahhhh jungkook" jimin said while whining
"Sorry hyung" jungkook said
"Its okay, lets just go home" jimin said and call the taxi

Jimin is responsible for jungkook because he is the one who brought jungkook to taemins squad. So they arrived at jungkooks house and jimin put jungkook to his bed and changed jungkooks t-shirts. Ofcourse just the t-shirts only. And kissed jungkook forehead as a goodnight and jimin went home
