Just orders.


The thing that's funny about it is...each night it's just as beautiful...it can never get tiring and..you always look forward to seeing it. It's beautiful shining light that slowly descends behind the mountains. Tonight was the most beautiful Regina had ever seen, the sky was a mix of purely pink and orange. The sun looked big though from the angle she was at, and sun light was shining in every direction as she watched it start to hide behind the mountains. This was her one time of joy in her life..all the rest was full of orders and tears and her mothers constant nagging and the..abuse.
Although she did enjoy the moments she got to get out and ride her horse. He was beautiful...all white with a long brown stripe down his face from the tip of his head all the way to the top of his nose. He had a little shape in the center of his nose that was pink...it reminded her of a heart. He was her only friend in this realm or any realm for that matter...mother said that friends influence and make one weaker. She didn't need to be weaker than she already was. Those words were told to her almost every day, cutting through her soul like a dull knife.

Regina peeled herself off the grass and wiped her dress off, walking through the field and back into her huge castle. It was cold and lonely...no one payed much attention to her. She was all alone most of the time. Except for the small moments her father would steal to spend time with her, they were short and sweet but greatly appreciated. As soon as her mother found out that Henry had been with Regina...she got violent and angry..saying things about how children didn't need to be coddled. Life wouldn't coddle them so neither should parents.

"Regina, dear?"
"Yes mother?" Regina clasped her hands in one another and kept her head tall as she strode toward her mother, keeping her posture just as her mother had taught her.
"I would like you to meet someone. The king." Her mother turned her head toward the dining room and pointed for Regina to walk inside.
"Mother...I am not interested in the King. I wouldn't like to meet him." Regina knew what her mother was trying to do, the king had been in search of the perfect wife for himself. He had prided himself in his so called good looks and was looking for a women with similar qualities. Regina didn't find she fit them.
"I didn't ask!" Cora snapped. She pushed Regina in the dinning room and she tripped over her feet, looking down at the floor and clearing her throat.
"Ah, and you must be Regina. King Locksey." He greeted, "Robin Locksey." He held his hand out and waited for Regina to take it. She slowly gave him her hand and he brought it up to his lips, kissing her glove clad hand softly.
So much was running through Regina's brain. How could her mother be as sick to do something like this..she didn't want to be married off and just tossed aside, she was about to speak up when she saw her mother giving her the death glare from the corner of her eye. She had seen that glare before and she was always punished for her action that caused the glare so she decided to keep quiet.
"My king.." Regina curtsied and bit he lip. Robin let out a small laugh and shook his head. "No need M'lady." Regina stood up and wiped her hands down her dress, smoothing out the fabric. "Sorry your majesty."
"You're very beautiful..."
"Thank you..." She blushed and looked down.
"Some say she looks like me!" Cora chimed in. Robin likes back and forth between the two and shrugged.
"I don't see it." He sighed.
Regina had to hold back a laugh and she cleared her throat.
"Regina Mills...I think I've found my wife." Regina's breath caught in her throat and she shook her head softly, biting back a whimper. Robin got down on his knee and pulled out a beautiful diamond ring that was surrounded by red rubies. Regina took a sharp intake of breath, robins guard came over and peeled Regina's glove off her left hand.
"Marry me Regina." Cora stared at Regina and nodded her head. Regina only made a small squeak trying to speak, say anything. All she did was hold her hand out for him. Robin smiled and slide the ring up her finger.
"Perfect fit..."


"Dear, please crying is beneath you. You will learn to love the king."
"No mother! I never will! I can't be forced into a arranged marriage!"
Regina gasped as it felt like the life was being strangled out of her. Her breath felt cut off and her mouth hung open. Magic. Of course! Cora raised her hand and flicked her wrist, Regina's breath started coming back to her and she slowly began to calm down.
"Now. Listen to me, dear." Cora spat. "You will marry the king because it's what I told you to do. You will follow and obey! I don't want to hear anymore about it...that is completely understood, correct?" Regina took in a deep breath, gaining her air back. She hesitantly nodded her head, holding her throat in her hands lightly.
"Good girl."
Regina whimpered quietly and laid against her bed, hopelessly.
"So...what will become of me now?"
"You'll marry the king. You'll be his wife and take care of all of your wifely duties...do I make myself clear Regina." Regina let out a soft, dry chuckle and wiped away her tears. She was done crying about this. She had no say in any of it so why bother!
"Yes mother, perfectly." She whispered giving her mother a tight lipped smile.
"Good, now. Pack up and get ready...the king will be taking you and I to stay at the castle up until the wedding. We leave tomorrow." She left the room with a nod of her head.
Regina was left in the room feeling hopeless and useless. There was no way she could try and run! Escape was futile...her mother knew magic beyond anyone else. Some would say she was almost as powerful as the dark one in some ways...all she would have to do is think of Regina and she could teleport herself directly to her. She was stuck. Stuck in this pointless life. This sorry excuse for a marriage. No love, no choice. Just orders.
