3) Grand slam= date?

I jump off the bus and get my softball bag from below. I grabbed the speaker and walked towards the first base dugout. (It's the dugout by first base) I get my glove and a dirty ball from my bag. I walk up to the mound and start to throw to sourpatch.

I throw the ball fast and she doesn't catch it. It roles to the fence. The guys from before show up on the bleachers for the other side. I walk over to that side of the fence. 

"You actually showed? On the other side? Wow." 

"Sorry. My brother went to this school so we go for them. I'll cheer for..." He leads off, probably trying to figure out my name.

"Cheer for number 22. I'm not going to tell you my name." I tell him. 

"How about, if you hit a home run, I get your number. If you get a grand slam, we get to have a date." He tries to make a bargain. I've been in some kind of slump the past few days so I don't think I'll get the runs. So I agree.

I walk back to the mound and continue to pitch. 

Sourpatch and I switch so I'm behind home and she's on the mound. 

I get into the dugout and start the music to pump us up. I grabbed my seeds and started to eat them. (I'm talking about sunflower seeds) 

I was up to bat second. The batter, Rylie, got to second with the ball going far left. No too left were it would be foul, but just enough for her to get to second.

I walk up to the batter's box, my lucky bat in hand. I look at the pitcher. She seemed focused on getting a strikeout.

She threw the ball. I hit the ball high and long. I start to sprint towards first. It turned out to be a home run. Damn it! I have to give my number to the strange man. 

I round home and look at the gate. I just roll my eyes and go to my dugout. I put my bat away and walk out of the dugout. I found mister trickshot. 

"Now for you to hit a grand slam. Put it in."

"Straight forward much?" I grab his phone from him and see a text from 'Crush<3'. I just sigh and go to contacts. As I put my number in, I delete and block 'Crush <3'. Bad, I know. I don't care. 

"Can you buy me a white Gatorade? I'll pay-" I try to ask him.

"On me." He starts to run off before I could object. I just chuckle. 

"Mac?!" I turn around. There stoop Chris. "We're the outfield. You're pitching. Come on!"

I just walk back into the dugout looking at the kid from before. He just grabbed nachos and my Gatorade. I grab my hat, glove, and the ball from before. I walk on the mound. 

I look at the group of boys. I look back to the batter and pitch the ball. Right down the middle. 

??? POV

"Coby, you never get the white Gatorade. Why now?" Ty asks. I don't want to tell them I met someone and bought it for them. 

"Thought I might try something new. Now shhhhhh! I'm watching a ball game." I got out of that but I don't know how much longer I can last. (that's what she said)

Number 22 through the last pitch and the score was close. Alabama was winning by 5. 

I tell the guys I'm going to the bathroom and walk over to the guest dugout. I see the girl already behind there, relaxing. Her eyes are closed. I carefully and quietly sit down next to her. I put the Gatorade in her hands. 

She opens her eyes and looks at me. 

"thanks." She looks into my eyes and I look into hers.

"I'm going to figure out your name sometime," I say, referring to her contact name.

"Not any time soon lover boy." She replies.

"Can I get a hint?" I yell since she got up, heading towards the dugout.

"L." L?  Lizzie? Lily?  Lucy? What does she mean?!

I walk back to the boys stunned. 

"ooooooooooooooooo. Coby has a crush~!" Cory taunts me. I just punch the side of his arm and continue to watch the game.

Mac's POV

Tough situation. Bases are loaded and I'm up to bat. I start to get scared because the score is tied and it's the last inning. If I get at least one person home, we won. 

I step into the batter's box. The first ball was a little far left. 

"BALL!" The ump exclaims. 

Next pitch, straight down the middle. I swung and as before, high and far. 

The ball just barely made it over the fence. I feel happy yet sad. 

We just won the semi-finals and we have to find out who we play tomorrow. I walk through the bases and pack up my things. 

I get out of the dugout and find the kid from before. 

"Which hotel you're staying at. I'll pick you up around 6?" He comes up to me.

"The Marriot. Room 206. But 5:30. I want to be home by 7 so I can calm down for tomorrows big game."

"That's where I'm staying too. See you then!" The boy ran off to his friends. I sigh at his childness. 

I feel a vibration in my pocket. I start to dig out my phone. Jack.

"Hey, babe! Just saw you are the team to beat. Wish I could be down there with you. I would totally sweep you off your feet, unlike that other dude you were talking to." Huh? How did he know?

"Miss Mackenzie!! What's with you and the Dude perfect guy, Coby?" Oh no...

I'm fucked. I hang up the phone with Jack because he's a dumbfuck and I don't want to worry about him right now. I start to sprint towards the parking lot. 

I quickly catch Coby.


Cobys POV

I was pulling out of the parking lot when I hear my name. I look out my window to see number 22. 

She jogs over to my window, out of breath. 

"How do you know my Name?" I ask her.

"Does the name Mac Michaels ring a bell?" She asks sarcastically.

Well shit.

I just asked out my best friend that I've had a crush on since high school. 

Damn it!!


Hey guys. Funny story, I got this done in a day. I finished this on the 25th. Sorry for the short pased story. I want this to be longer than my other books and I tried. Most likely going to fail. As of when I'm writing this A/N, I have 2 test Monday and 4 homework assignments. 

