
I admired the studio from the car and finally got courage to get out. I stared as the studio,looking at the wood darken, spiders and spiderwebs all around the film rolls. Most of the time I would remember drawing or singing a tune that was always stuck in my head, I would black out on most memories but maybe I'll remember . I creek open the door, hearing the films play, dripping,taking a huge breath and pushing open the door fully. I push my body in and the door shut right behind me, I jumped, turned really fast to see nothing. I look forward and see that the posters look dirty and slowly peeling off the walls. I look the a poster from Bendy's adventure's, 'the dancing devil' and saw bendy in a tutu, laughing hard I smiled at him.This was always my favorite episode because of the dancing and him being adorable, I walked away looking at Boris playing his clarinet. I made it to see a plain screen, no animation, no nothing, next to it was a cut out of Bendy, points at the top, no tail. I can't wait to see more cutouts of the characters, more videos just with animations. I walked off to the left and saw my old desk of course it looked bad but it's old kinda.  I see the Bendy cut out and pat it's head, then I see a drawing from the other artist.

You took the drawing and put it in your bag. "This is mine now no one can have it." You speed walk out of there and went forward and turned right and saw in ink 'Dreams come true' It was ink in movies its blood but no they made it more scary and the ink seemed fresh. You left it alone you walked down a long hallway to see the Ink machine. You wonder if you can turn it on and walked until a plank hit the floor. "AHHHhhhh!" You look at what it was and gave it the bird. You kept walking and found a way to turn it on. It was 6 things you need to grab a Gear,Wrench,Book,Ink,Music,and Bendy Plush. You went out to find those's things. You walked out the room and a bendy cut out was there. "I don't remember you being right here" You was getting a little scared of the cut out but you was ready to find the things you need. You walked by the cut out and saw the worst thing ever..."Boris...Why.." It was Boris dead and hurt. "Joey couldn't do this to you...Could he?" You slowly sob for Boris it felt like you knew in real life but you only saw in shows.On the wall it said "Who's laughing now?" You didn't like the words but all you can do is feel bad for him and family and friends. You wiped your tears.

((Art isn't mine btw))

You looked around in the room Boris there was a book where he was "1 down 5 more to go." Proud of yourself so pats your shoulder. After patting your shoulder you looked for more things to grab. You walked out of the room and kept looking around. There was the Bendy plush on the shelf "Cute little plush. 2 down 4 more to go." You put the book in you bag and hold on to the plush. You heard something near you so you walked faster. 'Nope,nope,nope,nope,nope,nope,nope!' You said in your head. You was in a small theater you had no popcorn too so you had to keep looking. There was a button 'Flow' it said on it maybe it was to start the machine.

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