Chapter Four: The Second Control Point

Pyra now stood by Thomas and Rupert's side, gently hooking her arm with Rupert's for the moment, gently leaning against the large man. Rupert smiled at her and then sighed, moving his arm from hers as the voice began its cold yet singsongy tune.

"Ten seconds until the second control point is open for capture." Shuddering, Pyra moved closer to the heavy, only to find an invisible force was there. She tightened her grip on her flamethrower, knowing it had to be Alexander, the stupid fool. Alexander gently, very gently, left almost the ghost of his hand on hers. Gently, she felt a wraith's silent voice murmur,

"I'm right here, Pyra. I'll stick at the back of my team. I won't backstab your medic or heavy, you seem fond of those two." Pyra nodded ever so slightly, then she felt Alexander pull away from her, Invisiwatch and all.

"Get ready!" Their medic shouted, keeping close to the heavy and pyro.

"Muuah muah mppph!" Pyra shouted the gibberish enthusiastically, her grip tightening on the flamethrower as she raised it in the air.

"Let us begin!" The mysterious red spy smirked, tipping the trademark red fedora he wore.

Scottie and Brutus both simply yelled, grabbing up their explosive weapons and charging for the door just as it opened.

The groups trudged forth as they had before, Pyra staying close to her designated group, Thomas and Rupert. Both men made an effort to keep Pyra from harms way, even taking a few hits for the small Pyro.

But soon, they needed all three to fight their way past an engineer nest. Pyra used her Homewrecker to destroy the buildings, as Thomas protected her as much as he could, Rupert covering the both of them.

Time flew as they whizzed past yet another group of badly-trained engineers. Tactic was their key to success.

"Pyra!" Shouted Thomas. "We're running out of ammo! Find an ammo box for Rupert, quickly!"

"Mppph!" Pyra gave him a thumbs up and ran off for ammo carrying her flare gun. Quickly she found an ammo box, grabbed it, running back toward her heavy and medic, ignoring the chaos and screams of those around her, dodging people, stepping on and over bodies...

Pyra handed the heavy the box of ammo, quickly refilling his gun and moving toward the control point. Pyra and Thomas quickly set to work moving a few blues from the heavies path, and then all hell broke loose as Rupert began to mow a path through the wall of scouts, demomen, and soldiers.

"Pyra, watch out!" Pyra turned and saw a Soldier with a shovel flying at her through the air from behind, dodging the shovel and hitting the man with her sledgehammer.

From behind, she heard the laugh of another pyro as he charged toward Thomas, getting ready to burn the medic alive. Pyra ran to intercept him, tripping him and then hitting him brutally with the sledgehammer. Rupert had just reached the point as Scottie, with no smile and red eyes, covered in blood, joined them, muttering to himself darkly.

"Pyraaaa!" The heavy shouted and waved for her and the medic to join them at the point, just as the remaining blue fled to the third and final control point.
