I Still Get Jealous

A request from Ohiosimp in which Cincinnati comes over and flirts with Kentucky and Georgia's jealous. Not my best but I think I did it in a way that....works

Georgia wasn't a jealous man by trade.

Okay that was a lie, he was a very jealous man.

But he usually kept it down, he knew he didn't own his husband and his husband didn't own him. They were two separate beings who had their own thoughts, desires, and lives. So Georgia was pretty good at keeping his jealous on the downlow.

Well. Except today. Today he was very jealous.

Ohio had brought Cincinnati over the Statehouse because her car was on the fritz again. Usually this wasn't a problem, all the states had Kentucky look at and fix their cars, and if it wasn't him then Michigan usually. So normally Georgia would've just shrugged, directed them to the garage, and went to get his third coffee of the day.

Unfortunately Cincinnati also had a crush on Kentucky.

Which made sense considering Cincinnati was at that sweet spot at the border of Ohio and Kentucky, but that still didn't mean she had to stand there in the garage, bat her eyes while his husband worked! It just wasn't right!

"You're being possessive! It's an innocent crush!" Ohio yelled when he managed to drag Georgia away from the garage. Georgia huffed and turned back to the door of the garage he insisted on keeping open.

"I just gotta make sure. She shouldn't be fawning over a married man!" Georgia muttered looking down at his coffee mug. The coffee was cold, it tasted almost as bitter as he felt.

"Oh she's young, let her have fun. Y'know I had plenty of flings when I was young too." Ohio beamed. He wilted under Georgia's glare and quickly corrected himself. "When I wasn't with someone!" Georgia shook his head and took a sip of his coffee, briefly turning his eyes to the open garage door.

"I still don't trust it. Those eyes she was making at him..." Georgia muttered. Ohio sighed.

"Y'know sometimes I think you don't trust Kentucky." Ohio sighed not intending for Georgia to hear. Unfortunately, the loud clink of a ceramic mug against the ceramic counter top signaled Georgia did, unfortunately, hear him.

"What are you talking about??? Of course I trust Kentucky!" Georgia yelled. He looked back at the garage door to make sure his husband didn't hear him before turning back to Ohio.

"I don't know, when your jealousy springs up like this, it's like you don't trust him." Ohio shrugged.

"Listen, I do, I trust him with all my heart and you know it!" Georgia hissed feeling very heated in the face. He trusted Kentucky, he knew he wasn't that man from back in the colonial days. All of that was stupid made up rumors!

"Then let Cincinnati flirt and make eyes with him, you know she doesn't mean it and if you feel like you can trust Kentucky." Ohio said gently. Georgia huffed again and crossed his arms, as much as he didn't want to admit it, Ohio was right. He needed to be better at not being jealous, he needed to be better at giving Kentucky the benefit of knowing he rusted him.

"Fine. I'll just wait here until the car is finished." Georgia muttered. He looked back at his coffee and felt the weight of the dog tags against his chest. That was enough for Georgia to calm down, no matter who batted their eyes at him or tried to flirt, Kentucky would always be his. No matter what. He felt his shoulders relax, he could do this.

"Great!" Ohio said with a grin as Georgia took a sip of his coffee. "Now we can talk about my pitch to make Skyline chili apart of the state dinner rotation!" Georgia gagged on the coffee he was drinking in shock. "NO!"
