First Day

Evelyn's POV

"I don't know why you both are so hung up on those guys? Their just...people like us." I asked in confusion.

"Those GUYS???" Serena's friends Cher said. "Oh now you see what I have to live with?" Seren said. "Oh my gosh S, your sister needs to listen to their music cause she clearly dosnet understand." She said.

"Guys I'm fine but then again...oh never mind." I ignored them cause I didn't want them to go to crazy. There go the fangirls again.
"So the plan is for you to meet them, asked them the questions and hopefully, take you to their shows, make Calum take you out and invite me over for Michael, then dating then... Marriage proposal!" Cher and Serena sqealed.

"Umm how are you gonna do that?" I said as I grabbed into my backback as their giving people out for the dance we're having the end of the next two weeks.

"Um cause we track their every move. We know where they eat, work, hangout, arenas, even sleep at." Perrie with winked. I looked at her like crazy then ever that's really creepy tbh.

"And besides Evelyn, if you want we can look together so you can meet Luke and ask for his autograph and a picture." She giggled.

"I am not interested in some snobby rock star that cares nothing more then his fame and himself." I said harshy.

Why does she think I have a thing for this "Luke" guy. I know who he is but I am not interested in meeting him or even look I for him all round during our trip.

"Ok suuuuure." She giggled and so did her friend. "Umm...ok. Imma go bow, Serena, don't forget about after school. Bye." I walked away to my next class. Gosh sister and her friend !

Luke's POV.

"Guys come on! We don't wanna be late for this party!" Michael yelled from across our room in our house.
Tonight was a guys night out so we wanted, well...they, wanted to go and have fun. Its a party out friend Niall is having and its on a boat, which was pretty cute.

Man what history of times we went out but with those 3 hookups with all those two girl I had, kinda made me feel disappointed in myself since those pictures came out with me kissing some chick who I do t know how I ended up kissing her ugly non-igsistnace ass. Also one with all the other sluts who think their better then the fans.

A lot of fans were heartbroken about that so I kinda stopped it. No more hook ups, one-nights, groupies. I GOTTA STOP! I
got a girlfriend so my fans could think that if I gotta girlfriend, they won't think I will hookup with other chicks. But tbh I did NOT like her for some reason once after a month we dated. She's very bossy, snoty, & self-centered sometimes.

Its great partying once and a while but tonight for some reason I felt like staying home and write some songs.
But I didn't want to sound like a party pooper to the guys so I just dropped all my writing journals & gutair down.
I put on some black skinny jeans, white vans, and a black button up shirt with just half if it down.
I look my slef in the mirror.
I went downstairs and see all the guys there and oh no....

"Luke your girlfriend is here!" I Cum pointed. "Umm...she has a name.." Arzaylea said. "Sure whatever. Calum rolled his eyes and went out to the car.

"Heyy Lukeyyyy!" She squealed and hugged me. I faked a smile on my face and tried to look excited to see her
"Oh hey." I hugged her back. "What's wrong." She said. "Oh um nothing. I just kinda wanted to stay and write.." I said.
"Aw well can do that later. But for now....its party time, come on!"

" oh and wait till you see what I'm wearing tomorrow." She says. For what?
"Did you forget?" She glared and I froze "forget what?"
"Baby you promised you were gonna sing." She said. Oh shit her birthday.

"Oh yeah I'll be there I promise " I said She pulled my arms & we headed out the door to the car where they guys were waiting.

Once we got in the car she made Ashton drive quickly.
Man she pulled me so harshly her very long nails almost scratched me! God I hate them.

Later when we got there Calum came up to me. "Dude..did you tell her or something?" He asked as we started walking to the party.
"" I shook my head. "Ohh know how Ashton and I feel about her. So why don't you break up with her?" He asked.
"I could Cal but I don't wanna look like a heart breaker and Modest is making me. If I break up with her they'll call me "Luke the womanizer & heartbreaker." I look disappointed as we almost got there.

"Besides the fans too, I do t want then to think I've gone back to having groupies and one-nights. I wanna change." I stuff my hands in my pockets. I look and see Arzaylea, Michael, and Ashton getting into the boat where it looked cool and everyone was there. "Well man...just...we'll see how it goes but for now , come on, everyone is here, the boys, the Little Mix girls, and Ed." Calum smiled as we saw all out friends.

I got my mind off it and just smiled. "Thanks Cal." And with that he patted my back and we went in the party.

Evelyn's POV.

"Where here girls!" Our parents said once we got off the plane. Wow...California... Its beautiful! I can't wait to see the sights after we vist grandma.

"Yes 5sos here I come!" Serena yelled and I just rolled my eyes. "I just need a car to rent." She said.
"Um you can't drive." I said. "Um yeah I can, lisence." And she pulled up the card. "Um no you can't look." I pointed to the sign in the airport building.

"You must be 21 or older to rent a California Los Angela's car."

"What the hell!" Serena yelled, how the hell am I suppose to try and find them!? There you have it...crazy.
"Serena calm down, I'm sure grandma has a car you can use." U said as I looked down at the book I was reading as we waited for our parents to come back with the rest of our suit cases.

Once we got to grandmas it was already night time. We said hello to her and I missed her so much.
And just for the rest of the night we all talked, and she told us the best places to go to in California.

"Oh Serena you can take her for a spin if you like." Grandma said pointing out to an old hot pink car that looked like it came from the 1970s. "Um haha." Serena fake smiled.

"Does that mean you'll join us for suffel board." I yelled out and me and grandma laughed.

When it was around 8:30 p.m time, me and Serena had to share a room cause there was only three bedrooms. One for grandma, our parents took the second biggest one and me and Serena in this sine room big enough for the both of us. imma be just here listening to her blabbering about 5 seconds of summer.


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