Chapter One

Astra Lee threw on her jacket and put on her boots. She grabbed a granola bar from the table and then grabbed the leash. Her dog, Rex, came, and Astra fastened the leash onto his collar.

Astra's mom, Tracy Lee, came. "Taking out Rex for a walk?" she asked.

"Yep." Astra replied.

"Alright." Tracy said. "Stay safe!"

"Yes!" Astra agreed. She tugged gently on the leash and opened the door, Rex following her.

Once outside, the twelve year old took a deep breath enjoying the nice fresh air. But then dust filled her lungs and she recoiled in shock, then relaxing. It was just construction.

"Come on." Astra said to Rex. The labrador paused to sniff at a plant, and then followed Astra.

Suddenly a whirring noise filled the air. Astra and the other people kept on walking, thinking that it was the construction. But the noise got louder and louder, and then Astra realized that this was no construction.

The other people around Astra seemed to realize this too. They stopped, and looked around, puzzled at what was making the noise.

"What is that?" someone asked.

"I don't know." someone else replied.

"Maybe it's just someone cooking," someone said.

"Yeah right," someone else said sarcastically.

"Hey, it could be true!" the person defended themself.

Rex barked, probably wondering what all of the noise was. More dogs joined in.

Meanwhile, the whirring sound changed to a loud screeching sound. Astra let go of Rex's leash and put her hands to her ears, trying to block out all of the noise. Around her, everyone was doing the same.

Suddenly a black void split the sky. Astra could see the stars, even though it was daytime. A spaceship came through the void.

No, spaceship wasn't the right word. It was a magnificent aircraft with majestic midnight blue colouring and long starry wings. On the side, blazed the words, Starcrusier.

What is that? Astra wondered. What the heck was happening?

The Starcruiser landed on the ground with a soft thump. The screeching noise disappeared.

The door to the Starcruiser opened and a gang of people marched out. They had pale skin so that you could see their veins, and purple, golden, blue, brown, green and gray eyes. They had golden, red, orange, black, brown, violet, and blue hair. They were dressed in red and black uniforms with UTIONS printed in gold on their chests. On their shoulder was a symbol. It kind of looked like the North East South and West symbol, but it had more patterns and swirls, and didn't have the letters NESW.

"We have landed on Planet Earth." one of the people said in an unrecognizable accent. Astra assumed that he was the leader.

"Take us to the Prime Minister." the people said in perfect unison. "Earth must surrender, or die forever."
