5. Chan's Story

After a week or so passed, Chan found himself sitting in front of his old, or I guess new, CEO. He'd been informed that one of his songs had suddenly gone viral in Korea at that the scandal had been cleared up because a fan who appeared very similar to Byungchan, stepped forward and took the backlash instead, he lied and said that it wasn't a photo of Byungchan, but in fact of him. Chan felt grateful yet deeply guilty upon hearing this; If he ever met the boy, he would make sure to thank him. After this event, the media demanded JYP to bring Chan back and allow him to re-debut, and that is currently what Chan is being informed of.

"So, Byungchan, will you accept my offer? I have a few solo male songs I'd like to put out and I figured that you would fit them perfectly. Of course, it's your decision and if it's too emotional for you, then don't take the deal, however, there will be a definite financial support and your own dorm and I believe you'll quickly hot the tops in the charts with your comeback, so if I was you I wouldn't turn down what is practically a free ticket into fame and standard luxury."
"You don't need to bribe me Minseon-Ssi, you know me, you've just got too much money and you don't want the Korean government to find out and be labelled as corrupt." This cheeky remark would have got even a Twice member in deep trouble, but it earned Chan a laugh. Minseon and Chan had been close work partners previously which gained him the right to joke about these things.
"You know me too well, and to say that sentence while using the ssi honorific. Ah no wonder you made that bitch so mad."
"Oh god, don't bring her up."

The pair laughed before continuing their conversation, catching up and joking around until Minseon's son entered.
"Ah, just the person!" Minseon smiled and looked at Chan. "I was about to ask if you would be interested in doing a collaboration with my son, since he's a big fan of your music. Aren't you Minho?"

A/N: I decided that I should at least get a little update out for you since it's been almost a month since I published an actual chapter, also, we're at 5k reads now which is absolutely astonishing; Thank you all so much!! I've deleted all the milestones except the 1k one since I don't want this book to be full of permanent A/Ns, I'll only write and keep every 10th milestone, so the next permanent one will be 10k (If we hit that I'd cry I stg) and on those A/Ns I'll do stats like I did last time. But I'll probably slip thank you's for other milestones like this one into A/Ns at the end of chapters. Anyway, thank you for all being patient with me, it has been and still is a really hard month, I've been extremely emotional and a lot has happened, I may be like this for a while, but hopefully I should start to cheer up soon; I'm going to Sorrento (Italy) for a few days in 3 weeks and I finish the school year in 4 weeks, so I'll have plenty of time to cheer up there. However, that means that for the first week of July I'll probably be inactive because of my holiday, but I'll make sure to update over the 6 week holidays, okay? Thank you again for your patience, I hope to get into the habit of writing weekly again like I used to. -Katsu/Kaeden
