Chapter. 14

ugly mf ^^

"English" - Normal
"Japanese" - Underlined
Reference to a book, character, etc - Italics



What do you do when you just insulted a member of the Uchiha corps, and are being escorted to their headquarters? You act dumb.

"Cut the games"


"What were you doing at the Nara river?"


"Are you a spy?"

"She must be, I haven't seen her around"

I looked at both the guys, in their eyes, took a deep breath, and...


I screeched, with the loudest voice my 6-year-old body could produce, behind two layers of cloth.

It was pretty loud, may I add.

- - - - - - - - - - -

I was staring into his onyx eyes that seemed to bore into my soul.

Who you may ask? Uchiha Yashiro, you know the scumbag in Itachi's hiden?

Well, jokes on him cuz this bitch ain't scared!

But now, this simply won't do. I mean I know basic information about his character, however, I have no real leverage.

I need another Uchiha here, a higher up, so I pointed at him, and "Uchiha Yashiro"

His shoulders tensed and he mumbled something.

I smiled behind my mask as the two Uchiha from before left.

- - - - - - - - - - -


I was peacefully sleeping, really couldn't think it could happen again when the door was slammed open and Yashiro started shouting.

I raised my head and looked at why it was so noisy, fugaku uchiha had arrived.

I returned to my previous position to sleep.


Fugaku Uchiha?!

My head snapped up, and "Ack-"

Great, I pulled a muscle in my neck.

I kept one hand on my neck ( no, I don't fancy choking myself ) and the other hand to rub my eyes.

I squinted my eyes at him, as he said something that again I can't understand.

So obviously I said the following  "Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto, Me, a threesome?" comes the genjutsu
Worth it

- - - - - - - - - - -

I was alone in a cell, or was I?

Drip, drip, drip.


Darkness my lost friend, hey how are you.

It was strange, being in gengets- I mean genjutsu!

It was like when your brain turned into mush, or no coherent thoughts can escape you, but barely.

The only thing I could recognize was fear, unmeasurable fear.

But! I am a psychic, so what did I do?

Simple: thank you might guy!

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Hah...Gomen, gomen" I muttered as soon as I was out of that illusion.

Fugaku was glaring at me, and the said something with a tone that made me straighten my back.

"What were you doing in the Naka river"



"Hah..don't speak language"

He glared so I proceeded "Look dude I can't understand you, so what about you just bring me shinaru genma since the hokage ain't coming here?"

His eyes widened and he muttered something that sounded really familiar to interesting.

Bro, I ain't your kid, you ain't milking me for what its worth.

"What was it that you spoke?"

"Shinaru Genma"

"How long have you been in Konoha?"

"Shinaru Genma"

He was stubborn but my stubbornness was much more powerful than his.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Genma!" My face broke out into a smile as I saw the man enter the room.

Fugaku and I continued the game, for about two hours and Yashiro was done, so he bowed and headed out.

After about 30 minutes, and more Uchiha's resigning from our bullshit, hottie was brought to me.

Fugaku immediately started questioning my baby boy, and I felt like I would pay the price for it later.


Worth it.

- - - - - - - - - - -

After we were done with the Uchiha ( which was a joke by itself, you are NEVER done with uchiha's ) we headed out of the compound.

I was on my phone acting like I didn't do anything wrong, because I didn't I'm just partially an attention whore.

So there I was peacefully on my phone, clearing my gallery from shit I didn't need anymore, like the Naruto part of my gallery, it's fine I will start my own collection now that I have the chance.

I wasn't going to touch the stuff from the real world, it was my only reminder that I was and always will be superior to the people in this universe.

-then a pair of legs bumped into me.

"Ow, watch it!"

I looked up as I held my forehead, to of course see the adorable and beautiful faces of shisui uchiha and itachi uchiha.

I gulped as I realized that the older Uchiha was conversing with me.

My mouth went dry, as I croaked "I can't understand you, sir"

He blinked his adorable little eyes, then laughed to which my heart definitely didn't melt at, and then said something to which I understood "joke" and "funny"

Genma to the rescue?

I glanced at him, but he was playing with that damn senbon with a smug smirk on his face.

He leaned into my face, and asked something with a teasing tone.

I felt heat creep its way into my face as I leaned back and repeated "I can't understand you...sir"

Apparently that wasn't enough, as he leaned once more.

I sighed, and then "You asked for it, biatch" both the uchiha's eyes widened as the words left my mouth.

"Your face is so pretty...
I want to see it covered in my juices"

Genma choked on his spit and his senbon almost fell out.

- - - - - - - - - - -

It has been 5 months since I blessed this universe.

My relationship with shino grew stronger and we more often than not would go to the forest to look at new insects and bugs.

I never touched them, and shino offered to help me with overcoming my fear of bugs, it was sweet, though I was more uncomfortable with the idea of touching things; the gesture was wholeheartedly.

Other than that, I met Konoha's handsome devil, thats right, the ROCK LEE!

Well, he didn't have the enthusiasm, and was getting bullied so I offered to help him train, not before fighting off the bullies and promptly escaping after I punched the main one in his family jewels.

We had been meeting twice a week for training and helping him build his confidence.

I decided to offer him a chance at controlling chakra and he had surprisingly accepted.

It was progressing well, and after lessening on my food expenses for 2 months, I finally had enough to buy him the infamous weights.

Though, I had yet to give it to him.

It had been 2 months since I had seen either one of the uchiha's, which was somewhat relieving considering that the Hyuuga kidnapping haven't happened yet.

How do I know that, if I hadn't met hinata yet? You may ask.

Simple; If Genma hadn't met once a week for our dinner night, a trouble would occur that would involve him; that rule doesn't apply when he is on missions

And since he is an anbu, and all the anbu haven't magically gone missing, the Hyuuga kidnapping haven't happened, which means that itachi didn't receive his sharingan yet, thus tenma hadn't died, and tobito, my sweet psychotic baby, hadn't visited konoha since he made the kyuubi two rings.

Special order, that was

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Love! I do adore you, do anything for you~" I sung as I balanced my way through the hokage mountain.

"Kira sensei! C-can you-wahh?"

"What was that, lee?"

"Can you please stop throwing rocks at me?!"

"It's for training."

"Can you at least pretend not to be happy about it?"

I grinned as I threw 2 more ricks aimed at his hands.

"Come on, if you finish this round you can go play in the sand box"

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Why should I go to the playground, isn't it more beneficial to train?"


We stopped walking as we had arrived.

"You are a kid, you are entitled to enjoy your childhood and associate with other people your age. Plus, training and training will make you go mad, or you know lose all of your hair"


"No buts! Now, shoo. Tell me if you find a shy purple haired girl with no pupils"

"No....pupils...?" He mumbled, more than asked but I was already finding my spot at a tree.


Shisui deserves better.

I am writing this while having an English exam tomorrow. So, of course this is practice!

Also, whaaat?


Bro, I went on a whim with this whole thing!

Thank you!

NSFW down

Be blessed —-

Votes and comments are greatly appreciated.

Stay safe and drink water

